
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 13


His eyes opened slowly. Upon his consciousness returning, he could sense everything. Including the pain that slowly coming back. The first to enter his vision was a wooden ceiling and a spinning ceiling fan. For a some moment he was lost in those two things. The spinning fan almost put him in a trance and made him rethink everything that happened in his life. He can't believe how much lucky he actually was. If not the luckiest kid that ever existed. Because he had someone so different and kind. But it took him a while to understand that he was using that luck in wrong ways. Doraemon was actually trying to make him a better person. But he took that approach in his own benefit. When Doraemon was gone, he struggled to use his own strength to live in a community. But he learnt his lesson. Never depend on anyone nor let them depend on him. His life taught him that.

He heard the door open and saw a woman in all white outfit enter. She held a tray and placed it on the table next to his bed. The woman seemed to be middle aged and looking close, he realised that she's actually a nurse. "Oh, you're awake." She said seeing him look at her.

"What's going on?" He asked straightforward.

The nurse didn't answer right away. Instead she picked up a syringe from the tray and walked closer. "Well, I'm not aware of the situation. But your friends informed us and that's how you end up here at the hospital. Now, stay still. It'll be quick." She replied and moved sleeve of the hospital gown and rubbed his upper arm with alcohol and then injected the needle.

The nurse wasn't expecting him to just stay still as if nothing is happening. He didn't seem to care about the needle which most kids try to stay away from. Instead he just looks at the syringe and then out of the window. He was so calm which the woman found really strange.

"Don't worry. We did our best and you'll be fine." The woman said pulling out the needle gently and placing it back on the tray. Nobita didn't say anything.

She sighed and picked up the tray. "Call us if you need anything." She said and left the room.

He didn't moved an inch. Looking out of the window, he saw the rainy sky and droplets of water all over the window. He heard the nurse. And it it strangely reminded him of the people back at the English country. Maybe because of the way she spoke to him. They only talked to him for some moments and then just leave. Maybe that's how the world works. Maybe his friends and family is the only one that ever consider showing him kindness and not see him as an outcast. Maybe he is still new to the reality of the world. Maybe the world is more selfish than he ever imagined. Whatever it is, he don't like it one bit.

But then the realisation hit him hard. The events that led him here flashed before his eyes and he shot up from the bed, only to groan loud in pain and lose his balance. Before he could react, his body tilted to a side, which caused him to fall off the bed and land roughly on top of the cold wooden floor. For the thousand times, he always falls in an awkward position everytime. This time he almost broke his neck.

"OH, NO. NOBITA!!" he heard a voice shout and two pairs of soft hands landed on his back. He felt those hands fumble around as if trying to figure out what to do. He knows that voice.

"Oh my God, what I'm gonna do?" He heard her panic. Her worrisome voice made him regret falling off a bed so easily. Because of his mistake someone else is crying.

He heard another pair of footsteps which followed by some gasps and soon he felt a another pair of hands on him. It was more stronger and big than shizuka'. "What you got yourself into this time you little shit?" He heard Gian say as he picked Nobita up and slowly placing him back on the bed. Nobita is thankful for finally get away from the cold wooden floor. Even though things don't bother him, he prefer something comfortable to rest his sore body on.

Nobita closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. He calmed his body down and slowly opened his eyes again. This time he looks to his side and saw Shizuka, Gian and Suneo standing there. They're visibly worried and he didn't miss the pain in their eyes. Gian had his hands crossed and jaw clenched to appear more hostile towards him. But Nobita saw through the act.

Nobita looks at ceiling once again only to forced to look at them by Gian' hand gripping his jaw. "You look so pathetic." Gian said angrily. Nobita just looks at him in the eye without even blinking. Nobita would never do that years ago. The old Nobita they knew didn't dare to hold his stance against Gian. Gian stared back into his empty eyes and growled. "Had to put through so much shit to find your sorry ass. It would've been funny if we found you dead up there in those mountains." Gian said with a mocking sarcastic way.

Shizuka grabbed on to Gian' hand. "Stop it all at once, Gian. Please let go of him. And stop saying things like that." She pleaded only to be ignored by the big boy.

Suneo however was just froze in the spot, trying to figure out what to do. "Oh, just imagine what would've happened if we never found you. You would've been rotting there." Gian continued and Nobita saw Gian' eyes water a bit.

"Gian, please." Shizuka pleaded again.

"I've never thought I'll say this, but don't you ever go die on us because you don't trust us. And on top of all that, you have balls to act like everything is going to be alright? That's bullshit. Just face it, there's things that cannot be done without someone' help. Get that through your skull." Gian said shoving Nobita' face to the other side.

"I thought you changed, which you did. But you're still a fool." Gian said and stormed out of the room.

The room was silent. Gian' outrage left them speechless. But Nobita didn't seem to be bothered by. At least physically that is. They have no idea what's going on his head. He is calm as if nothing happened. But something about that calmness is strange. It felt like a storm that stuck on one place and cannot escape the metaphorical barriers. Even though his eyes are blank and dull, they saw how much messed up his mind is getting. Hell, they don't even know if his mental health getting better or worsening. Each time they checked, Nobita was going through something else. It's like he's enduring more than they could comprehend.

"When you found me....." He started speaking attracting their attention. Shizuka and Suneo looks at him. ".....did you get the object I had in my possession?" He asked. They can't believe he just asked that.

Shizuka shook her head. "I don't get it." She started speaking, looking at him. "how can you think of something like that when you're here laying on a hospital bed with so many wounds all over you? How? Do you not understand the situation? You're hurt when going out for something god knows what. And you care about something more than your own health? Why are you like this?" She voiced out her concern. She was almost at the verge of tears while saying that.

"Sure we agreed to to go with you. But I don't understand why don't you let us help you? Just maybe you would've been fine if we sticked together. At least consider your own life before you recklessly risk going after something we don't know about." She scolded him.

"I agree with her, Nobita. We were lucky we found you when we did. Seeing you hurt scared us. Just think about everything before you do something. After all we got your back just like you had ours back in the day." Suneo said with a sad smile.

Nobita stared back at them blankly and he eventually looks back at the ceiling. "I did considered my life first. Always did " He said getting their attention. "over and over. Whenever I felt that I'm a burden, I was this close to lose myself. Do you know how many times I climbed a building to see the world for the last time?" He coldly said making them gasp in shock. He literally told them about attempted suicide. And how straightforward he was frightened them. Made them scared. Scared of losing him. If he ever was successful in one of those attempts, they wouldn't have even know. They never thought that he is like this before he returned. He's like a ticking time bomb. He'll just explode in any second and they won't even see it coming.

"I've lost track of counts. But there was always something that made me rethink everything. Curiosity was one of the key factors that I lived on. I was curious if I could ever see Doraemon ever again. I thought he'll be back after I am gone. I didn't wanted him to see my grave. But those curiosities just remained as some questions, you know? But while I was returning, I saw something strange up in the sky. Ever since I was curious about it too. But the thing is I couldn't choose between my life and my curiosity when I was this close to getting an answer." He said and he sounded so 'normal' about it. That shows how little he valued his life anymore. And this is one of those times when they wished that he was a wimp child, like he used to be.

"I'm not a fool. You need a proper working mind and heart to call someone stupid or genius. But I think I'm losing both." He said looking at them.

Shizuka wanted to cry. This is not how she wanted him to be. She always dreamt of his return and going on adventures and having a lot of fun time and talk about things like they used to do. After all Nobita was the one who taught them to be kind and welcoming. Sure he was dependent and troublesome at times. But he always helped those in need without asking for anything in return. He almost lost his life saving them countless times. That was the Nobita she was waiting for. But in reality, that Nobita never made it. Instead they are seeing someone opposite of the said person. This Nobita is someone who doesn't know the difference between friend or foe. This Nobita is someone who you should be afraid of. He's unpredictable and unhinged. Could snap at any second.

"Please don't speak like this, Nobita. We're worried about you. At least give us a chance to change things for you. I promise everything will be alright." Shizuka said hoping to lighten up the tension.

"You should know until this time. Saying 'everything is going to be alright' is unrealistic. Nothing is ever alright. I've learnt that all by myself. Guess what, I'm always prepared for the worse." He said looking directly into her eyes. Her body shivered a bit. She could not find any life in his eyes. It's like his soul is no longer bound to his body. How much broken is he? She'll never know.

They didn't know what to say. He sounded so genuine when saying that. He believes whatever he says. And they don't think it's gonna be easy to prove his beliefs wrong.

Then once again the room was silent. After few minutes, the door opened and in came Dekisuki, Yumi and Kota. "Nobita brother." Kota called out and immediately ran towards the bed and climbed on it. It took him couple of tries.

"Are you in pain?" Kota asked sounding worried.

Nobita then forced himself to a sitting position. He's in pain, but he could manage it. "I am." Nobita truthfully said.

Others looks at both boys. "Will you be alright?" Kota asked.

"No." He replied.

"Why not?" Koya sounded more sad.

"I don't know." He said.

Yumi sighed and walked closer and covered Kota' mouth. "Oh, shut up. He's full of dramas." She said to Kota who tried to remove her hands off of his mouth.

"And you." She called Nobita who looks at her. "You should know when to lie. At least say that you're fine or something. That'll keep this little runt' mouth shut." She said.

Nobita didn't say anything. His eyes lingered in her for some time until he looks away.

"Take some rest Nobita. You'll be discharged tomorrow." Dekisuki said.

"You answer me, Dekisuki." Nobita started. "Where is the object I had in my possession? I want to know." Nobita said.

Shizuka only sighed. He's being too difficult for her. Whatever they say, nothing seems to penetrate through his skull. He's literally following his own rules and curiosity. She however didn't comment on his question, knowing there's no point.

Dekisuki knew what he's talking about. "Whatever that thing was, we couldn't just leave it behind. You had a tight grip on it." Dekisuki said.

"Where is it now?"

"Back at the cabin." Dekisuki replied.

Nobita nodded. "Good."

"There. You got your answer. Now get some sleep." Shizuka said slowly making him lay down. "And don't stress too much." She reminded him.

Nobita looks at her and Shizuka also looks back. Their faces was a bit closer than intended. He didn't seem to be bothered. But Shizuka leaned back almost shouting in embarrassment. Her cheeks was bright red.

Yumi found it amusing and smirked when realising that she now have something to tease Shizuka with. No matter how she feels about Nobita, she'll definitely enjoy teasing them both.


"Mission was a success, boss. Turns out there was only one kid helping out Luna." Gara reported. The room was dark as usual and she could only see two red eyes looking back at her.

"A kid, you say? Interesting." Gen sounded amused. It was frightening. His voice is bone chilling, as if it could stab you with a sharp cold icicle.

"I've checked his background. Turns out there's no records on him. But he's a clever hacker." She said.

Gen chuckled. "You know my right hand woman? You're definitely special. You keep impressing me over and over. You benefited me with your services more than Tan. Keep up the good work, then you'll earn some great gifts as well." He said.

She blushed a little when he compliments her. "I will, boss." She said.

"Now, I want you to interrogate the kid. Gather as much information as you could. And..." He paused and stared right into her eyes. "..use any methods you see fit. I just need the result." He ordered.

She bowed. "Understood, boss."

"You're dismissed." He said and she turned around and walked out of the room.

She had a smile on her face as she walked forward to her new objective. It feels good when her contribution helps out her boss. She heard that it's hard to be complimented by Gen. Which means she's one of the special ones who is lucky enough to be acknowledged by him.

However when she turned a corner she walked straight on to a hard chest. "Oh.. sorry... I." She fumbled with words and apologized for her mistake.

However she didn't look at the person who she bumped into. The person just chuckled. Her eyes widened and her body froze when hearing that familiar voice. "It's all right." He said in a sickeningly sweet way.

She took some steps back and looks up at Tan who stood there towering over her. She's only as tall as his chest. Or is it that, he's actually huge?

"Hey there boss. I was just happened to be doing my work which lacks standard. And here I am seeing you doing a great work pleasing master." He said and she saw his pretentious smile. She saw the hatred in his eyes and his grin almost looks like he's baring fangs. He's really angry

She gulped and narrowed her eyes and slowly tried to back away. He didn't let her get far, before he reached down and grabbed her by her waist with both hands and lifted her up. She almost yelped in shock. He then placed her on top of a metal crate and pushed her back against the wall. She hissed in pain when her back hit the wall.

"Let go off me you asshole. And what do you want with me this time?" She said when recovering from the pain.

He chuckled and slapped her left cheek without using much strength. Her head got whipped to the other side. She immediately looks back at him with eyes widened. Even though he tormented her all the time, she was always confused. Confused of why she gets treated like this when she haven't done anything to this crazy man.

"That's my way of saying congratulations." He said with a dark smirk. "For taking over my place and ruining my entire goals and thank you for making me humiliated in front of the boss. You deserve more rewards like this right?" He said and she tried her best to crawl out of his grasp.

"It wasn't my intention. It was boss' judgement. I can't say no to him." She tried to reason with him.

Another slap and she yelped in pain. "Shut your crap, you little..." He growled and wrapped his big hand around her neck and applied some pressure.

Her small hands immediately tried to pry his strong hand away and her eyes are wide as ever when she could not breath properly. Even though she's really experienced in completing her missions, she's not as strong as Tan. He's frightening. And a guy like him fears Gen. Which makes her scared of Gen more. If Tan could hurt her this much and get away with it, she wouldn't wanna know what will happen when she fail to please Gen. But right now she was struggling to breath. She tried to reach for her 4th dimensional pocket, but his free hand caught both her hands.

"It should've been me. I was the one to order you around. Not the other way around." He growled and pushed her hard against the wall, and letting go of her neck in the process.

She cried out in pain and coughed and winced as she sat on top of the crate.

She fearfully looks at him and flinched when he brought his hand close and ruffled her hair. "I...cou.. could....make...you go away. I .... have authority over you." She stuttered between each gasps.

He chuckled. "But you won't dare, right?" He said and gave her a threatening look.

She wanted this torment to end. She wanted to report him to the boss. She wanted him to go away. But she knows that he'll find another way to hurt her. That's why she's scared of him. He could go any distance to get what he wants.

"And now be good girl and still see me as your superior. After all I can do whatever I want with you. And I will do things that you'll hate. Because I own you." He said and looks around. "Do you understand?" He asked.

She looks away. "I said, do you understand?" He asked one more time. She didn't know what to do. So she nodded. "Good girl."

He said and left her there.

Her days are going to get worse. But she can't just stay still. She was given a task to complete.