
A Different Nobita

When Nobita comes back being away for two years and without doraemon and friends, he is changed. The lovely Nobita everyone knew just faded away and become something cold and distant. Without Doraemon, how will Nobita face the brutal threats on his way?

Peeper_Writes2002 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 12


The fall was really high up. Not enough to kill. But the damage it will cause is pretty much agonizing. They figured that much. They had to look for any better way to climbing down and turns out, they could use the vines on the ledge. However the soil holding it is disturbed, as if something heavy caused it. The sight is enough to figure out what happened to Nobita. They're now even more worried. He's definitely hurt if he fell and it's a harsh reality that they want to deny. Shizuka was literally in tears now.

"We gotta stay focused, Shizuka. Come on, we'll lower you first." Suneo said concerned.

Shizuka nodded and wiped her tears. "Let's go." She mumbled.

The idea is, lower her using the vines while they hold it tightly. The risk of it snapping is pretty much guaranteed. Shizuka is the lightest of them all and that's why her descent went without any problems. Dekisuki was next and this time they used an extra thick vine. At first, he was having difficulties, and his finger almost snapped when getting caught in between two vines. Gladly he made down with only minor damages on his finger.

"Oh no, you're hurt, Dekisuki. Are you okay?" Shizuka asked worried as he caressed his hand. Dekisuki nodded, wincing a bit.

"It's not broken. But it hurts slightly." He admitted.

Suneo was next and just as he was descending, he almost slipped. Just before he loses his grip, he managed to reach a bit more lower and then fell right on his ass. Suneo hissed in pain. Dekisuki and Shizuka was already beside him.

"My butt." He groaned.

"Can you stand up?" Dekisuki showed his concern.

"Hope so." He said. Shizuka and Dekisuki, slowly helped him up and for a minute, suneo tried to regain his composure, which he succeeded.

Before they knows it, something heavy came and landed in front of them with a pained cry. Everyone's eyes widened when seeing Gian on the floor. He fell right on his back, and almost hit his head on a stone just above the place he landed.

"GIAN." Suneo shouted and ran to his friend' aid.

Gian felt that fall more than any of them. Gian was panting and gasping.

They kept asking him if he's alright and Gian just focused more on getting back up. His friends helped him up and he wasn't complaining. Gian immediately started to pretend like nothing happened and ordered them to move. He stumbled few times before regaining his balance.

They slowly walked forward and their hearts beating faster as they see some footsteps on each mud puddle further. They're going the right way and the footsteps are the confirmation.

"We're on track. Just hope he ain't gone that far." Suneo said.

"He's definitely gone far, Suneo. I'm sure he fell back there. If that won't slow him down, I don't think he'll stop moving." Dekisuki said. He didn't kept any false hope. They saw how Nobita was eager to get back in the investigation.

"We have to move faster then. The last thing we want is letting him stay out in the rain." Suneo suggest, which they agreed.

"This time I'll drag him back myself. Don't care if i have to knock him out." Gian grumbled.

"Let's find him first. We'll decide how to approach the situation later." Dekisuki said.

Few more minutes later, they reached a muddy slide and they saw Nobita fell here as well according to the prints left in the mud. By looks of it, he slipped in a real nasty way.

Gian didn't show it, but seeing that his stomach felt sick. He only fell some minutes ago and his body really hurt. Can't imagine how much it would aggravate his sore muscles if slipped in that awkward way. Nobita really gone through some serious shit it seems.

They slowly slid down without any hesitation. If any other day, they won't be trying it out. But their not stopping until they find Nobita.

They moved forward until a shocking sight they never expected to behold. There's this unnatural look to whatever they are seeing. A crater which looks formerly formed and was a bit deep. The footsteps reaching into the crater and another mark of Nobita falling in it. The signs of struggle and wobbly footsteps reaching towards the center, everything gave away his location few hours ago.

They ran towards the center and saw a mark other than footsteps. Nobita probably picked up something here. Shizuka looks forward where the footsteps going opposite side. However, the footsteps aren't going that far. Upon looking closer, it was leading straight towards a tree. She looked closely and a sigh of relief escaped her lips when seeing a figure slumped on the wood behind.

No need for think twice. She's already sprinting without hesitation. Nobita is right there. After hours without any knowledge about his whereabouts and safety, seeing him literally makes the moment that much relieving. He's safe. At least not dead falling face first down a cliff. That's a breather.

Others are both sides of her in a second. They were looking for him all over that hill, and now finally they're looking at him.

From afar, they thought he's asleep. But the more they got closer the more things are getting clearer. What they saw almost made them halt in shock. What made them kept going is obviously because of his appearance. Mud covered his shaking figure and like an instinct, he hugged something close to his chest as if his life depending on it. They ignored the object which he hugged close to him. His appearance alone scared them. Not because he looks like pale ghost. It's because of the damage his body gone through. Busted lip and bruised temple. His glasses broken on one side and missing some glass chunks.

The horror was evident on their faces when seeing the out cold boy. All they have to do is, get him out of the place and take him to a hospital. It'll take them some effort.


A blue screen blinked as she waited up on top of a tower, overlooking the docks outside of the city boundry. A certain someone is causing them trouble, and she's here to sort things out. She's not supposed to cut them loose, unless the situation goes south.

If Luna' getting a backup, they are gonna neutralize that said backup. Gara waited out in the rain, sitting under a shade and patiently waited for anything.

She only got a bit of time to track that signal few days ago. Whoever using the device probably aren't using any high securities. It's possible to find the other end of the signal and track Luna instead. However, the time machine recieving the signal is no longer readable. Either it got destroyed, or this helper may have hidden it somewhere that hard to reach. That's why Gara chose this approach. Tackle the backup and squeeze out the truth and draw the x mark on the target.

If Gen wants Luna, she'll give him exactly that.

Hours passed and rain haven't ceased yet. No signals interrupted her Rader like device yet. At least she knows that this helper of Luna will try something. When that person boot up that computer, he's gonna be a dead giveaway.

Gara looks around and then something caught her attention. A smirk laced her face and she probably found what she's looking for. Her prediction was right. This helper ain't using any high security system. So she stood up and leaped to another rooftop and leaped again and again until she's standing right outside a door. She looks up at the object which she found interesting. A rusting antenna, with a blinking yellow light on its tip. A century old technology that got combined with a hacking program. No wonder why the signal was all over the place when seeing it through her redar device.

"Docks, south of the tower, 607 meters." She reported with the redar device which looked like a cube and it immediately blinked twice, meaning the message was sent.

With that, she pressed a button on her belt and moved forward and she didn't stop even after the wall getting close and without any trouble, she walked right through the wall. Like a ghost she passed through walls until she's inside the building. Like any rundown buildings, no light sources emitted, and the darkness swallowed her vision entirely. But it didn't last long. She reached and pressed a button on the choker around her neck. A blue glaw surrounded her head and everything around her became visible.

"I need answers. Keep one alive. Get rid of them save one." Came her order.

"Understood, boss." She replied.

With that being said, she moved forward. She reached for her 4th dimensional pocket on the side of her catsuit and pulled out a laser gun.

Gara recorded and scanned the place as she proceeded. There were times she almost got killed because of the uncertainty of her surroundings. But Gara knows better than to underestimate her enemies. They're unpredictable when the end is near. Which makes them more dangerous.

She knows the possibilities of an ambush. The chances of getting tricked is real possible. But if anything happens, she is prepared.

With the blue light surrounding her face, the sight around her is clear and evident. That's how she noticed something in the corner. Hidden between the corner was a small camera. Outdated technology, indeed. With that she came up with the possible conclusion. She's on the right place. How does she knows? The answer is simple. If the person using the technology really cannot afford something advanced, it's unlikely if they put those working ones around a false location. But there's another possibility she thought of. Maybe they used the crappy ones here and using something advanced somewhere else.

But if the second thought comes true, she already have backup. She's prepared. Not well but, prepared nonetheless.

There's only one way towards the inner parts of the building and she moved cautiously. The hallway soon met with a hall and she halted immediately when the rusty door behind her snapped shut. Gara raised a brow in Amusement and chuckled. Then she heard a static sound of a speaker.

"Another pawn hunting down the wrong person?" The voice said. The voice belongs to a young boy and she immediately knew he's unsure and scared. But acting as if he's not. He's already failing.

"There's no wrong in it. Just the option you chose. Luna should've known. Now you're trapped." Gara replied with a small smirk.

"What option? He would've killed her too. That psychopath doesn't need reasons to ruin our life." The boy replied.

Gara scoffed. "I'm here for you. No chats. Especially, no other brats like you around. I was told to bring only one of you." Gara said moving forward.

"You're working for a monster. Why not see before he get rid of you? Open your eyes." The boy reasoned.

"Boss ain't no Monster. He's a genius. Haven't you seen his feats. They're brilliant." Gara said going through a door using her gadget.

But she could hear the radio still. "Feats like, killing his family?" The boy asked and paused for a few seconds. "They're far from brilliant and he succeeded in manipulating people like you. And now you're here to capture me not knowing who are what am I. What if I was someone dear to you and you never know? Would you still have endangered me?" The boy asked nervously.

Gara laughed. "That's cute, but I must say one thing. Sometimes moving on is an option. It took me away and I am here, as a top ranked member of the team that the mighty Gen is controlling. I would've been a gardener if I cared for the said loved ones." Gara said in sickeningly funny way.

"But don't worry, i won't hurt you. But I'll kill anyone besides you. I only want you to accompany me back." She said.

"Please..stop. Leave us alone. I'm not strong enough to fight a lot of you " the boy begged.

"You gave away your location and disadvantage at the same time. Guess I have to go easy on you." She said as she reached a door. The signal is coming from inside. "Ready yourself." She said moving through the door and she raised a brow when she entered the room. A big computer sat there with a timer set to thirty seconds.

"But I'm not getting captured tonight." The boy said and the timer immediately started.

"A bomb?" Gara said unimpressed.

"Worse." The boy said and she tracked his signal.

"Guess I'm staying then. But I got ya." She said with smirk.

The timer hit zero and there was no explosion. But there was a lot of white smoke. However she was unaffected. The blue glow around her head protected her from it. That's why she's prepared.

"W...what?" The boy mumbled when hearing that.

"Second rooftop, equipments aren't weapon." She said and it was heard by both biy and the backup.

"What did you say?" He asked fearfully.

She chuckled and laughed when she heard the boy scream. He got his answer. She got him.