
A Cursed Heritage

I made this novel Inspired by bleach, demon slayer and JJK. So it has a little bit of each… in a completely different world.. I hope you read and enjoy (*´ω`*)

Byakuya_Fan · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 2:Trauma

Sul and Khole went back to running after their small break, they eventually got close to the entrance, but before they could walk past the gate, a gory scene was casted upon their eyes. The dead body of their dad had landed in front of them with his head dispatched and his body full of deep wounds. Khole fell to her knees as she couldn't believe what just happened.

Sul tried to reach forward to his dad but then the person responsible for all this finally appeared once again. "Hello there boy" the figure says with his smirk "we haven't quite met formally my name is Micheal, well at least I think that's my name, I never had a name, don't you think names are fun?" Micheal kept speaking to Sul who was trembling out of fear and holding his sister closely to protect her

"you really think holding her is going to protect her, you have no idea how wrong you are right now" the devil mocks. Sul looked to his arms and he had seen Khole disappear his mouth opened wide to see that the devil had her in his arms

"PLEASE LET HER GO SHE HAS NOTHING TO SO WITH THIS BATTLE SHE's just 8 she- SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG SHE JUST WANTS TO LIVE YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYONE ELSE IN MY FAMILY AWAY FROM ME SO PLEASE LET MY SISTER GO PLEASE" Sul swallowed his pride and begged for him to let her go, but the figure only looked at Sul in disgust as his smile turned into a dead judgmental look.

Michel then smiled one more time " if you want her COME GET HER." Micheal leaps towards one of the roof of the houses about to throw her to the ground. " if you don't save your sister she's going to fall and break her bones or probably even her neck or her skull hahahaha. Think of all the possibilities of bones she could break isn't it so fun?" Micheal keeps mocking 'fun?' Sul thinks "fun? IS THIS WHAT ALL THIS MEANS TO YOU FUN? Toying with people destroying towns. Toying with family members how are any of those fun?" Sul angrily screams. "I'm gonna kill you" Sul threatened.

Micheal runs down leaving Khole on the building and leaps toward Sul. "What was that boy speak louder I couldn't quite hear you before I'm all ears" he taunts "I said I'm gonna kill you not today not tomorrow but I am going to kill you" Sul threatens. Micheal looked at Sul and laughed "I like your bravery kid but I'm not sure how much killing you can do when you're dead" Micheal replies back and grabs Sul's neck holding him up and choking

him to death.

Sul was about to black out but then he saw a blonde figure with an all yellow sword wearing a yellow Haori with a yellow shirt and skirt underneath. She seemed to have disappeared but when she appeared again Sul saw her on the opposite side she was before, he also noticed the grip on his neck stopped and he was able to breathe again Sul looked down and saw Michael's arm on the floor. This happens way too fast for even Micheal to comprehend.

"Young boy take your sister and leave I will handle everything now" the woman said with a cold voice. "Wait but that guy is insanely strong you should run too" Sul tries to convince her hoping to not witness another person get killed. The woman smiled and said. "Are you worried about me? Hahahahaha your a 1000 no a billion years too early to be worried about me" she replies and then dashes towards Michel who had been standing and observing their conversation, like any literal villain would do rather than attack.

Micheal dodges to the side to avoid her piercing him with her sword. "Your quite nimble on your feet" she comments she regains balance and aims her sword towards him again this time swinging Michel just kept dodging backwards to avoid the blade. Till eventually she cuts him from his chest down to his torso. "You actually cut me good job" Micheal praises her

"well then it's time for me to get serious don't you think Micheal snaps his finger which causes the ground to quake. Two large arms appear from the ground growing towards the girl in yellow. The woman smiles. In response to him using his technique, she uses her's. " Path of mustard first form..." the woman looks towards the arms which we're aiming to crush her.

She uses her yellow sword which seemed to be slowly getting covered in some yellow substance. "...Mustard curve" she finishes She cuts the two large arms. Some of the yellow substance landed on Sul's lip which he licks. 'This taste this is mustard? She's actually using mustard to fight? No way'

Micheal was surprised to see the woman actually cut those arms off. Micheal disappears again and appears infront of her swinging at her with the sythe like weapons under his arms "DIEEEEE" he screams. "Path of mustard 3rd form Splash." She dodges the attack while swinging her sword on the ground which made A splash of mustard similar to when water pours on the ground.

Some of the mustard that splashed landed on Micheal. "I have you right where I want you" the woman says to Micheal. Micheal looked at her confused "path of the mustard 4th form" The mustard that was on Michaels skin was getting sucked in. Micheal wasn't suspecting of what was going on. "condimental assault."

The woman finishes.

The mustard that got sucked in his skin appears again, but this time as a large spike coming from inside out. Multiple mustard spikes appear out of Michaels body. He falls and kneels to try to keep himself up. The woman walks towards him and says "this could've gone a different way, but it is what it is" she raises her sword up and aims for Michaels neck.

Just as she was about to end him a figure wearing a cloak appeared in-front of her and kicks her. The woman skids a few feet and then asks "who are you?" The figure remained silent and grabbed Micheal "your here you came to save me brother" Micheal looked at the figure with hope in his eyes. "Don't worry I'm just doing my job I will let the master decide your fate" the figure disappears along side Micheal.

The woman was pretty disappointed, as she had failed to kill the mastermind behind the death of so many innocents. The woman walks away putting her blade in a sheath. "Wait? Who are you and why are you so powerful?" Sul asks the woman. "I am someone who has lost everything but my daughter I fight in order to keep her safe I have to go."

" Wait before you go what's your name?" Sul asks "I don't have a name but My daughter does and her name is maika if you want to help us in anyway and avenge your father and everyone you lost go to the slayers academy it's a place where people are trained to fight devils such as the ones you saw here I saw you take on a devil by yourself that's no small feat even though you killed a weak one and when you get there say hi to my daughter tell her I sent you here she will help you out a lot" the woman and wonders off leaving Sul and Khole alone in the burning town.