
A Cursed Heritage

I made this novel Inspired by bleach, demon slayer and JJK. So it has a little bit of each… in a completely different world.. I hope you read and enjoy (*´ω`*)

Byakuya_Fan · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: 7 years later

[ Central Republic]

[Slayers HQ]

"Today marks the 7th year fall of that village and the appearance of the first S rank devil in 30 years." A woman says. 9 individuals were seen with swords at their side they all looked unique in their own way. This was the slayers meeting. every once in a while the strongest of the slayers corps gather for a conference. They are the Guardians.

[ a few hours later]

A boy was seen laying down on a tree branch with a stem in his mouth and a hat covering his face he wore an orange haori and had the bottom of the haori cut and shaped into flames he had a huge flame insignia on the back of his haori. The boy was dark skinned has dark hair and had a sword with a silver blade dark handle hilt and sheathe.

The boy seemed to be care free of his surroundings all seems peaceful until. Small Pebbles came flying toward him out of no where the boy quickly grabs his sword leaving it in the sheathe and blocking the pebbles with no effort "it's gonna take more than that if you want to defeat me" the boy screams to the unknown figure the figure appears and attacks him once again.

The figure unsheathe's her sword and reveals a yellow blade the figure was in all yellow like that woman from 7 years ago she wore a similar haori and their blades looked similar even their face, but this person looked way younger. She strikes at the boy with her sword, but the boy was able to block the attack with his sword still in the sheathe.

"Arrogant much?" The girl says "I thought that was what you liked about me the boy says smiling at her. The girl closed her eyes before opening them again to reveal a cold face "oh shi- before the boy could finish he gets sent flying through several trees. The girl lands on her feet and walks toward him. "I win again this is the 236th time now." The girl says "just give it up Sul your never going to beat me in a battle" the girl arrogantly states

"never say never maika I thought I told you that" Sul replies to her "we should probably get back to hq and get a mission. I haven't been out in the last couple of weeks, cant wait to kill some devils again" Sul tells Maika. "Yeah. You've missed a lot these past couple of weeks you were in bed, don't worry though us guardians do what ever we can to end devils In order to make sure other innocent people don't turn out like you did that night."

Maika tells Sul. Both head back to HQ after their talk where they meet with the other guardians Of the slayers corps.

Sul officially got to meet with other guardians for the first time since he became a guardian about a month ago. They all had a good time, but eventually they had to go their separate ways.

Sul was called to meet the master to get a mission.

[ somewhere in the middle of the forest]

Three figures seemed to be standing on a cliff over what seems to be a burnt village with many dead civilians. "Boss where do you want us to go now." One of the figures ask. The figure in the middle of the two simply didn't say a word but turned around and moved back he snapped his finger and the others followed.

"There has been a series of mischievous activity going on at the hidden forest town locals have been disappearing and even swordsmen were sent, but they all went silent." The master informed.

"Sul I know that your fairly still new to being one of the Guardians and I'm giving you your first S class mission if you want to decline I un.." " I accept the mission" Sul interrupts "I haven't gotten any fun lately since last mission I broke my ribs now I'm ready to embark on what ever adventure is out there I want to get back into battle and get stronger so that one day I can get my revenge back."

The master Smiled as he knew Sul would right off the bat take the mission. "You will be going on the mission with another guardian" The master says. "Is the mission that serious that we need two guardians?" Sul asks "I'm afraid so" The master says. "Which guardian is going to accompany me during this mission?" Sul asks the master. "Well She's one of the only few not busy right now" The master tells Sul

'she so it has to be either Maika, Charlie, Karen or Victoria but since Charlie is busy and Victoria is on a mission far away and Maika would be too much of a big deal to add to this mission so it has to be Karen' Sul thinks. "I'm guessing I'm going with the sparkles queen." Sul asks "yes don't worry she's pretty powerful and she kills in a glamorous way." The master adds.

Karen comes from behind the corner like she had been eves dropping. "Well I guess I will be helping you out. Let's do our best I guess" Karen wore a pink haori she had a black shirt underneath the haori and she wore a dark skirt her sword sheathe had a bit of glitter on it.

"So this is the glamour queen in all her glamouring glory." Sul sarcastically comments before leaving for his mission

[somewhere in the forest]

Multiple dead bodies of slayers were scattered on the floor some of the bodies eaten up and some ripped apart with only limbs remaining

"Boss what next shall we do?" A figure says walking towards their leader who seemed to be staring at the dead bodies of the deceased members of the slayer association. "By now the associationhad probably been notified about the deaths of the many soldiers we killed they are sure to send someone" The boss says "I don't want them knowing about my existence just yet. One of you has to stay here. Arctic finish the rest of the humans then make sure anyone who comes here dies a slow and painful death make sure no one escapes." The boss says.

"Hollen, Nick, follow me... let's go have some more fun else where".

Arctic stayed behind sitting on a house in the shadows, only his eyes were visible giving a cold gaze. Before two words left his mouth.

"They're here"

To be continued...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Byakuya_Fancreators' thoughts