
A Cup of Tea: A Collection of Short Stories

It's not actually female leading. It's simply about couples. Sometimes stories will be from the male lead's side too. The setting is mostly urban for now. The POVs will always be changing between female lead and male lead. When POV changes, so will the paragrapgh. A Cup of Tea: Sheryl × Lawrence Where's My Book?: Keirin × Locke Here's Your Order: Rose × Sorrel (Coming Soon) -[More Yet to Come]-

zelene_aleah · 都市
3 Chs

A Cup of Tea

Sheryl was very upset today. She wasn't able to go to the tea shop. Today she had a class in the evening.

Lawrence brewed a cup of tea habitually. He raised his head and saw that the usual spot of that customer was taken by someone else. He became upset and drank the only cup of tea in this coffee shop.

By the time Sheryl's class ended, it was about to hit night. Sheryl looked out the taxi's window. The familiar tea shop was already closed yet there was someone standing. Someone quite familiar.

Lawrence locked the coffee shop. He closed the shop very late today yet that peculiar customer still didn't come. He felt strange and lonely. He looked up into the sky. The moon was yet to be seen.

Sheryl had the taxi stop. After giving the fare, she rushed across the street alertly. The familiar person was still there.

Lawrence felt the gale behind him. He turned and saw his customer.

Sheryl stopped and panted. She really wasn't suitable for rushing. Looking at the tea shop boss, she smiled. "Am I late for my tea?"

Lawrence couldn't help but smile too. "No."

The coffee shop opened again and served the daily tea to the very peculiar customer of the shop.


1) I wanted to name 'him' Laurent but I changed the name cause I felt that Lawrence goes well with Sheryl. I wonder if you think so too?

2) There's a misunderstanding regarding the shop at Sheryl's side. I wonder if you noticed?

3) This isn't their first meeting. There will be an extra.

zelene_aleahcreators' thoughts