
A Cup of Tea: A Collection of Short Stories

It's not actually female leading. It's simply about couples. Sometimes stories will be from the male lead's side too. The setting is mostly urban for now. The POVs will always be changing between female lead and male lead. When POV changes, so will the paragrapgh. A Cup of Tea: Sheryl × Lawrence Where's My Book?: Keirin × Locke Here's Your Order: Rose × Sorrel (Coming Soon) -[More Yet to Come]-

zelene_aleah · Urban
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3 Chs

Extra: Can I Get a Cup of Tea?

Sheryl hadn't eaten anything today. She was rushing. Her eyes drifted towards the windows of the shops. Gifts, dresses, perfumes, dolls, kettle, cups. Cups. Sheryl couldn't help but stop. Her legs were aching. She was craving for some tea. Through the window, she saw the clerk pouring a dark brown liquid into a cup. She didn't wait to step into the shop.

Lawrence poured a cup of coffee for himself. It was early and there weren't many customers. The bell rang and he looked towards the door. A pretty girl came in.

Sheryl spoke to the clerk yet her eyes drifted to the cup. "Can I get a cup of tea?"

Lawrence was dumbfounded. He saw her eyes constantly flickering towards his cup. For the sake of his cup, he nodded.

Sheryl couldn't help but smile and watched the clerk make a quick cup of tea for her.

Lawrence felt fortunate that he had bought tea leaves on an impulse yesterday. He saw the girl drink the tea before she paid for it and then left.

The coffee shop had a loss of two dollars today yet the owner strangely felt happy.

Little Theater:

The Coffee Shop thought if the girl came for a month, won't he'll have a loss of 60 dollars?! So much for love, sigh...

Tidbit: I wonder if you noticed 'clerk' and 'pretty girl' now and 'tea shop boss' and 'peculiar customer' in the previous chapter. Tells quite much, right?

Next Story: A boy lost his book. Where will he find it? (This one's length is as long as the sum of 'a cup of tea' and its extra.)

zelene_aleahcreators' thoughts