
A Cultivator Reincarnated in a Fantasy World

[Warning: Mature R-18+] #ROMANCE #ACTION #COMEDY #HAREM #FANTASY #MAGIC #R18 #ADVENTURE #CULTIVATION #WEAKTOSTRONG an immortal god who was killed by a mysterious man and he was reborn into a fantasy world by the man who killed him. Who knows what his purpose was, the immortal god could only surrender and accept his new destiny. ... Wait more sypnosis! If this novel has many readers, then I will continue to write the next chapters. So please support me by saving it in your library. ______________ TAGS: #ROMANCE #ACTION #COMEDY #HAREM #FANTASY #MAGIC #R18 #ADVENTURE #CULTIVATION #WEAKTOSTRONG others tags: Handsome male leads, beauty females, dragons, elves, demons, others race, possesive MC, Smut, Ecchi, Smart MC, Sadist MC, Strong Relations with his females, Cunning MC, Anal Sex, Blowjob, AntiHero, Threesome, Dual Cultivation, Wise, Harem, Polygamy, R-18, Handjob, Kiss, God to mortal, Mature, Milf, Thicc, NSFW, Adult, Mature, Hentai, Young Girl, Mature Girl, Weak to Strong MC, Anal, Romance, Action, Comedy, Harem, Fantasy, Adventure, Magic, R-18, Cultivation Yandere? i still doing this for mc harems Dual Cultivation? i think this gonna will adding later. Foursome? yes this will apperance later in the story. ************ Support me right here! Patreon: patreon.com/dylanhusand ------------ The cover image is not my original, so if the owner wants me to remove it please contact me.

dylanhusand · ファンタジー
36 Chs

Go on an adventure and meet a elves princess

As the author, I would like to say thank you very much because the Powerstone feature has been opened, as a gift I will write up to five chapters!

So, enjoy this novel.


Immediately after Arthur and his parents, who had already left and left the Astrea kingdom.

Arthur was currently cultivating, while his parents were asleep.

Feeling something ahead, Arthur opened his eyes and told the driver to stop the train.

'I'd better do it quietly, otherwise mom and dad will definitely wake up.' After thinking for a moment, Arthur started to get off the train and continued walking forward.

The driver who saw Arthur walking, wanted to stop him. But before saying anything, Arthur put him to sleep with his Qi.

'Okay, like this. no one will know about this incident, let's see who it is.' Soon, Arthur continued to walk forward, and saw several creatures with horns on their heads and who were talking.

'oh, if I'm not mistaken they're demons huh, but their body color is similar to ours, somehow this is different from my previous world.' Arthur muttered in his mind and started creating flying daggers with his Qi.

'hmm, let's try this technique, by creating six daggers.' After thinking about his plan, Arthur held two daggers in his hands, while the other four floated around him.

Immediately after that, Arthur ran towards the demons and started attacking them.

The devil, who felt someone running towards him, started to turn around and saw Arthur killing one of his comrades, which shocked his companions.

"What?!! A human is here! Everyone stay away from him." Before they could get away from Arthur, a dagger flew from behind and towards him.

After that, their heads were cut into two parts.

"Okay, now there are two left." Alex said expressionlessly, which made the two devils start running in fear.

"M-monster! Run!!!." Before Arthur could escape, a dagger flew in front of him and split their bodies into two parts.

Alex, who saw that, smiled broadly and started cleaning up the corpses.

'haha, not bad at all, although I'm a little lacking in confidence when faced with a third rank circle.' Arthur muttered in his mind, after finishing cleaning the corpse without a trace, Arthur started walking back towards his carriage.

Arthur started to use his Qi, to wake the driver from his sleep.

The driver, whose head hurt a little, started to drive the carriage.

And Arthur continued to do his cultivation, soon several hours had passed and Arthur started to open his eyes.

'Looks like we've arrived home.' Arthur started to wake up his parents and said.

"Dad, Mom. We've arrived home." hearing his son's voice, the two of them finally woke up and muttered.

"oh... Alright, let's get inside and go back to sleep." Arthur, who heard that, could only chuckle to himself.

'Hah, I really don't know what to say, with the attitude of my parents not reflecting a nobleman.' After that, Alex started to get off the train and entered his house.

Arthur, who saw that his parents had returned to his room, felt alone, he finally started to go into his room.

'Hah, looks like it will take a year to break through to rank seven.' Arthur muttered in his mind and started planning something.

'I'd better go on an adventure, when I reach the age of 12, that way I can when I reach the age of 16 I can go to the noble academy.' After thinking that, Arthur began to clench his fists tightly with determination.

As a noble, when their sons reached the age of 12, they were allowed to choose between seeing the world or staying home and studying.

Of course, it depends on how their father and mother respond.

Soon after, one year and 2 months had passed. Now Arthur, who has reached the age of 7 years, is in the forest and starts looking for monsters to kill.

"Okay, this is my tenth hunt today, let's go back home, otherwise mom and dad will worry about me." After saying that to himself, Arthur started walking out of the forest, carrying several wolves he had killed.

When he arrived outside the yard, Arthur started to approach his parents, which surprised them with the prey he was carrying.

"Arthur, didn't I tell you, don't go too deep into the forest, it's very dangerous." Ariana said to Arthur, who just nodded and answered.

"Yes, mother. Next time I will be more careful, when I go in alone." Hearing what her son said, Ariana started to smile and approached her son.

"You'd better go and clean yourself first, as for the monsters you killed, mother will cook them for you." Arthur, who heard that, started to enter his house and immediately cleaned himself.

After 15 minutes later, Arthur, who had now finished cleaning himself, started to get dressed and immediately headed to the dining table.

Arthur, who saw so much food, started drooling and immediately sat down in his chair.

'Finally, after more than a year, I broke through from the sixth rank of Qi Gathering to the seventh rank, and my appetite continues to grow.' Arthur muttered in his mind and started eating the meat on the table.

Ariana, who saw that, just smiled and muttered to herself.

'My son, somehow his appetite continues to increase, with his increasing age, if it continues like this, I'm starting to worry that when he reaches 17 years old, he will eat everything in the canteen.' Ariana continued to ponder, while thinking about the noble academy that Arthur would enter.

'Huh, at least for now, he can use his magic energy.' Immediately after that, Arthur, who had finished eating the food on the table, began to think to himself.

'uh, even though I feel full, but, still this will only last after I do my cultivation again.' Arthur, who was currently contemplating in his thoughts, could only shake his head.

'huh, forget it, it's an easy thing to deal with.' After muttering to himself, Arthur started walking towards his room.

"Okay, I have to prepare quickly, before I reach 12 years old, I have to break through to the peak of Qi Gathering." soon after, arthur continued his cultivation, when night fell, he would continue to surpass his limits.

'huft-, now with my physical strength, I can compete with peak circle rank two.' Arthur muttered in his mind, which was currently continuing to destroy his boundaries.

Arthur felt himself reaching his limit, starting to return home.

'Huh, I shouldn't waste time practicing every day.' Arthur muttered in his mind, continuing to walk in and towards his room.

More than three years later, Arthur, now surrounded by dozens of beasts, began to raise his hands and dozens of long swords appeared.

'good, let's try doing it in one hit.' After thinking about the plan, Arthur began to lower his hand, and the flying sword shot towards the dozens of beasts.

"Hehe, with so much game I can get, I can fill my stomach full of meat." Arthur muttered to himself, immediately after that, Arthur started walking back and continued carrying his prey.

After more than 2 years 11 months and 26 days had passed, Arthur, who was now almost 12 years old, began to approach his father.

"Father, can I go on an adventure to the outside world, to gain lots of experience?" Aaron, who heard his son's request, began to answer worriedly.

"A-are you serious, want to go out alone?" Arthur, who heard that, started to reply.

"Yes, father. Please let me go, even though I know this could endanger my life, but still this is all for experience." Aaron who listened to his son's plea, sighed and said.

"I can let you go, but how are you going to tell this to your mother? I'm sure she will forbid it." Hearing what his father said, Arthur started to become gloomy.

"I-I know that will happen, but I will definitely get mom to let me go out." Aaron, who saw the determination in Arthur's eyes, started to speak.

"Huh, then I will also help you to get permission from him." After saying that, Aaron started walking and headed towards Ariana, who was currently giving food to her animals.

Ariana, who saw her husband approaching her, started asking questions.

"What's wrong, darling? Why is your expression so sad?" hearing his wife's words, he began to speak.

"well, actually this is about our child wanting to go on an adventure and gain experience." Ariana, who heard her husband's words, widened her eyes and replied in a heavy tone.

"What... How could I allow my child to go out and have an adventure." listening to his wife's words, Aaron continued to reply.

"please, my wife. Let him go, this is also a good thing for arthur, gaining a lot of knowledge before entering the noble academy." Ariana whose angry face after hearing her husband's words began to turn sad, and hugged her husband.

"e-even so, aren't you afraid, if something bad happens to him, while he's out there..." Aaron, who heard that, started to reply to his wife's words.

"Yes, of course I'm very worried about him, but this is all for his future and all of us." Ariana, who was crying when she heard her husband, could only be silent for a moment and started talking.

"U-uh, if that's the decision, then I must be willing to let Arthur go on his journey." Seeing that his wife allowed Arthur to go on an adventure, he only hugged his wife sadly.

Arthur, who saw this from a distance, could only shed tears and said to himself.

"I'm sorry, father, mother. This is all to increase my strength, that way I can help you." said Arthur sitting on the green grass.

Soon after, 5 days had passed. Arthur, who had packed his things, started walking out of the house and towards the front yard, seeing his parents standing there and waiting for him, started to approach him.

"Father, mother. Don't worry, I can definitely protect myself, especially since you already know that I am very strong." Aaron, who heard that, started talking to Arthur.

"My Son, you may be strong, but there are still those out there who are stronger than you, so remember to be careful even though you are in a safe place." Arthur, who heard his father's words, just nodded and turned to his mother.

"Mother, don't be sad like that, we've only been apart for 4 years, and again I'm doing this for my parents who I love." Hearing her son's words, Ariana started crying and hugged Arthur.

"Son, remember to eat a lot, I know you get hungry very easily, and always make sure to avoid the strong monsters out there." Arthur, who heard that, started to reply.

"Yes, mother. I will definitely do what you say." Immediately after that, Arthur started to board the carriage and walked while saying goodbye to his father and mother.

Aaron and Ariana who saw the train start to move, waved at Arthur and said loudly.

"Remember, don't die out there!" Hearing his father's words, Arthur just smiled at his father.

'huh, 4 years later I will be separated from my father and mother, this reminds me of the past.' Arthur muttered to himself and sighed.


After more than 6 hours of travel, Arthur, who had now arrived at an unknown village, started to pay the driver and entered.

'oh, this place is really quiet, I can see so many people don't have money here.' Arthur muttered to himself and started looking around.

Arthur, who was continuing to walk, started to see a bar opening and entered it.

Arthur turned to a woman who had a beautiful face with pointed ears plus long green hair, starting to realize what race she came from.

'Elves huh... I really can't believe I will meet them here, actually I want to visit them someday.' After pondering for a moment, Arthur started walking and approached the woman.

"Hello, Miss Elves. Can you tell me what happened to this place?" the elf girl who heard that, started to reply.

"Yes, actually they are scared, because of rumors about a dragon around the forest." said the elf girl to Arthur.

"Huh, dragon? There's no way he's in this place, I thought it was just a rumor." seeing Arthur's disbelief, the elf girl began to speak.

"It's up to you to believe it or not, in the end it's just a rumor." Arthur, who heard that response, just smiled amusedly and asked

his name.

"oh, can you tell me your name?" the elf girl who heard that, just said to Arthur.

"Huh, if you want to introduce yourself at least give your name first." Arthur, who heard that, just laughed a little and started to introduce himself.

"My name is Arthur Leonard, just an ordinary adventurer." heard Arthur's introduction.

The elf girl also introduced herself.

"My name is Thea Evergreen, I am an elf princess who was sold here." Arthur, who heard that, widened his eyes and said a little loudly.

"What...! You were someone who was sold by a slave trader?" Thea, seeing Arthur's disbelieving expression, began to reply.

"Yes, at that time, I was only a child who was only 15 years old, when I was outside the kingdom, I was attacked by several people from various directions, but fortunately they didn't try to rape my body..." Thea said to Arthur embarrassedly. -embarrassed when the last sentence.

'h-huh, why did he have to tell me, that he's still a virgin...' Arthur muttered in his mind and continued to stare at Thea.

"hah, well, do you have any intention of returning to your kingdom?" Thea, who heard what Arthur said, started to reply in a slightly loud voice.

"Yes...! Of course I want to go back, but you must have seen that I am just a weak woman with a third rank circle." Arthur, who heard that, could only nod and reply.

"How about you come with me, I can help you get back too." Thea, who heard what Arthur said, started to answer.

"Actually, I want to come, but if I do that, I'm afraid the person who bought me will beat me up." Hearing what Thea said, Arthur started asking about that person.

"Oh, can I meet your master?" Thea, who heard that, started to reply.

"Yes, I can do that, but why do you want to meet him?" Seeing that, Arthur started to reply which surprised Thea.

"I want to take you from him, and make you mine~." Thea, who was currently shocked, unconsciously blushed and muttered.

"w-what... Do you seriously want to take me away from him?" Arthur, seeing Thea's doubts, began to speak seriously.

"Yes, I'll take you from him and that way we can travel together." Thea, who heard that, was silent for a moment and said.

"Then come with me, I'll meet you with that person." After saying that, Arthur, who saw Thea walking into the bar, started to follow her.


Thank you everyone who has saved this novel in your library, there will be another chapter tomorrow and don't forget to give a powerstone too!!!
