
kidnap the elves princess and meet the dragon

Thank you to all of you who have seen and read the novel I wrote, I hope this can reach 100 library, as the only novel I will write.

Please enjoy.


Arthur continued to follow Thea from behind, after a few seconds, he saw a fat and large man, with several women who were doing intimate things with him.

The fat man, who felt someone entering his room, started to turn towards Thea.

"Hey, Thea. Didn't I tell you to look after the bar, why are you here?!" Thea, who heard that, started to turn towards Arthur while holding his hand.

Arthur, who saw that Thea wanted to ask him for help, started talking to the fat man.

"Hey, fat man, I want you to release Thea from your bondage, or I will take harsh action against you." The fat man who heard that, started laughing out loud and replied to Arthur's words.

"hmph! Brat, you're not even 20 years old, but your mouth sure is dirty for your age." Arthur, who heard that, did not reply to his words and started walking towards him.

The fat man who saw that, started to get scared when he saw the pressure that Arthur was emitting, and immediately he screamed.

"Come out and help me right away! Keith!!!." Soon a man appeared, with a black robe all over his body.

The man started to say to the fat man.

"remember to pay me more if you want me to kill him." hearing his words, the fat man started to reply.

"Okay, how about 60 gold coins as payment?" Keith, who heard the offer, started asking for more.

"No, if you hire me more, then you have to give me 80 gold coins in return." hearing that, the fat man trembled slightly and said.

"F-fine, I'll pay you 80 gold coins, but don't hurt the girl behind it." hearing that he was paid, he started smiling broadly, and soon after that he walked towards arthur.

Arthur who felt the aura, started muttering in his mind.

'What, a fourth rank circle is here? Now I know why Thea couldn't run away from this bastard.' After pondering for a moment, Arthur began to turn towards the man in front of him and said.

"heh, a rank four circle, aren't you embarrassed fighting against a kid?" Keith, who heard Arthur's words, only replied calmly.

"Yeah, I don't care about things like age, the important thing is that I get my pay, that's all." After saying that, Keith started attacking Arthur using his sword.

Arthur, who saw a sword attacking him, started to dodge reflexively.

Keith, who saw Arthur managed to avoid his attack, started to say to him.

"oh, not bad either, kid. But it's still not enough to beat me." Thea, who saw that Arthur was in a bit of trouble, wanted to immediately help him, but suddenly heard Arthur say something to her.

"Stay there, I promised to get you from his hands, so all you need to do is watch from a distance." Thea, who heard Arthur's order, just nodded and watched him continue to avoid Keith's attacks.

'huft-, okay, let's try sword-fighting with him.' After thinking that, Arthur began to channel his Qi and a long sword appeared in his hand.

Keith, who saw that, was surprised and said to Arthur.

"hah, can you use magic energy by turning it into a sword?!" Arthur, who saw his surprise, just smiled and replied.

"haha, of course, I'm not a magic user after all." After saying that, Arthur began to disappear and appeared behind Keith.

Keith, who saw Arthur appearing behind him, couldn't hold back his surprise any longer and muttered in his thoughts.

'What?! He's very fast, especially with that small body, there's no way he can walk that fast.' immediately after that, keith started clashing his sword with arthur's sword Qi.

Arthur, who saw an opening, did not waste the opportunity, and began to produce a dagger behind him, and attacked Keith's hand and cut it.

Keith, who felt his hand being cut off, started screaming in pain, and looked at Arthur with hatred.

Arthur, who saw that, just chuckled and said to Keith in an insulting tone.

"Hahaha, even though you are a rank four circle, it seems like your combat strength is very weak, and is only equivalent to the peak of rank three circle." Hearing Arthur's words full of insults and ridicule, Keith couldn't hold himself back any longer and began to release all the magical energy in his body.

"Damn you!! I will avenge your insult, and I will show you that I am not the same as the third rank circle!." Immediately, Keith with his crazy speed began to appear in front of Arthur, and attacked him with a sword covered in the full power of the fourth rank circle.

Arthur, who saw Keith's attack, continued to block it with all his might.

'Sigh, as I thought fighting the fourth rank circle is indeed tough, fortunately I have already broken through to the peak of Qi Gathering, and am one step closer to body tempering.' Keith, who was looking at Arthur dreamily, didn't waste the opportunity and started kicking Arthur in the stomach.

Thea, who saw Arthur being hit, started to approach him.

Arthur, who vomited a little blood, saw Thea who was approaching him, started to say to her.

"Didn't I tell you not to come any closer? If you are caught by that bastard, what should I do." Thea, who heard Arthur's words, just smiled and started using healing magic on him.

Arthur, who saw himself being healed by the green light, began to ask Thea.

"hah, are you a healing magician?" Thea, who heard Arthur's question, started to reply

"Yes, we elves are not only good at long-range magic, but also healing magic." Keith, who was watching from a distance, became angry when he saw Arthur being healed by the woman beside him.

"Hey, little girl. You better not interfere with this matter, or you will be killed." Arthur, who heard Keith's words, was a little angry and replied.

"Hey... If you intend to attack this girl, I won't spare you!" Keith, who heard Arthur's words, laughed out loud and said loudly.

"Heh, if you don't want me to hurt the girl next to you, then give me your life, that way I can let her live." The fat man behind who heard Keith's words, started shouting at him.

"Keith!!! Isn't this beyond our agreement, I paid you to get that girl back, not take her life!" Keith, who heard the fat man shouting at him, started to reply with sharp eyes.

"Shut up, TRASH!!!." Soon, Keith appeared in front of the fat man and started stabbing him.

Arthur, who saw the sight, only felt disgusted by the two of them.

The fat man who was currently lying in a chair, with little life, began to stare at Keith with hatred and regret.

The women who were nearby began to fear seeing a lifeless body.

Arthur, seeing Keith wanting to kill the women, started towards him and blocked his attack with his sword.

"Hey, don't these girls have nothing to do with our fight, why do you have to involve innocent people." Keith, who heard Arthur's words, began to reply in a hateful tone.

"they were just too noisy, and I had to kill them to get rid of any evidence." Arthur, who heard that, without thinking, punched Keith in the face, which made him move several steps away.

"Okay, enough of playing around, now I'm going to get serious." Keith, who was listening, began to see the pressure emitted by Arthur become very strong and saw 20 swords floating around him.

'w-what?!, the pressure it gives off is almost comparable to a fourth rank circle, what exactly am I fighting against.' Keith muttered in his mind while looking at Arthur in fear.

Arthur, who was ready, started running towards Keith, soon he disappeared from his sight, and appeared beside Keith.

Keith, who sensed danger, instinctively avoided it, but Arthur already knew that he would escape the attack, so he didn't waste the opportunity and started attacking using his flying sword.

"Fuck, n-there's no way I'm dying in your hands-." before saying the last sentence, dozens of swords started attacking from all directions, and instantly killed him.

Arthur, who saw the corpse lying in front of him, with blood continuing to flow from the body, began to approach him.

'Hah, you are not worthy with your body still intact, I will make your corpse disappear into dust.' After thinking that, Arthur began to channel his Qi towards Keith's corpse and immediately after that, fire appeared around his corpse and turned it into smoke.

'Huh, luckily I managed to kill him, if I had failed, he would have run away and run away from me, if that had happened, then I would have been targeted by his colleagues.' After contemplating for a moment, Arthur began to approach Thea, who was now shocked to see Arthur managed to kill that person.

"So, Thea. So, are you now willing to be mine?" Thea, who heard Arthur's words, woke up from her shock and replied.

"Yes... I will follow you, but as you promised earlier, to take me back to my place." Arthur, who heard Thea's words, began to nod in satisfaction.

"Okay, then let's get out of here." Thea, who heard that, started asking questions.

"but... What about these women, do we just ignore them?" Arthur, who heard that, started to turn towards the women who were currently scared.

"huh... You guys quickly put on your clothes and get out of here." the women who heard that, just nodded and put on their clothes.


After Arthur and Thea walked out of the bar, he felt something coming from the direction of the forest, and started to look towards that place.

'What... What is that, for some reason, I feel like there is a terrible creature living there...' After pondering for a moment, Arthur began to remember what Thea said, about a dragon living in the forest.

He started to turn towards Thea and asked her.

"Thea, is there really a dragon living in that forest?" Hearing the words Arthur said, he responded with a slight smile.

"Yes, actually it does exist, but I've never seen it show itself." Arthur who heard that just fell silent and thought to himself.

'Hmm, I saw from a book I read when I was little, about a dragon that could change its form into a human, and it said that female dragons had a form as beautiful as a fairy.' Thea, who saw Arthur contemplating, started asking him.

"Are you planning to enter that forest? If so, I will come with you." Hearing Thea's words, Arthur nodded and walked towards the forest.

Soon, an hour later, Arthur and Thea, who had reached the depths of the forest, began to continue looking for the dragon.

Arthur, who is looking for the dragon, is constantly being attacked by wild creatures from various directions.

'Damn, I'd better get a little away from this place.' After thinking that, Arthur told Thea to stay away from the wild creatures.

Soon, more than 3 hours had passed, Arthur, who was currently feeling the terrifying aura clearly, began to follow it.

Arthur and Thea, who had been walking for more than 10 minutes, saw a white dragon sleeping there.

'So... Is that a dragon, I can feel it, they really are very strong, even if dozens of rank five circles attack together, they won't be able to make it fall.' Arthur muttered in his mind, while looking at the dragon, because of its beauty.

Thea, who saw a dragon before her eyes, began to be amazed and whispered to Arthur.

"Arthur, it's really a dragon, especially since it's white, it's definitely female." hearing Thea's words, he could only smile and say.

"Yes, would it be a good idea to wake him up? I want to talk to him." Thea who heard that, widened her eyes in shock and replied.

"w-what?! Don't do that, if he wakes up, I'm sure he will attack us both." Arthur, who heard Thea's words, smiled at her and said.

"Calm down, even if it wakes up and attacks me, I can still escape using my trump card." Thea who heard that reply, saw that she couldn't stop Arthur who wanted to meet the white dragon in front of her, could only let him do what he wanted.

"huh... Since you have the ability to save yourself, do what you want." Listening to that, Arthur patted Thea's head and started walking towards the dragon.

Thea started holding her head and muttering in her mind.

'huh... I really couldn't think that he would touch my head without asking my permission.' Thea, who was currently daydreaming, looked at Arthur's shoulder, smiling slightly.

The white dragon, sensing someone was approaching it, began to open its predatory eyes and spoke.

"Hey, human, what do you want to do in this place." Arthur, who heard his words, responded with a smile.

"I came here just to see what the dragon looked like, because this was the first time I saw a dragon." the white dragon who listened to what arthur said, started to stand up and said.

"Oh, aren't you afraid of me? Judging from your appearance, you seem to be only around 15 years old." Arthur, who heard the dragon's guess in front of him, just chuckled and replied.

"hahaha, I just reached my 12th year, even though my height is the same as a 15 year old child." hearing his guess was wrong, the dragon started laughing and said to arthur in an interested tone.

"Heh, you are very interesting, human. Even though you are only 12 years old, but the pressure you emit around your body, shows that your strength is at least at the fourth circle of the rank." Arthur who heard that the dragon knew its true combat power, started to smile broadly and said.

"haha, you are really very attractive too, female dragon." The dragon, who heard Arthur call him 'female dragon', began to tell him his name.

"Don't call me that, I have a name called Helena Dragonheart." Arthur, who heard Helena tell him his name, also started to introduce himself.

"Because you have told me your name, I must also tell myself. My name is Arthur Leonard, nice to meet Helena." Arthur said to Helena with a smile.

"Yes, nice to meet you too, Arthur." said Helena, while changing her dragon body into a human.

Arthur, who saw this, was very surprised by a white-haired girl, with blue eyes and peerless beauty, and was about 178 cm tall, plus her chest was large, which showed two humps between the parts of her clothes.

'I-I know that dragons are very beautiful, but I really can't imagine that their beauty would beat the fairies in my previous world.' Arthur muttered to himself, very grateful to be reborn and see the beauty in front of him.

Helena, who saw Arthur continuing to look at her, started to chuckle and said to him.

"Heh~, where are you looking, Arthur." Arthur, who heard Helena's voice, started to reply while smiling.

"Of course, I'm just admiring the peerless beauty, which is currently right before my eyes."


Now we have entered an arc where the main character will come into conflict with several humans and other races. As for the 2 new heroines, I intend to make them the main character's wives, but remember that the storyline can change.

I also wanted to write two chapters in one day, but it still took a lot of energy.

So I hope you can give a review of this novel, that way I can finish this long arc.

Thank you for reading to the end, Seeya.