
A Chaotic Symbiote Bonded To Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

The main universe in this fanfic is the MCU otherwise known as Earth-199999. But MC and his host, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, will travel to different universes because MC's way of development is by eating other Symbiotes and gaining all of their abilities and powers. - What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an alien. What did he want to be? A Kryptonian? A Saiyan? No, a Klyntar! Or famously known as a Symbiote! His host? It's Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow AKA mommy dommy!

That_One_Alive_Ali · アニメ·コミックス
56 Chs

CH 34: Spider bite

As they returned to their house with a dim red light, Chaos immediately went back into Natasha's body before his head emerged from her side. With a childishly excited face, he squeaked out with a high pitched voice :"Baby, oh baby! Hahahahaha!!!"

Seeing how excited he was while looking at the imprisoned spiders, Natasha couldn't help but chuckle as she stroked his head :"Why are you talking in such a high pitched voice?"

"I don't know!" He squeaked out with a huge smile, causing her to giggle while petting him with a fond smile, causing him to lean into her touch with closed eyes :"Well aren't you a happy Symbiote? You're seriously excited."

"Umu umu!" He nodded rapidly in excitement, a huge smile still apparent, and still speaking in a high pitched adorable voice, causing Natasha to pinch his cheek fondly. "Well, let's get ready so one of them can bite you!" He spoke, voice normal, but still excited.

"Don't you think we should do it later?" She raised an eyebrow, causing him to glare :"Don't you dare prota... Procas... Proc..."

"Procrastinate?" She smirked, amused as he glared again :"Yeah! That! Don't you dare proca... Whatever the fuck that is! We're going to do it in the end, so might as well do it now! Just do it!"

Natasha :"I'm not trying to procrastinate, we already have plans, remember? Tony invited us to a party tonight."

Chaos :"... Fuck... Forget about that! Who cares about a damn party?! Power is more important!" <I feel like Vergil would rather have him as a son instead of Nero... He ain't paying child support for that... By the way, since he came up, here's a song for Vergil:



























Hope you enjoyed it XD>

Natasha, rolling eyes :"Believe me, I'd like to do that. But we can't. Not unless we want Tony yo bitch about it for who knows how long. And besides, we should socialize a bit as well. I've barely seen anybody after the whole HYDRA thing."

Chaos :"Fuck socializing! Home and bed are a lot better!"

Natasha, rolling eyes :"As much of an introvert as ever. No, we can't do that. And we're not gonna do that. We're definitely going to that party. It would be a nice change of pace."

Chaos, complaining like a child :"But whyyy?! We have everything we need at home!"

Natasha, pinching his cheek :"Because I said so, and I'm tired of the cycle of just lazing around, going to different universes, eating Symbiotes, coming back, lazing around and everything all over again. Not always, but we should do some other things to have some variety."

Chaos, groaning in defeat :"... Sigh, fine... But we still have a long time till the party, so let's have at least one of them bite you! You're simply going to pass out, and will just get a fever at most.

Your body's adaptability has also improved because of all the training, so it won't take long before you wake up and get better. And with me helping out, you'll only be out for a few hours. You'll definitely be able to attend that party."

Natasha, narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion :"... You sure? I won't wake up and it's suddenly tomorrow or a week later, right?"

Chaos, rolling eyes in annoyance :"Yeah, yeah, I promise! Now let's do it already!"

With a shrug, the redhead sighed helplessly before slumping down on the bed :"Fine, fine. Geez, you're so impatient. Alright, let's do this." And he nodded with a smile as she laid down on the bed and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

To make her more comfortable, Chaos returned his biomass acting as her clothes return to her body, so she wouldn't feel gross when sweating because of the changes. Wanting to ease the tension, the red Symbiote smirked at her while keeping the makeshift bag with the spider in it a little away :"So where do you want it to bite? Hand? Arm? Foot? Leg?"

But his smirk turned mischievous when she looked at him with an unimpressed look :"Or your stomach? Or your enormous ass? Maybe one of your tits? How about one of your fat nipples instead?" Causing her to glare at him :"You dare?"

However, he just snorted with a smug and mischievous smirk :"Bitch, shut the fuck up before I make it directly bite your clit instead." Causing his host's face to twitch with a glare :"You really wanna try me?" Making him chuckle :"Fine, fine. Geez, Miss grumpy. I won't fool around."

"You better not." She huffed before laying her head down and closing her eyes again. But would he lay off teasing her that easily? He had immediately noticed how her body had tensed after he said he was going to make the spider bite her private parts. Even tenser when he threatened to have her clit bitten.

She knew that he wasn't one to do things normally, and really liked to do things unusually. So she wouldn't really be surprised if he had actually done that before telling her.

Unfortunately for Natasha, Chaos was something of an extreme sadist. Not as in liked to hurt her, but loved to deliver pain to her through pleasure. Or just hurt her very sensitive parts. That's what he had done with her What If...? Version, the cartoon Natasha.

In fact, she had forgotten how many times he had bitten her nipples with his actual teeth. He hadn't bitten her clit, but still had threatened to do so quite a few times to make her afraid. Seeing her afraid, or in pain that he caused, was just such a fucking turn on.

This wasn't the time for that though. Power came first <Vergil would approve>. But he wasn't going to pass out on the chance to tease her. While she was trying to hide the fact of how tensed up she was, a small tendril, with a bit of a sharp tip, came out of his side and flew towards her pussy.

With an evil and mischievous grin, he gently poked her clit, making her jolt and jump in place before glaring daggers at him :"Chaos!" Obviously, she knew that the spider didn't bite her, since it would have definitely hurt like a bitch.

But she still was mad at her Symbiote for being a prick at such a time. However, even though any man would've pissed himself because of how she was glaring, Chaos was just laughing his ass off :"HAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Huuuh, that was seriously fucking funny!"

"I will fucking kick your ass." She gritted out while glaring, causing him to roll his eyes with a smirk before controlling her body to lay back down :"Alright, alright, won't play around anymore. Let's get serious."

With an annoyed huff, the goddess of a host closed her eyes in a bad mood before waiting for the spider bite. Silently praying that he won't actually have it bite any of her private parts.

"Aaalright, do your magic, lil guy." He whispered to himself, or for the Super Spider that he brought nearer and nearer to Natasha. With extremely small tendrils holding onto its body and neck, the little insect didn't have any choice by to bite her when it made contact with her hand!

The redhead's face twitched in pain as her eyes opened, but sighed in relief at just her hand being bitten. However, the relief was short lived as the effects immediately began to show up. With her body already quite used to changing, courtesy of Chaos, it immediately began to accept the foreign changes with Chaos preventing it from refusing it instead.

It didn't even take a minute before a small headache appeared, along with a bit of sweating. "Just go to sleep, okay? Nothing will happen. I promise." The red Symbiote gently grasped her hand, speaking in a calm and comforting tone. Completely different from the playful and mischievous act from just a little ago.

"I'll help you fall asleep." He spoke once again before starting to increase the production of the hormone(s) which would make her fall asleep faster. Her eyes immediately began to feel heavier, and her mind immediately began to get more and more silent, more calm, more relaxed.

Combined with the feeling of weakness brought by the fast approaching fever, sleep wasn't really far out of reach. With her breathing slightly faster, her eyelids began to slowly get closer and closer towards each other. Only after a few moments, her eyes finally closed before she sank into darkness.

However, it wasn't a comfortable one. Her body, her DNA changing, wasn't exactly something that her body was comfortable with. In her deep sleep, her body sweated heavily while her body temperature began to raise alarmingly. The bite mark swelling to a huge degree. But Chaos, although alarmed and worried, didn't lose his cool.

While keeping himself cool headed, he kept an eye out on her body, and her rapidly changing DNA. He had already put the other Super Spiders along with the one that had already bitten her in a safe container. Making sure that they definitely won't be able to escape, but won't suffocate either.

Looking at his beloved host that had gone completely pale while sweating heavily, Chaos was obviously a little worried. But he knew that if he didn't want anything to happen to her, he had to keep calm and focus on her. Thankfully though, the Symbiotes seemed to have a racial ability of being able to know everything about the body of their host, down to their DNA, molecular structure, and everything else. It was like they would instantly become doctors after bonding with a host, knowing everything about a species after bonding with a single one of them. <Well consider me jealous...>

That was what helped him with controlling the production of her hormones. Otherwise, he wasn't a genius, nor was he a doctor or something to know all about that! And thankfully, it was handy this time as well.

Just like what he had said, the speed of which her body changed, adapted and accepted the change was fascinating. Unlike Peter Parker or other Spiders who needed a full day or something to fully get changed, it only took her a few hours to completely get the powers!

With a gentle groan, her delicate eyes fluttered and slowly began to open. With an exhale, she opened her eyes with furrowed eyebrows, before she heard her Symbiote's good old voice :"Hey, you're finally awake." <Who has summoned the ancient meme?!>

Her hand came to her face, rubbing it and her eyes to wake herself up and get rid of the sleepiness as she sat up with a groan :"Hey, good morning... What happened?"

When he silently pointed at the 15 containers placed together, with 15 Super Spiders in each one, her eyebrows gently went up in realization :"Oh... That's what happened. So... Any changes?"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" He asked, an amused smile on his face. With a confused frown, she shrugged :"Alright...?" And placed her hand on the drawer next to her bed for support as she got up. However, the moment she slightly pushed against the drawer, it immediately broke down and she lost her balance!

But just when she was about to fall, her body automatically balanced itself where she was, preventing her from falling! "What in the...?" She asked, confused as she looked at her hand which was about to hit the ground, and her legs that seemed to actually stick to the ground.

However, she didn't have that much of a time to be confused. Because the amused and excited voice of her Symbiote pulled her attention :"Congrats, Natasha. You're a superpowered individual from now on!"