
Chapter 8:

After 2 months my training came to a halt, because Purah and Symin wanted to assess my capabilities, and thus wanted me to collect a list of certain materials.

"This is a piece of ancient tech that we're going to give you in hopes that you improve, and that it helps you drive for adventure." Symin gave me a small but thick disk, it was roughly 8 cm in thickness, and the diameter is roughly 10- 15 cm. "We hope you use it well. Also we have reasons to believe that through the use of your magnesis rune you can actually sense metallic materials; be they weapons, ores, guardians, you should be able to sense it. We don't yet have a way to use this technique, but hope you can learn to use it on the go."

That is what they said before telling me to practise that technique, and for the next week I trained in the ability to sense metals, at first I was barely able to use it find big chunks of metal. But after a week of training I could feel larger chunks of metal with ease, but was only barely able to feel smaller pieces of metal, but this was enough for me and it was finally time to go collect the requested materials. Within this time I also set a certain amount of time trying to figure out all the functions of the disk I've taken to calling the inventory, which I after a few hours of questioning found that it was a function used in the Sheikah slate. I was weirded out at this discovery because I had never heard that this was a function for the Sheikah slate, because in the game you usually chalk it up to game physics, but yeah it was a very interesting thing to know.

The day had come for me to put all my knowledge and experience to the test, I started the journey off with walking down the hill, have I mentioned how monstrously big it is, it's like it's 60 times bigger, like holy cow. When you think about it isn't it more of a mountain when you put it in a logical way. The reason I walked down the mountain is that they didn't want me to lose the donkey in case I get into trouble, after all donkeys' are all cowardly creatures, besides a few exceptions, such as the donkey that follows that merchant that sells milk and eggs, can't quite recall his name, then again my memory about the world of Breath of the Wild was never the greatest. But with my limited knowledge about the game, there is someone I want to meet: The horned Statue. I want to see if he can provide me with ways to get stronger, I would have gone to the statues of Hylia, but I already tried to, and I heard no response. When I tried to talk to the statue I paid my respect to the statue and I used my runes to try and secure contact. How you may ask? By calling forth my runes and trying to call for someone. Not very effective? Definitely.

I walked through the town and looked for more familiar signs that the area I'm looking for is nearby, I walked past the armour store and the dye store. I asked a few passer-byers where the Firly Pond was, they all gave me the exact same directions, and told me to avoid the horned Statue, after thanking the multiple different strangers I set off in the direction of Firly Pond, and after 17 minutes I finally arrived there. I looked around the pond and noticed a familiar horned statue sitting against a small hill. I prepared myself mentally for the experience.

"Oh, a young one has payed homage to me today." The horned statue said.

"Who are you?" I said acting afraid. "Are you some sort of monster?"

"No, I'm one that trades in money and life." The statue said after doing a short laugh. "It's been so long since anyone has spoken to me, ever since that pesky goddess Hylia imprisoned me in this statue. All because my life-for-money bargains didn't sit well with her."

"Umm… okay, so what do you do?" I asked getting slightly impatient.

"I want to make you a deal." The horned statue said with a loud boisterous laugh. And I knew that I probably made a mistake. "A deal you have always wanted."