
A Boy She Once Knew

Childhood fiends reunite to find themselves in very different circumstances. An heiress to a media empire and a hero-in-training are caught between power, control and attraction. ShotoxOC.

Valentine999 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Lust Took Over

Few notes for this chapter

1. Please, everyone, engage in safe sex, Valentine just never mentions it because it is clunky and unromantic to her…just ruins the vibe. Rest assured, I will never drop a surprise baby on you.

2. Prepare for the best goddam todorokixOC lemon you've ever read.

3. While you're doing that I'll prepare for the comments.


All Ren could hear was the pounding of her heart in her chest as she heard Shoto's commanding, almost tired voice, come through the door. He sounded a little desperate, a little like he was about to lose control. It set something on fire inside of Ren and she could no longer keep up the chase, she could no longer keep the distance between them, she felt like she would lose her mind if she did not let him in. She turned to the door and opened it slowly, keeping her gaze downwards until Shoto's shadow fell across her face.

Wordlessly, he stepped inside, the hot and cold of his quirk consuming the air as the scent of Ren made him dizzy. Her mere presence was enough to set the wrong side of him on fire, did she know that? This girl who walked with so much confidence, who constantly left him feeling like she knew something he didn't? Was she aware that she was entirely in control of him? As he stepped forwards, Ren lifted her eyes to him, their gaze locked on each other, both waiting for the other to give in, neither one wanting to give up control.

With each deliberate step Shoto took towards her, Ren stepped back until she backed against the wall, feeling the solid press of it against her shoulder blades. Her lips parted in defeat as Shoto came to stand before her, his dark and light hair cast shadows over his eyes. There was no escape from him now. In one last look, both were lost in thoughts they didn't want to think about; the consequences of their actions, the fact that they were risking so much if they went through with this.

But the heat between them, the desire that was beginning to turn into an unbearable ache, the feeling that this was the only part of their lives that was making sense anymore, was enough to dissolve the worries between them. With one last, deep breath, Shoto raised his right hand and put it against Ren's face.

The instant his fingers touched her skin, Ren felt the familiar icy sting of his quirk against her cheek. She winced at the biting cold, but somehow, the pain only seemed to intensify what was going on inside of her. It was as if his touch had awakened something deep within, sparked something electric. Her skin blushed pink, her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him, her lips pouting in undeniable desire.

But Shoto noticed her wince, his brow furrowed as he registered her reaction, concern and want warring in his expression. Ren could practically hear the thoughts churning in his head - the urge to press forward hindered the fear of hurting her.

In response, Ren lifted her hand and closed it around his, pushing his hand a little harder into her face. For a moment, Shoto was confused, why would she relish the pain? But, after a moment, he jumped a little as he felt something bizarre run through his hand, down his arm and along his entire right side. The icy sensation that clung to his left side seem to melt away; he felt his temperature rising a little at Ren's touch. How was that possible? It was like a strange, physical, sensitive feedback loop between them. It gave Shoto a rush he had never felt before; to have someone else manipulate is quirk, was something he had never experienced before. It was as if she was somehow harnessing his power, amplifying and tempering it in equal measure. He was unsure if he liked it, liked the idea of someone else being in control of him. But the added physical connection, the new, heated, unknown sensation was unravelling what little control he had left.

"How-?" He wanted to ask her but before he could Ren moved her face into his palm and bit him. It was the last push they needed, before lust took over.

The girl next door lifted her hands to rest on his chest, feeling the thud of his heartbeat through the fabric of his shirt. Slowly, giving him every chance to pull away, she rose up on her tiptoes, bringing her face level with his. Her heart clenched at his inexperienced hesitance, at the way he seemed to vibrate with barely leashed restraint.

The fact that she, Ren Ishikawa, could reduce the unmovable Shoto Todoroki to this trembling mass of teenage hormones, was a headier power trip than anything she had ever experienced before.

Shoto's eyes widened, his lips parting jut a little as Ren brushed her mouth against his in the lightest of kisses.

It was barely more than a whisper of contact, but Shoto felt something shake and vibrate in his very core, as he felt Ren's lips against his. Show was soft and cool against him, a delicious contrast to the heat that seemed to emanate from his left side. And as she pressed closer, Shoto was startled to discover that her skin seemed to shift temperature where it met his - warming against his right side while cooling his left.

The young hero wrapped his arms around Ren's waist, tugging her flush against him as instinct kicked in and he deepened the kiss. She welcomed him into her mouth, gasping at the feel of his tongue; so that's what it felt like! Her fingers became tangled in his hair, he barely registered that they were stumbling backwards together, never breaking contact. His hands were lost in the black fabric of her dress as the desperate need to be close to her fuelled his actions. Their pulses raced, small sounds of aching want escaped their lips as they moved blindly through the apartment.

The moment Ren's feet hit the plush softness of the living room rug, she tore herself away from Shoto with a gasp. He made a low sound of protest, reaching for her again, but Ren stopped him with a palm against his chest. His eyes narrowed as he caught the glint of mischief in her gaze and a small smile of nostalgia played on his lips; only days ago he had been so frustrated with her insatiable lust for chaos and mischief, now, he was grateful for it. Ready to see what cruel plan she had come up with this time.

Slowly, deliberately, Ren lowered herself to her knees on the rug, her movements graceful and fluid. Shoto watched, transfixed, as she lay back against the intricately woven threads, her dark hair fanning out around her head like a halo. With a small smile, Ren reached down to the fabric of her dress on her thighs and, tilting her head at him as though daring him to resist, she began to inch the fabric higher. Shoto's breath was caught in his throat, unable to tear his eyes away from the slow reveal of her legs. His mouth became dry and his heart pounded like a drum in his chest.

It's not like women or sex were completely alien to him, at least, not since Ren had re-entered his life. He had caught himself wondering, late at night, where he might bruise her skin with his fingertips, taste her with his tongue, hurt her just a little with his quirk…just enough to wipe the smirk from her face. None of this chaos, this lust, had existed inside of him a few months ago, and he was becoming tired of the effort it was taking to restrain himself.

Before he even realised what he was doing, Shoto found himself dropping to his knees before her, his hands coming up to land on her ankles. He heard Ren's breath hitch as he slowly slid his palms upward, savouring the impossible smoothness of her skin. She shivered under his touch as a pink blush crept onto her cheeks, down her neck, across her collarbones.

The sight of Ren's body reacting so viscerally to his hands was dizzying, an intoxicating sense of control. The logical part of his brain knew they were venturing into uncharted territory, teetering on the brink of something that could never be undone. But in that moment, faced with the vision of her beneath him, Shoto couldn't bring himself to care.

But even more incredible was the sensation of his quirk against her skin. Ren had always been sensitive to Shoto's powers, her body reacting intensely to even the slightest graze of his icy touch. But this - this was something else entirely. Everywhere he touched her, every point of contact between his flesh and hers, felt like a live-wire of sensation. His right side, so cold it burned, sent a thrilling ache shuddering through her nervous system. The chill seemed to reach directly into her core, pulling something out of her, making her grit her teeth in a desperate bid to keep her sanity.

"Ah!" She gasped as Shoto's heated palm skated up her side, his touch searing even through the thin fabric of her dress. It was like being branded, a physical manifestation of the undeniable heat, the friction, the war that had existed between them since they reunited. The heat and the cold, the pleasure and the pain, swirled together until Ren could no longer tell them apart. She was drowning in him, lost to the push and pull of his body against hers.

Shoto swallowed hard as he looked up to find Ren, slowly, teasingly pulling at the ribbon holding the front of her dress closed. The silky fabric parted like dark waves, revealing a tantalising glimpse of the black lace of her was apparently the last straw for Shoto's restraint. With a sound caught somewhere between a growl and a whimper, he lunged forward, kissing her feverishly. Ren moaned into the embrace, her hands coming up to fist in his hair as his tongue explored her mouth.

Shoto's hands were everywhere - skimming up her sides, cupping her breasts through the thin fabric of her dress, dipping down to clutch at her curves. Every touch was electric, he felt like everything she had ever imagined. But she wanted, needed, more.

"Touch me," Ren gasped, tearing her mouth away from his. She grabbed blindly for his hand, dragging it down to where she was aching and empty and desperate for the feel of him. In need of being taught and a capable student, Shoto obliged her pleading for him. "I need you to touch me-" But the moment his fingers brushed against her underwear, Ren's body seized up, a pained whimper escaping her throat. The chill of his right hand was just too intense, too overwhelming against her most sensitive flesh. It shot straight through her like a bolt of arctic lightning, freezing her to the core.

Shoto recoiled as if burned, apologies tumbling from his kiss-swollen lips. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," Ren panted, trying to catch her breath through the receding waves of sensation. "Just...maybe use your other hand?" Shoto blinked, starting at her blankly for a moment, clearly thrown by the request. But then understanding dawned in his eyes, "right. Yeah, that's...probably a good idea." She nodded at him encouragingly, their passionate, dramatic union interrupted by a moment of naïveté and concern. Ren braced herself for what may come.

The first touch of his left hand against her underwear elicited a choked sound from the boy next door as he felt the slick wetness of what he was doing to her. He barely touched her but even that gentle graze sent sparks skittering through Ren's bloodstream, her hips tilting up in desperate search of more.

Slowly, he began to explore her through her underwear, watching her face intently as it became flushed with overwhelming pleasure. He listened to the noises she was making, learning what spots, what motions made her moan in that delicious way, made her bite her lip seductively. Ren let her head fall back against the carpet, her eyes drifting shut as she lost herself to the sensation. Every pass of his fingers felt like a tiny sun licking at her flesh, the warmth building and building until she was sure she would completely combust.

But just as she was about to beg for more, Shoto's movements suddenly stopped. Ren's eyes flew open, a look of utter indignation on her face. Did he have any idea what he had just brought her to the brink of, only to snatch it away? But as she lifted her head to protest, the look on Shoto's face stopped her in her tracks. He sat up on his knees and held both of his hands out in front of him, Ren felt a tiny shudder go through her as she caught the glisten of her on his fingertips. Who would have ever thought these two would end up here?

"Shoto," she said softly, trying to keep the tired frustration from her voice, "what are you doing?"

"I think," he gritted out, his voice rough and strained, "the other hand might be better, after all."

Confusion swirled through the haze of lust clouding Ren's mind. But before she could question it, Shoto was shifting over her again, bringing his right hand back to the juncture of her thighs. Ren tensed instinctively, bracing for the bite of cold. But to her shock, the touch that met her heated flesh was barely cool, a refreshing balm against the scorching arousal consuming her.

Ren's eyes flew wide, a gasp caught between her teeth. She stared up at Shoto in astonishment, her heart doing a giddy flip at the determined set of his jaw. He was focusing intently on his hand, his brow furrowed in concentration. Ren watched him, half-impressed, half-laughing but utterly transfixed. She caught the smirk on his face as a flicker of frost began to form around his fingers, only to melt away from the heat of her a moment later.

"I can...control it," Shoto explained, balancing his left hand on the floor by Ren's head, nuzzling into her neck. His voice, tight, controlled, made her shudder as she felt him so close. "Change the temperature, make it more...bearable."

It was a push and pull, the delicate feel of opposites that sent Ren spiralling higher and higher. The pleasure built within her like a gathering storm, dark clouds heavy with promise of cooling rain and electric potential. Every brush of Shoto's fingers against her underwear felt like the rumble of distant thunder, the air around them growing thick and charged. She was surprised that Shoto seemed to know what he was looking for, how to pull it out of her, make her hurt for him.

And when he finally, finally slipped his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties to touch her bare flesh, Ren arched off the floor with a squeal, a new, exciting sound to Shoto's ears. The dual sensations of his quirk-cooled skin and the searing heat of her own body sent her over the edge in an instant. Her hips buckled, her thighs clamped down on his hands, she moaned a little louder and into his mouth as he moved up to kiss her. As the waves of pleasure subsided, Ren lay there panting in Shoto's arms.

She watched as the boy next door gritted his teeth a little and paused with his eyes closed. She smirked, realising he was too inhibited or too naive to ask for what he wanted. But his need of her was evident in the straining bulge pressed against her hip. The feel of what she did to him made her moan softly.

"Fuck me," she caught his eye as she spoke and Shoto groaned at her words, a broken, wrecked sound that shook something inside of Ren. Together, they managed to shove his pants down his hips, just far enough to free him. The first brush of him against her womanhood made gasps escape both their lips, need and anticipation thrumming between them.

"You've never-" Ren started to ask, but Shoto cut her off with a sharp shake of his head.

"No," he said thickly, his eyes burning into hers. "You?"

"No," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion or the weight of this moment, she wasn't sure.

Shoto's eyes fluttered shut as he restrained himself, a shudder rippling through his powerful frame. When he opened them again, the emotion in his mismatched eyes nearly stole Ren's breath. There was no hesitation there, no uncertainty or fear. It soothed any worries she may have had. That this was exactly where they were meant to be.

Slowly, giving her every chance to change her mind, Shoto reached down to hook his fingers in the sides of Ren's underwear. She lifted her hips, helping him slide the flimsy fabric down her legs until she could kick them away entirely.

All these years of build up and teasing, all these months of unacknowledged sexual tension between the two, both were so ready to let go. They looked into each other's eye for one last look of reassurance. Gone was the guarded hero, the icy and reserved son of Endeavor. In his place was a young man completely undone, lost to the pleasure coursing through his veins. And Ren revelled in it, to unravel Shoto Todoroki, to strip him bare and watch him come apart in her arms, was the most intoxicating thing she'd ever known. There was no past, no future, no hero or heiress or family legacies to control them. There was only the boy and girl next door.

Shoto let out a low groan, the head of his cock nudging at her entrance. But he paused there, clearly fighting for control, for the presence of mind not to just surge forward and bury himself inside her.

"I don't want to hurt you," he panted, his arms trembling where they bracketed her head. Ren smiled a little.

"I kinda want you to though," she whispered. And with that, she reached down to guide him inside her.

The first press of his cock into her slick heat felt like coming home. It was a stretch, a burn - her body unused to the intrusion, no matter how desperately she craved it. Shoto sank into her slowly, inch by excruciating inch, clearly fighting the urge to just surge forward and claim her completely. But beneath the discomfort was a bone-deep rightness, a sense of connection and intimacy more profound than anything she had ever known. That anything she ever thought she wanted.

And then, with a final, gentle thrust, Shoto was fully inside her. They both went utterly still, foreheads pressed together, panting into the scant space between their lips. Ren felt like her entire world had narrowed down to this one moment. She could only whimper, too overwhelmed by sensation to form coherent words. Shoto's quirk was in overdrive, his warring temperatures sending her nerves into fits of ecstasy. Everywhere his skin touched hers, every searing point of contact, felt like every one of her nerve endings were being tested. And now that bizarre, overwhelming, all-consuming sensation was burning her from the inside out. The intensity of it, the shocking intimacy, was like nothing either had ever experienced.

She could feel his control fraying, could sense the primal hunger building in the tense lines of his body. He was holding himself back by a thread, every muscle coiled with the strain of keeping his powers in check, of not letting his instincts take over and claim her hard and rough like he so clearly wanted to. The thought of it, of Shoto losing himself completely in her body, struck Ren like a bolt of lightning straight to the core.

"Move," she gasped, rolling her hips up to take him even deeper. "Please, Shoto, I need you to move."

A guttural sound tore from Shoto's throat, his fingers flexing bruisingly on her hips. And then he was pulling back, dragging himself out of her, only to surge forward again in a smooth, devastating thrust. It was clumsy and artless, the unchecked passion of two people lost to sensation for the very first time. They could feel his quirk reacting to the buildup of pleasure, the air around them growing thick and heavy with cold and heat. Frost crept along the carpet beneath them, even as Shoto's body threw off waves of scorching air. It made the room humid, sticky, slick and wet.

They both cried out at the sensation, pleasure and wonder and desperate, clawing need. And then they were moving together, Ren barely feeling the pain of her first time anymore. Shoto rocked into her, his red and white hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. With one, final, primal sound of a man lost in the madness of sex, his hips stuttering against hers. And then Ren felt it, the swell and throb and pulse of him inside of her as he came.

Nailed it.

Valentine999creators' thoughts