
A Bootlegger’s Rise in a Pirate’s World

“WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!!” John yells with only his head sticking out of the sand. “Shishishishi, I thought you were dead, do you need any help old man. You look kinda stuck.” “I’m 20 you fuck, help me out and I’ll treat you to some meat when I can.” “MEAT!” (CONGRATULATIONS YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU. YOU HAVE COME ITNO CONTACT WITH THE MAIN PROTAGONIST OF THIS WORLD. SO AS A REWORD YOU GET A SYSTEM CUSTOMIZED TO WHAT LITTLE TALENTS YOU HAVE, THUSLY DUBBED THE (“WANABE MAFIA SYSTEM.”) HOPEFULLY YOUR THIRD LIFE IS BETTER THEN YOU LAST WITH THIS, BECAUSE YOU OBVIOUSLY COULDN’T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT HELP ON YOUR SECOND. TRY NOT TO DIE LIKE A BITCH THIS TIME. AND HAVE FUN, OR NOT JUST MAKE IT INTERESTING.) ‘FUCK YOU TOO YOU &&@$&@&$@&$’ John thought and he tried not to spit blood. “Shishishi, you’re not hurt are you, your face is kinda funny.” “No, just aggravated at being stuck kid.” As John fallows the kid around, his head starts putting the pieces together short kid, stupid laugh, straw hat and he woke up on a beach. ‘Fuck I’m in One piece aren’t I.’ John thought to himself. ( Ding ) ( For figuring out where you are you get to open the starter pack. To open it you must take it out of your standard storage ring located on your right index finger.) ‘Well at least I have a golden finger this time.’ Includes ‘Smarter Crew,’ a single character gender bending, and a kinda op mc.

ShadyGames · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

With the rest, and how to make an entrance!

(Sanji POV)

It wasn't long after I stored my newly won blue fin tuna in the ship's cooler, and headed back out, that I found Nami and Usopp while they were taking the items they bought to the ship as well. "Nami swan let me take your bags. Were you able to get everything you needed?" She looks in a good mood, so it seems everything went well.

"Thank you Sanji. And yes everything went well, after getting some clothes, we were able to find everything John asked us to get as well. I got a log pose and a few eternal poses for pretty cheap." She said after handing me her bags.

After swooning for a while I decided to address my other crew mate."That's great Nami, what about you Usopp. Did you find some transponder snails?"

"Yea, after Nami picked out some clothes for me and we bought the poses we found a shop that sold the a few streets over. I bought four regular snails and a solid black snail that had a specialized rig for John. I also had a cool duel with an old guy." Usopp said while rubbing his nose.

By the time we made it to the docks we could hear and see panic running through all of the citizens. Guessing what it is I turn to Nami. "Sorry Nami swan. But I must go. Stay on the ship and get it ready for us to set sail. I'm off to help our captain." I say before setting the bags down and running dramatically towards the noise at the center of town.

Running as fast as I can using soru a few times I reach a crowd of people, hundreds if not thousands all staring towards the scaffolding in the center of the clearing. When I see what everyone is staring at my heart clenches. I see my Captain stuck in a pillory with a maniacal clown holding a sword to his neck.

Seeing this my mind starts to wander. 'Damn I have to do something. We made a promise damn it, move, fight, anything. Fuck he can't die here!' Before I can do anything to try and help him I hear him call out something that I know I will remember for the rest of my life.

"I'm the man who'll become THE KING OF PIRATES!!" The world went still as if to acknowledge his claim. The words resounding in the hearts of everyone on the island. It took a good few seconds for people to start reacting.

"Wha.." Green shirt dude stuttered.

"King of Pirates, he said?!" Young man #3 exclaimed.

"In this town of all places." Said old man B.

Before I can even proses what just happened I see Zorro and John rush forward, before Zorro stops too keep the crowd off John as he closes in on the scaffolding. Needing to move now I kick at the first pirates I see. "Damn bastards."

Unfortunately before any of us made it close, everyone in the clearing could hear the clown laughing while raising his sword. Turning to the sound I could see Luffy's eyes sweeping to everyone of us and I felt like breaking into tears when I saw him smile.

"John, Zorro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami. Sorry, I'm dead." As the sword came down I heard the sound of a caged beast bellowing form John. And people started to fall like flies.

As he rushed towards our captain screaming out "Damn it get out of my way. MOVE!" his body started to explode in an endless sea of green lightning. It seemed to encase him before reforming into a fillet that rested above his brow, glowing a bright white light that seems to burn and spark at the same time.

As I see him disappear from view the sky turns white and a defining sound rings through out the plaza. And for the second time in less then ten seconds the world stills once more.


(Back to John POV)

'Damn it, I know Dragon is supposed to save him but I've already changed a lot so I can't be sure it will happen the same way.' I think shooting every pirate I can. I'm using my pistol because I don't want to hurt the civilians that are stuck around us. If it wasn't for them I'd be unleashing lead hell upon the world right now.

As I near 30 feet I hear Luffy say something I had hoped he wouldn't have to. "Jonh, Zorro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami. Sorry, I'm dead." He says with the purest smile I've ever seen him give.


Clenching my fists to the point I'm sure I drew blood I'm finally able to move, desperately trying to reach my captain on time. "Damn it get out of my way. MOVE!" With my last word spoken my world turns white and my head is clear for the first time in my life.

"Sorry I was a little late captain, I should have came by earlier." I say holding Buggy's head like a dodge ball. Damn that lightning felt weird.

"Shishishi, looks like I'm not dead. Thanks John."

"No problem captain, but I didn't save you. It seems the world decided it wants to see if you can hold up to your claim. The lighting did help me get a bit stronger though." I say as I getting him loose with my right hand.

"Huh, what do you mean. Didn't you do the lighting bolt? I mean you were kinda flashing for a moment there." He asks while jumping down.

As I jump down after him, I slam Buggy's face into the stone beneath us. "No Captain, I couldn't generate that much lightning if I have a whole day to do so. Let alone 10 or 20 seconds."

"Shishishi, must be fate or luck then, either way it doesn't matter let's get going. I've seen everything I wanted to see." While he laughed Sanji and Zorro made their way over.

As we start to make our way out of the crowd the marines make their move. " ' Straw Hat' Monkey D Luffy, 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zorro, 'Gun Runner' John D Brewer, you are under arrest. Give up none of you or the pirates behind you are leaving this island." Says a broad shouldered man said with a cigar in his mouth.

Seems like as good as a time as any to see if my flames will affect a logia or not. I actually like him as a person, so if I thought he would consider it I wouldn't mind not fighting him, unfortunately I know he wouldn't accept that. So naturally I'm not going to be nice. Drawing out my overly decorated dueling pistol I aim in his direction.

"Normally for a good man like you, I would give an option to leave before someone gets hurt. But I know your pride wouldn't let you do something like that so don't blame me for this, i will at least try not to get the civilians involved." My hand flashing golden the moment I pull the trigger. In moments both i and the marines are shocked, not expecting Smoker to fall to one knee, blood pooling in his hands as he holds his side.

Holstering my pistol I pull out my Tommy gun while everyone else readies for a fight. "Are we fighting or running to the boat Captain." I ask after I make sure my drum magazine is full.

"Shishishi, let's get to the boat, but beat every marine or pirate that gets in our way. Today has me pumped up for the grand line." When he says that as we take off, and I let loose a small volley at the feet of the marines nearby.

"Sounds good captain there are some cool things I want you to see in paradise." I grin at him. Getting him excited to go to the grand sea.

We didn't have any issues until got a bit further then half way to the shore. As I said earlier the world works in mysterious ways, and we bumped into Tashigi. Looking at Zorro I tell her to be quick since we don't know how long we have until Smoker get back up.

After a tori giri with her swords backwards Zorro takes one last look at her. "Train harder Tashigi, I hope the next time we see each other I will be surprised. Goodbye I really did hope we could have been friends."

"Damn it, Zorro I'll be the one to catch you. Don't you ever forget that, do you hear me." She screams while trying to find her glasses.

"Come on let's catch up to them, I can see smoke ahead." I say grabbing her arm. It's not the time for hand holding you degenerate.

And in a true anima fashion I either arrived at the worst or best time depending on opinion. Why? Well it's because as soon as we fought up I see Dragon staring me down. "Why is a man like you in this sea and unnamed? What purpose do you serve?" Knowing he can probably tell if I'm lying I tell the closest thing to the truth I can.

"I was shot in the chest and left for dead, as for why or how I ended up in the East Blue, I have no clue. I just know my captain practically saved my life and gave me the motivation to chase my dream. Now I could ask you the same thing Dragon, why save a week pirate from the East blue, what purpose do you have for being here." I say to the point with some defiance in my tone. Damn Hyper Intuition is definitely doing something to my head right now.

"Haha good get out of here and keep doing what your doing." He gives us a smirk as he sends us flying to the Merry, where Usopp and Nami have been fighting off a small number of marines.

"Shishishi, that was so much fun. That old clocked dude was so cool. John was he the one who did the lighting bolt? You asked why he helped us." He just laughs as he knocks out all of the marines that tried to get on the Merry.

My mind is starting to get a little fuzzy. "Yea Captain, that was Dragon. The most wanted man in the world. I've got a guess to why he is here but I'm not sure. Anyway I'm not feeling so goo-" I say while trying to head to my room on the look out before falling on my face. 'Hey system do you know what's going on.'

( Ding ) (Answer host has awakened his sky flame without taking the Vongola Trial. As a result of not having full control, you have over stimulated your nervous system and will most likely be unconscious for a few hours. Good night host, don't let the bed bugs bite.)

As the black slowly fades closer and closer in, I hear the crew start to panic, and who I will assume is Zorro rushing to help me up. Unfortunately for them I'm already drifting off to night night land. Before I embrace my coma I hear on last faint ding as the message fade with my consciousness.

( Ding ) (Host has achieved an unorthodox awakening and will now begin his trial in 3 2 -)


(You can skip if you want, but I think it's kinda funny so I'd read it.)

(2days later. Marine Headquarters)

"Commodore Brannew, I'm to report about the new pirate group from the east blue." Petty Officer #69 spoke over the transponder snail.

"That straw hat group? Didn't we just issue their bounties a few days ago." Brannew asks sifting through his desk to find the three new papers.

"Yes sir. But since the time they were issued the 'Straw Hats' have already caused three more incidents, and we have received information suggesting one of the members is from the new world." #69 says quickly fidgeting at his own news.

"Well spit it out already soldier. I don't have all day." He ordered while getting the files ready to add too.

"Yes sir. The first and second come from the 152nd marine base in the east blue. In the early morning on the ##th of this month the 'Straw Hats' landed in Cocoyashi village and with their group of 6 took out all 43 of the Arlong pirates. The Captain 'Monkey D Luffy,' fighting Arlong himself, Vice Captain 'John D Brewer,' single handily took down 14 cadets in a matter of seconds before raiding their base of operations. Their Navigator 'Nami' and Sniper 'Usopp' worked together to take out 5 cadets and a main member named Chew. The 1st Mate and swordswoman 'Roronoa Zorro' beat the six sword 'Hatchan' in one move, and lastly the Chief 'Sanji' took out the rest." #69 pauses for a moment to let his superior speak.

"And this is just the first of three not counting the other information yes." Brannew asks feeling a lot of paperwork coming his way.

"Yes sir. The second is much shorter with one 'John D Brewer' shooting Captan Nezumi in the head befor saying quote "I fucking hate rats. Now are you going to fight or run with your tails behind your legs. Wait actually don't do either just pick up the trash behind us and go. Hopefully the new marines are actually descent folk." Before they all left town without hurting any of the towns people. After a quick investigation, the new marines from headquarters found that the 152nd branch had been working with Arlong for the last 8 years, and that one 'Nami' was originally a member of this village before being forced to work for said Arlong. So the marines concluded that they came to end Arlong's rule before setting of with their navigator."

"Just please finish already, you've already gave me enough to raise or give a bounty on them all what more could they do in a week. It's the East Blue for goodness sakes."

"About that sir. The worst is Lougetown. Here we had a situation where two other pirate groups joins together to kill 'Straw Hat Luffy' by sticking him in the pillory and proceeding to then abruptly attempt a execution. 'Straw Hat Luffy' then proceeded to proclaim to the whole island that he would be the next King of Pirates, before one Buggy Clown continued with his attempt. One 'John D Brewer' released an unknown aura while flashing in a "Flamimg Lightning" before appearing behind his captain, saving him from both a sword and a lightning strike that he claimed wasn't him who made. Afterwards he shot one Captain 'Smoker' who ate the smoke smoke fruit which is a logia. And caused him to fall down bleeding from his stomach. Lastly after one 'Roronoa Zorro' briefly fought with one Petty Officer 'Tashigi' they were all confronted by the worlds worst criminal 'Dragon' who claimed that 'John D Brewer' did not belong in this sea and asked why he was in one of the blues. 'Brewer' then replied that he was beaten and found himself in the East Blue and was saved by one 'Monkey D Luffy' who also gave him the courage to chase his dream. Which remains unclear at this time." #69 finishes, gasping for air and reaching for a bottle of water.

"Well shit. This may be above my pay grade. Thank you Petty Officer @@#%# for getting this information as quick as possible. At ease soldier." Brannew says before ending his transmission.

"Damn I'm going to have to call the Fleet Admiral, so much paperwork. Damn pirates, can't they just give me a day without causing me more work." He said grabbing his snail.

"Yes Commodore Brannew, what do you need." Segoku said looking up from his own paperwork.

"Paperwork Fleet Admiral. The new group of pirates caused to much trouble for me to actually bounty them correctly. Plus it seems one comes from the new world so that makes everything all the more fun. So when you can we need to have a meeting about the 'Straw Hat Pirates.' To discuss their bounty's." He sighs already thinking of the extra work he will have to do in the coming days.

"Alright Commodore, thank you for bringing it up with me. I'll call a meeting as soon as I can to deal with this matter until then just raise their bounties by 10 million each." Sengoku said felling a headache coming on.

"Yes Fleet Admiral. I'll do that right away." Brannew said as the snail disconnected. Turning back to his paperwork and seeing it doubled since he got in a call with #69 he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. "Damn it, take the promotion they said, it's not as dangerous they said. My ass I've felt closer to death since I started working here then I ever did out on the sea." He mumbles out as he starts on his work.

Jazz hands.

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