
A Better World-AOT Fanfiction

WARNING! SPOILERS FOR ATTACK ON TITAN AHEAD! RECOMMENDED TO READ AFTER FINISHING ORIGINAL SERIES! . . . In a world ruled by beings known as Titans, there exist people who can control them. Titan Shifters, people capable of assuming the form of Titans and gaining incredible abilities. Ymir, the Founding Titan, passed down 9 Titans: The Attack titan, The Beast titan, The Cart titan, The Jaw titan, The War Hammer titan, The Colossal titan, The Armored titan, The Female titan, and the Founding titan to rule them all. Little did Ymir know that there was one titan that escaped her control, a spontaneous mutation, and one not of her creation. A being long forgotten now rises in the final era of titans. Attack on Titan is not owned by me. Only the OC character(s) and Titan are. Image for cover is also not owned by me. Please contact me if you feel uncomfortable with me using your image. ... This fanfic will be an MC x Annie Leonhart, possible Harem with Mikasa Ackerman but no one else. Also, he will not be OP at beginning and all his abilities will be those of this universe(so no ninjutsu, psychic abilities, system and/or skills). MC will not know the storyline of AOT but he will know more about the world from the beginning due to being from Marley(i.e. Knowing about the existence of Titan Shifters and other countries). MC will also only slowly assimilate previous Titan Shifters memories rather than spontaneously acquire them all at once so he will only know more in the later parts of the story. I will try to make the MC carve his own path rather than just replace Eren, however, it is inevitable that MC takes Erens place at some points in the story. I hope you enjoy! “”-Speech, ‘’-Thought, **-Noises

InfinitySword99 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

The Greatest, One Day/Tales of Liberio Part 1

The next day Touma woke up prepared to take a big step in his master plan. Touma saw that the old man was sad when his stuff was taken by the mean soldier, and he didn't like that. His master plan is to humiliate the soldier with a prank, and he could steal that meanies money to give it back to the old man. To do this Touma knew he needed help, he couldn't tell his parents because they would try to stop him due to fear that he'd get in trouble.

'But what they don't know won't hurt them hee hee heee' Touma thought giggling at the fact that he'd be able to have some fun and help people at the same time. 'It's two stones with one bird! Hmm, this saying is weird, why would a bird want two stones? Oh well, doesn't matter'

Touma got ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Just like yesterday his mom, Mai, was in the kitchen and his dad, Sakuta, was sitting at the dining table and reading the newspaper. After breakfast Touma stood up and said "Mom and Dad, can I go play by myself today?"

"What? You get tired of me already kiddo?" His dad teased and was promptly *Bonked* on the top of his head by Touma's mother. "Owww"

"Of course, dear, go play and try to make some new friends." She replied.

"I'll try my best," Touma said as he ran out the door. 'Now it's time for step 1 of my super amazing awesome secret super plan of awesomeness, assembling the team' He thought with a grin.

Touma decided to go walk around and see if he could find someone that would be able to help him. He just casually wandered around the internment zone hoping to find a teammate but after not finding anyone for a while he just wished he'd be able to find any child.

'Uggghhhh, how do no children exist in this town! There's no way it can be just me, right? Don't give up me, you're awesome and so your team will be awesome too.' Mentally pumping himself bored after 30 minutes of walking he kept wandering until out of the corner of his eye he spotted a group of small figures duck into an alley to his right.

His eyes gleamed and he thought 'You're mine, he he he, oh whoops almost turned into a villain there, happy thoughts, happy thoughts'

Touma turned into the alley and said "Helloooo future frien—"

"Stupid kid, can't run anymore can ya" But he was interrupted by one among three big children who stood around a small boy.

"Ha ha the midgets gonna cry now, well mommy can't save you now can she" Taunted the one on the left. While the one on the right of the first speaker just snickered at the child.

Meanwhile, the one in the middle had his foot digging into the calf of the small boy, who was laying down on the ground. The small boy had short brown hair and bright green eyes, which were now full of frustrated tears. The four finally took notice of Touma standing at the entrance of the alley.

"Scram shorty! Can't you see were doin' somethin' here" said the middle bully.

"Nothing unsavory I hope" responded Touma.

At that, the silent bully said "Of course not, we're not eating anything how could it be unsavory?" with a genuine expression of confusion.

'There's no way he's that dumb right' thought Touma.

*Bam* The newly-dubbed dumb bully was smacked in the back of the head by the bully in the middle. The middle bully then told the dumb one with a smirk "Unsavory isn't about food idiot, he means he wants us to stop having fun".

The small boy then tried to get up but the middle bully dug his foot in harder, which made the small boy stop struggling. "So…" the middle bully said "What're you gonna do about it"

"First…I'm gonna tie my shoes" stated Touma as he crouched down to his shoes, but discreetly he picked up a clump of dirt. Then he shouted "Look out Soldiers!" while pointing behind the group. The bullies then turned to look behind them while Touma launched himself forward reaching the bully on the left. He tightened his empty hand into a fist and rammed it into the bully's stomach, the bully doubled over on the ground while the middle bully's head snapped back to look at Touma.

Touma then threw the clump of dirt at the bully's face and sprinted toward the bully. The dirt got in the bully's eyes as he wasn't expecting it. "Aaahh! shoot! get him Shinji" the middle bully screamed while his hands covered his eyes. Shinji, the dumb bully, finally realized there was no one there at his friend's shout and barreled at Touma. Touma tried to move backward but Shinji still managed to reach him due to his larger stature, Touma fell backward due to the pain of being hit.

Shinji took another step to reach Touma and raised his foot to step on him. Touma quickly rolled to the side and got up before Shinji could attack him again. Touma looked around to see if there was anything he could use, Touma then backed up against the side of a building while tensing up. Shinji once again launched himself at Touma but just before Shinji reached him, Touma ducked under Shinji's arms and moved forward, bypassing Shinjis charge. Shinji unable to stop himself instantly slammed headfirst into the wall and crumpled to the floor.

Touma hairs suddenly stood on end and he dived to the side as a wooden plank wooshed over where he was. Touma stood up to see the middle bully glare at him with bloodshot eyes and a wooden plank in his arms. The bully launched himself at Touma, raising the plank above his head in a bid to slam it down on Touma, Touma jumped to the side. The wooden plank then slammed down and split at the end leaving a jagged tip. The bully snarled and swung it horizontally, Touma tried to dodge backward but the plank grazed him leaving a gash on his bicep.

"Grrrrrraaaahhh! Why won't you go down!" The bully screamed at him.

The bully stepped forward while Touma stepped back but his back touched the wall making him realize he was cornered. As the bully got ready to swing the plank like a baseball bat he suddenly screamed and looked down at the small boy who had bitten his ankle. Not wanting to miss the opportunity Touma dashed forward and drove his fist into the bully's nose, he felt a satisfying snap while the bully tripped over the small boy and fell backward, falling unconscious as he hit his head on the floor.

Touma shakily stood up and offered his hand to the small boy who was staring at him with wide eyes and his mouth agape.

"My name is Touma Kirigaya, what's yours," He said as he lifted the boy and put one of the boy's arms over his should in order to help him stand.

"I-i-isao…Isao Ogi" The boy shakily responded. "Thank you for helping me" he muttered.

"Dude, do you want to join my crew!" Touma asked excitedly, his instinct told him this guy would be perfect for his team.

"Huh, whu-wha what? Your crew?" Isao stuttered back at him.

"I'm building a team, a team of people who will help me get back at those mean soldiers."

"What! You're going to fight the soldiers! But they'll hurt you!"

"What's life without a little pain, I can't stand the way they treat us. As if we aren't people. But to do this I need help... your help."

"My help! You need mine? But I'm small and weak…" Isao said with a downcast look.

"Despite that, you still helped me fight those guys. I know you'll be a great part of my team."

"O-o-ok, I'll do it, I'll join your team"

"Hex yeah! Gimme five!" Touma screamed while slapping Isao's palm.

Then he said, "Now let's go get you home, and my moms probably expecting me back too". As Touma turned and started walking away he didn't notice the gaze full of admiration that stared at his back.

'I will join you, I want to be there when you do amazing things because I know that one day, you'll be the greatest.' Isao affirmed as he followed Touma out of the alley.

Heeeelllooooo Everyyyone. Thanks for reading the chapter, hope you enjoyed the fight scene. For anyone who was waiting for MC to curb stomp the bully's I apologize, but I did make it clear he wouldn't be strong at the beginning. He will quickly grow stronger though, the reason being a talent I hinted at during the fight. Also, I hid a reference in the synopsis, comment if you can find it. Finally, I have a super serious question................ What are your favorite pizza toppings and pizza size? For me, it's pepperoni and bacon, for the size I prefer thin crust.

InfinitySword99creators' thoughts