
A Better World-AOT Fanfiction

WARNING! SPOILERS FOR ATTACK ON TITAN AHEAD! RECOMMENDED TO READ AFTER FINISHING ORIGINAL SERIES! . . . In a world ruled by beings known as Titans, there exist people who can control them. Titan Shifters, people capable of assuming the form of Titans and gaining incredible abilities. Ymir, the Founding Titan, passed down 9 Titans: The Attack titan, The Beast titan, The Cart titan, The Jaw titan, The War Hammer titan, The Colossal titan, The Armored titan, The Female titan, and the Founding titan to rule them all. Little did Ymir know that there was one titan that escaped her control, a spontaneous mutation, and one not of her creation. A being long forgotten now rises in the final era of titans. Attack on Titan is not owned by me. Only the OC character(s) and Titan are. Image for cover is also not owned by me. Please contact me if you feel uncomfortable with me using your image. ... This fanfic will be an MC x Annie Leonhart, possible Harem with Mikasa Ackerman but no one else. Also, he will not be OP at beginning and all his abilities will be those of this universe(so no ninjutsu, psychic abilities, system and/or skills). MC will not know the storyline of AOT but he will know more about the world from the beginning due to being from Marley(i.e. Knowing about the existence of Titan Shifters and other countries). MC will also only slowly assimilate previous Titan Shifters memories rather than spontaneously acquire them all at once so he will only know more in the later parts of the story. I will try to make the MC carve his own path rather than just replace Eren, however, it is inevitable that MC takes Erens place at some points in the story. I hope you enjoy! “”-Speech, ‘’-Thought, **-Noises

InfinitySword99 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Wherever You Go, It Always Exists/The Kirigayas

In a room of a small one story house in the middle of a city slept a boy. He looked to be around 6 years old, with dark brown hair that glistened black at times, as his eyes opened you could see he also had eyes of the same color.

"Touma! Come down for breakfast!" A homely voice hollered.

"Coming Mom!"

He quickly changed into clothes from his sleepwear and bolted out of his room. He quickly came upon a living room where a woman with brown hair stood in the kitchen, cooking at the stove. At a table directly across from the kitchen sat a man with black hair and glasses reading a newspaper. The man grumbled while reading the article and occasionally sipping the coffee in front of him. The newspaper stated it was from a publishing company called Liberio News. 

"Good morning Dad! Can I come with you today?" Touma asked his father. 

"Sure kiddo, why not! What do you want to see today?" Replied Touma's father.

"Can we pass by the gate? Or maybe the port? Oooh can we see the river?!" 

"Calm down kiddo, *ha ha* those places aren't going anywhere."

Touma pouted and sat down at the table. His mother walked over with a plate of bacon and pancakes. As she was setting them down on the table Touma's father reached over and tried to grab a slice of bacon. Suddenly the man felt as if a demon was staring him down and he involuntarily shivered. He looked up to see his wife glaring at him while continuing to set down the plates. Reacting quickly, Touma's father retracted his hand and began to read his newspaper as if nothing had happened. Touma began to laugh seeing this while Touma's mother just looked at her husband and let out an exasperated sigh. 

After finishing breakfast Touma's father took him out to walk in the city. As they were walking around Touma noticed everyone wearing white armbands, similar to the one he had on. 

Curious, Touma asked his father "Dad, what are these armbands for?"

"*Sigh* Touma we come from a great empire that once terrorized the world. One day we lost a war against Marley and now we are graciously allowed to live in the internment zone to serve the country of Marley." Replied Touma's father. 

"But Dad, why do we have to wear these armbands? Just because we lost a war?"

"Yes Touma, but not only did we lose the war, we almost destroyed the world during that war. It was only thanks to the hero, Helos, that Marley was able to stop a calamity from happening. The armbands are there to show people who we are, it is a mark of shame to remind us of what our ancestors did."

"And why's yours gray Dad?"

"I was awarded Honorary Marleyan status due to my outstanding service to Marley." A grim look settles on his face, as the innocent question reminds him of unwanted memories.

As the two were talking, they soon arrived at the gate of the internment zone. Several Marleyan soldiers were guarding the gate, they held rifles and were constantly jeering and making fun of the surrounding Eldians. As Touma and his father walked up to the gate one of the soldiers stepped over and barred their path with his rifle. 

"Name and identification." He said

"I am Sakuta Kirigaya, and this is my son Touma Kirigaya." Touma's father said as he passed a couple of documents to the soldier. 

"Ah, Kirigaya huh. I remember you, how's the wife doin'" The soldier said with a blatantly lustful look on his face. 

"Mai is doing fine, thank you" Sakuta replied emotionlessly.

The soldier turned to his comrades and said "His wifes a real fine piece of work. She's got a real hot bod and a nice ass." Meanwhile the soldier was tracing out his imagined body shape in the air. The rest of the soldiers snickered at Sakuta. The man in question snatched his documents back and led Touma forward across the gate. 

As he was leaving Sakuta growled out "Good day to you, officers."

When they crossed the gate Touma turned back to look at the soldiers and saw that they were spitting at the ground while looking at Sakuta.

"*Spit* Damn Eldian thinks he's a real Marleyan just 'cause he's got a band on" Said one of the soldiers, loud enough for both Touma and Sakuta to hear it. 

"Disgusting creatures!" Another soldier followed up as the father and son felt gazes on their backs.

"Dad, why are they so mean?" Touma asked.

"That's just the way it is bud, our ancestors lost the war so now we must pay the consequences" Responded Sakuta.

"But that's not fair! We did nothing and they treat us like..like butts!"

"Life's not fair kiddo, we just have to do our best to survive" replied Sakuta with a hint of frustration in his eyes.

Sakuta then guided Touma around Liberio while pointing out important buildings. The Bank, the Hot springs, the most popular bar "Cantina", and the Hospital..

As father and son passed by the hospital, Touma's eyes settled on an inconspicuous bench, looking completely normal with no abnormalities, yet as his eyes landed on the location a pain spread from his spine. A small ache in the back of his mind that only existed when he gazed at the bench.

Touma becomes lost in thought as he continues staring, however he's suddenly awakened as a hand touches his shoulder and asks. "You good there buddy? Looking a little tired."

"Y-yeah I'm fine dad. Let's keep going!" As he comes back to his senses Touma once again becomes excited to continue exploring.

A plan that leads them to a towering military building, with barbed wire and numerous patrols. An emblem adorns the front, a white star in a red background, in white blocky letters there is a name: Warrior Headquarters.

As the two passed by, Touma asked "What's a Warrior Dad?"

"A Warrior is an Eldian who becomes a powerful soldier able to transform into a Titan" Sakuta said.

"Woaaah, so they're super strong? But if they're Eldians why are they helping Marley instead of us?"

"They fight for Marley in order to protect us. If there were no Warriors, Marley would not let us live here in Liberio."

"That's so cool! So they're like superheroes! Alright Dad, I'm gonna be a Warrior when I'm big." Shouted Touma with stars in his eyes.

Unbeknownst to Touma, a grimace appears on Sakuta's face at the thought of his son becoming a Warrior…A weapon…A soldier. His face returns to the comforting look as he continues guiding Touma.

Sakuta then took Touma to the port and the river before finally going home again. On their way home the two spotted a soldier beating a frail old man with a white armband. 

"Give! Me! My! Money! You thief!" said the soldier while kicking the man between breaths. 

"Please! Please! I didn't take anything I worked for this over at the fruit store! You can ask them!" pleaded the old man.

But the soldier ignored him and demanded the old man give him all his money.

Sakuta immediately stepped forward and said "Officer what do you think you are doing?"

"Mind your own business Eldian scum" the soldier replied.

"Officer if you continue assaulting him I will report you to your office under my authority as an Honorary Marleyan"

"Tch. Stupid f***ing Eldians, pigs thinking they're humans" The soldier said as he grabbed the old man's money bag on the ground and walked away.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get your money back, old man," said Sakuta as he helped the old man up.

"No, no, thank you for helping" replied the old man.

"Do you need medical aid or help getting home?"

"No, I'm fine, this happens every so often so I'm used to it" said the old man with a bitter smile. He then started walking away while saying "Goodbye then, and thank you for the help!"

Sakuta then continued leading Touma home. Meanwhile Touma was thinking back to what had happened.

'Stupid meanie, all Marleyans are meanies, but if they're meanies that means I can be mean to them.' Touma thought as a mischievous smile took form on his face. That night he went to sleep thinking of all the fun he was planning on having.

Hello readers, this is my first work so I hope you enjoyed it. I will do my best to keep updating this but finals is next week. Regardless I have the story for the first season all planned out, for now you'll get some world-building and some set-up for what's coming up in the story. I'm basing the story off the anime and the official wiki, but if you see anything false feel free to tell me so I can correct it. If you do find something wrong please give me a source so I can verify it's correct. Anyways that's all and I hope you stick around to see the rest of Touma's Journey.

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