
3.A good day with them

Jimin:you taste good.. (While licking his lips)

Y/n:you..why did you do that..

Jimin:don't you like that? (Smirk)

Y/n:hmm ..i-mean



Jimin:I love you


Jimin:think about it and tell me tomorrow btw i fell for you in first sight..


"Then he leave idk what to say!.. Whatever I'm here to teach them there power..

And why i was feeling to weak even I'm the most powerful one of them but I wasn't able to push him back.. Idk .. I I'm just to tired.. I should sleep... "

---Next Morning---

Y/n:good morning guys

"I said while coming downstairs"

Rm:good morning..

Jin:have a sit and eat..

Y/n:thankyou I said while sitting..

Yoongi:did you sleep well?

Y/n:ye-yeah.. Where are others?

Yoongi:they went outside to bought some groceries..

Y/n:ohh..well we should practice till they come afterward they will also do

Rm:oky , we should go to garden.. I think

Y/n:hmm let's go

"Then we went outside and I help them to control there powers"


Y/n:yes, tell (smiled)

Jin:can wee se eyour wings?

Y/n:yeahh, sure see..

"Actually my wings are white and always glowing with golden sparkles"

RM:ohh your wings are different from us and are beautiful too..

Yoongi:yeah our wings don't sparkle..

Y/n:actually guy's.. I'm.. I'm a bit more powerful then you guys that's why..

Jin:ohh that's cool

Y/n:haha thankyou..

*ding dong*

Y/n:I think others are back.. I'll go and open the door


"I went and opened the door"

Tae:oh y/n where are others

Y/n:I was teaching them so they are in garden...

Jimin:lets go there..



At garden*

Jin:oh you come back...


Jimin:teach us too y/n

Y/n:yeah..come here

"Well I told him to look at Tae and jks eyes and he did and told him something in his ears and he said it slowly in his mouth and tae and jk started to fight

Jk:ohh you can't say me bunny

Tae:and wht about me you called me bear

Jk:that not means you'll call me that shit...

Y/n:yoongi, your turn snap your fingers while looking them..

Yoongi:oky.. Ohh wht they fainted..

Y/n:it's your power as I said you.. They I'll wake up after some while.. . . Rm now your turn..

Rm:me wht I hve to do?

Y/n:hmm...you don't know about me that much right?

Rm:yeahh so?

Y/n:so take my hands and close your eyes and think about me..


[Jimins pov]

Too touchy, why he have to touch y/n huh...

[End of pov]

Rm:woahh what was that

Y/n:wht did you saw

Rm:a new born baby, and a man was holding the baby and was talking to a lady..

Y/n:(chuckled) that baby was I.. And my parents

Yoongi:you mean he saw your past?


RM:woahh I've this power unbelievable...

Y/n:hmm..well Jin I can't show your power cause you are immune to buletts so it's riskey and about jk..

Jk:yeahh what you called me

Y/n:ohh you waked.. Well you can make portals and teleport


Y/n:so move your one hand in a circle in air and say "Mun" And think of the place you want to go

Jk:mun... Woahh what is this

Y/n:well this is you bedroom I guess..


Y/n:you can close the portal by snaping you fingers...


Tae:that was cool

Y/n:ohh you woke up.. You can do that cool think too.. Just close your eyes and think about a place...

Tae:ok.. (He disappears )

Jin:where is he

Jk:yeah where did he gone

Tae:hey see I'm here

Y/n:ohh see he is the balcony.. Come here Tae..

Tae:coming.. That was cool

Y/n:so everyone saw there power so no problem now right?


Y/n:I'm starving ..

Yoongi :we can go outside to eat

RM:hmm well jungkook can make portal for us

Jk:oky.. "Mun"..

Everyone went to restaurant *

Y/n:woahh this is beautiful..

Jimin:But not much as you

Jin:hey stob it.. Don't flirt ..

Jk:yeahh don't flirt with my noona

Y/n:haha hey don't fight let's eat something first oky then we 'll fight together..

" Everyone laughed"