

[Episode 8] 8. Having reconciliatory sex with beauty broadcasting BJ Sunhwa (27 years old/arrogant)

Upon hearing the notification sound, I couldn't help but pick up the phone I had tossed aside.

As I absentmindedly read on, I furrowed my eyebrows in discomfort.

Offering help now?

There hadn't been much progress lately, but like a beggar, I watched the broadcast, visited BJ Sunhwa with a bouquet of roses, sent gifts via KakaoTalk emoticons, and exhausted all my energy.

I've endured enough hardship, and now they offer help? If they were going to help, they should've done it earlier. Giving medicine after the disease has passed.

But even if I complained, there was no other route to trust.

["Are you having trouble with your mission?"]

I respond with "Yes" to the message.

["Special service for struggling you!"]

[For a fee of 10 million won, unlock a special hacking tool function that can be useful for your conquests]

[Would you like to proceed with the payment?]

*Payment cannot be canceled once made.

[Yes / No]

A special function? No, that's not important... 10 million won!?

I sit up straight in shock.

For a young social newbie, that's an enormous amount.


The letters "10 million won" stare back at me.

I'm grateful for the hacking tool, which has provided me with much entertainment. But suddenly demanding such a large sum makes me suspicious.

Are they revealing their true colors? Or is this the beginning of a new stage?

Doubts begin to surface.

However, upon further thought, something doesn't add up.

Every time I successfully complete a mission, the hacking tool automatically deposits money into my account, which was quite generous.

After accumulating the money meticulously without spending it recklessly, I've saved nearly 20 million won.

Adding the money earned from part-time convenience store work, there's roughly 30 million won in my account, extra cash.

If I don't do it, I'll be the one benefiting.

Could this be... some kind of skill tree?

Comparing it to games I usually play, it seems plausible in this situation.

Just like investing in costs to learn scam skills, maybe putting in money will grant me new skills.

"But still, 10 million won... How special could it be?"

The hacking tool, while incredibly useful, hasn't undergone any significant improvements since I first received it.

Improvements mainly consist of convenience features like "finding hacked target addresses" and "remote control of spying cameras."

It's like the occasional updates you get when you buy an Apple phone, nice to have but not groundbreaking.

Then again, if I think of it as an investment in acquiring new skills, it makes sense.

However, parting with 10 million won is not easy, so another day passes.

After spending just one day at home monitoring BJ Sunhwa and contemplating, I come to a quick conclusion.

Let's go for it.

Whether I try this or that, there's no clear way to get close to BJ Sunhwa, and if I feel like I've been scammed, at least keeping the remaining money would still be beneficial.

Truthfully, the biggest reason is not wanting to lose the joy of using this app.

["Would you like to proceed with the payment?"]

Trembling, I press the Yes button with my thumb, which is displayed on the screen.

With a splendid production, the screen changes dramatically, as if an egg has cracked, and light pours in.

Additional features are revealed like in a mobile game's dramatic unveiling.

[Female Corruption Lv.1]

-Hack the female brain during sexual intercourse to amplify sexual pleasure. Provides unprecedented pleasure to other males.

*This function upgrades with use.

*To update other functions, please accumulate more experience points.

"...Is this for real."

Reluctantly, a jammer reaction emerges.

They say they even hacked into people's brains.

Moreover, the skill's name is vulgar from the get-go. Female Corruption...

If it functions as described, it could be worth more than the investment, but it's still only Lv.1.

I'm not sure how significant the effect will be.

But wait... I need to reconcile with BJ Sunhwa right now, and I can't use this, can I? Are they telling me to corrupt her on the spot?

Considering her fierce personality, if I sneak into her house and get caught, I could end up in trouble.

This might be the moment I get skewered like the national flag with a hockey stick through the window.

But if this works as described, it could clear the difficult obstacle of reconciliation.

If I can somehow get to bed with BJ Sunhwa, the mission can be cleared.

With the newly added feature and my enhanced techniques, somehow...

I need to make contact with BJ Sunhwa by any means necessary.

Since I've already opened my wallet, I'll pour out money if I have to.


"Now, let me introduce today's product, the newly released lip cream!"

─[DangDangPizza]: Wow~ Been waiting^^*

─[TeenSkinAdvisor]: Another ad again?

─[MinTwoJjoco]: Did you buy that dress, unnie? Your style is amazing againㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

─[StillInMy20sSomi]: Why are you advertising so much these days? Annoying.

As a new product is introduced, the chat room, accommodating about 4000 people, erupts into chaos once again.

BJ Sunhwa, real name Lee Sunhwa, calmly warns the viewers with a fresh smile.

"Yes, it's another product advertisement. That's just evidence of how well my show is doing, right? From now on, mindless bashing of products in the chat... understood?"

She squints her eyes and glares at the camera.

─[QueenHanAhyum]: Queen ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

─[Vagrant1981]: Industry award ㄷㄷㄷ

─[DoAsYouWishSunhwa]: Right. We have to be mindful when the owner advertises.

─[ChocolateDumpling]: Unnie, I'm ordering that dress you're wearing ㄷㄷㄷ

─[StillInMy20sSomi]: Damn, stop with the boring ad broadcasts. Do you want the viewers to look like suckers, huh?

[Notification]: [StillInMy20sSomi] has been kicked out.

The managers swiftly cut off chat messages they don't like.

The internet broadcasting world is truly unpredictable.

Just a year ago, a broadcast that didn't even have half of today's viewership spread like wildfire with videos insulting and selling out to the viewers, and Lee Sunhwa has been steadily advancing since then.

Openly insulting viewers who bring in money, normally a pattern that leads to failure, but times change.

In internet broadcasting, especially in the female cam area, broadcasts that play coy with viewers have been increasing rapidly, but recently, shows that openly criticize and show anger in the name of authenticity have been doing better.

Authenticity over ambiguous coy behavior, and upfront humor in front-facing advertisements instead of poorly hidden backdoor ads perform better.

They say a lot can change in three years, but in the internet broadcasting industry, three years is a long time, and even one year is enough.

"Well, it's all possible because of my outstanding looks."

Thanks to Lee Sunhwa's outgoing personality, her character has been established.

Everyone praises her as the queen.

And Lee Sunhwa loves this title.

Dealing with male viewers who fawn over her every day and jealous female viewers who envy her, exhausting emotions and consuming hate comments, with this image, she can mercilessly chastise them.

Even if she's kicked out or banned or receives hate comments, the situation turns naturally amusing and justified thanks to her queenly image.

For Lee Sunhwa, who has given up on controlling her emotions, it's like having a cheat code.

Lee Sunhwa grabs the lid of the lip cream from the company she signed an ad contract with and pops it off.

She knows roughly what it's like since she's used the product before. It's a mass-produced product with only the packaging and scent changed.

It's definitely a cheap product that she would never buy with her own money.

With platinum blonde hair tied back for makeup, she applies it to her lips using the cam on the dual monitor.

─[FemaleCamExplorer]: Wow, even if we don't know her personality, her looks are legendary;

─[MinTwoJjoco]: From hair color to clothes, totally amazing ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

─[FacialExpressionOnlySungwoo]: Damn, just looking at her face makes me feel good;

[Notification]: [FacialExpressionOnlySungwoo] is chat-banned for 30 minutes.

"Of course, they'd say I'm pretty."

Praises of her beauty are expected, but compliments always make her feel good, no matter when they come.

Born with looks that earned her goddess status from high school to college, Lee Sunhwa's natural beauty is her pride.

"Now, shall we compare and see what's different?"

Today, she begins product promotion in a good mood.

Dexpanthenol makes the moisturizing effect good, it contains estrogen, and so on.

Mixing in words she doesn't even understand properly for promotion and transitioning to chit-chat, something unexpected happens.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 100 star balloons.

"Yes. Thank you for the stars, [Let'sMeetJustOnce]. Sorry, can't meet."

─[Vagrant1981]: Check out the queen's chicness lol

─[LivingDayByDay]: Yeah, that's Lee Sunhwa for you.

100 star balloons equal 10,000 won.

It's a considerable amount that pours in when bored.

She doesn't even have to react strongly.

That's Lee Sunhwa's method of managing stars.


[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 119 star balloons.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 1000 star balloons.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 777 star balloons.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 1004 star balloons.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 5000 star balloons.

[Notification]: [Let'sMeetJustOnce] has become a devoted fan.

Stars keep pouring in without much effort.

─[HolySHEEET]: Whoa, suddenly a big spender arrivedㄷㄷ

Stars keep pouring in without any chat messages.

Money piling up without saying a word.

Getting free money should naturally be appreciated, but the username of this viewer really annoys Lee Sunhwa.

"Why the hell is this asshole so persistent about meeting?"

She doesn't engage in acts like meeting with viewers who throw money in the broadcast.

In reality, she has never met them, a fact known to all my regular viewers.

Even when she flat out says so, [Let'sMeetJustOnce] keeps sending significant amounts.

"...Wait, could it be him?"

And then it hits her.

Lately, whenever she's bored, there's a prowler lurking around, Cha Seonwoo.

He's the guy who once threatened me with a video of entertaining advertisers.

Actually, at that time, Lee Sunhwa didn't sleep with the advertiser; they just had drinks together.

But she ended up giving in once, worried that the scene of her politely pouring drinks for the middle-aged man might damage her queen image in the video.

It's the only blemish in Lee Sunhwa's career as an internet broadcaster.

"He suddenly sent me flowers before, why the hell is he causing chaos in my broadcast now, that rapist bastard?"

Should she just ban him outright? But she can only block him under his username.

No matter how much she is Lee Sunhwa, she can't just drive away viewers who are giving her money.

Moreover, if she acts suspiciously, it might even be seen as a positive sign in this confusion. She could be dragged into a scandal or suspicion could arise.

[Let'sMeetJustOnce] has donated 9999 star balloons.

─[HolySHEEET]: Whoa, money keeps pouring in nonstopㄷㄷ

─[TeenageSkinGoddess]: No words, but could it be someone we know?

─[ChocolateDumpling]: Is it really someone we know, unnie?

─[CampExplorer]: Says she doesn't have time to meet men, yet she's secretly dating a boyfriend.

[Notification]: [CampExplorer] is chat-banned for 1 minute.

But leaving him be is also a problem.

The chatroom is gradually becoming uneasy.

As the host of the broadcast, Lee Sunhwa reluctantly tries to handle the situation and secretly sends a text message under her desk.

"Come to the cafe near my house at 10 am tomorrow, you jerk."

She sends the hastily written message to Cha Seonwoo.

She knows about the recent long apology text message from Cha Seonwoo.

As soon as she sends the text, the star balloons stop coming.

Not only that, [Let'sMeetJustOnce] immediately leaves the room. Cha Seonwoo was right after all.

"He really does all sorts of crazy things."

It seems like it's time to settle the score before the crazy prowler gets even more out of hand.

"Alright, everyone calm down. Someone strange has come and gone. There was a little disturbance."

─[PesticideApple]: LOL for real.

Anyway, thanks to him leaving quietly, she manages to somewhat salvage the atmosphere of the broadcast, and after a bit more chit-chat to let the incident fade into a happening, she ends the broadcast.

However, Lee Sunhwa spends the remaining broadcast time inwardly trying to figure out Cha Seonwoo's intentions.

Upon reflection, instead of resorting to this annoying method, she could have just pushed him with the video of the previous threat, but she didn't even bring up that card, let alone mention it.

Although she deleted it in front of me after our encounter, it seems he didn't even leave a copy without really lying.

After suddenly demanding to meet again, he doesn't seem reckless or stupid.

He's a really hard guy to figure out.