

< Episode 7 > 7. Having reconciliation sex with beauty specialist BJ Sunhwa (27, Dodoham)

I stare blankly at the ceiling.

Every time I get out of bed and wake up, I think of Ha Yeon-soo's body.

Most of the times I've had sex with women in the past, I've felt good, but there's never been a woman like her. At this age, I was about to start daydreaming.

But I try to forget about it.

In the past three months since I got the app, I have two personal rules for blackmailing BJs everywhere.

Once I'm done with a mission, I delete anything that could be a weakness for a BJ in a relationship.

Never get back together with a girl you've had a relationship with.

The destruction of evidence was a directive from the hacking tool, but I decided it was the right thing to do.

It was easier to get rid of the dirt.

I'm not a crook or congenitally insane, but I'm not immune to blackmail and relationships with women.

Honestly, when I blackmail, I act relaxed on the outside, but on the inside, I'm often stirring like a bird's breast.

I don't like to glorify or wash my bad deeds, but every time I do it, my conscience pricks like a micrometer in my chest.

So when I'm done, I need a clean slate so I can sleep better.

The previous two principles were established for that reason.

Ha's mission is over, so I won't be going to Pilates school anymore.

And I don't want to show off any more.

"Forget about it... and move on to the next year... the next mission."

You've decided to forget about the flawless yoga instructor and freshen up.

He throws off the covers and wakes up to an energized morning.

Words become seeds, and soon enough, the fruit is born.

His cell phone vibrates on his desk, alerting him to an alarm.

"Okay, who's the next B.J.?"

Humming like an old man, I tap my phone to see what it says.

My face immediately becomes as stiff as stoneware.

[Mission begins!]

[Have reconciliation sex with beauty expert BJ Sun-hwa]

*Get a reward of 1.5 million won and a new hacking skill.

[Submission begins!]

[Take a naked and affectionate photo with beauty specialist BJ Sunhwa as proof of reconciliation]

*Get an additional 700,000 won in rewards.

BJ Sunhwa.

The name that has become so deeply entrenched in my brain.

A single bead of sweat trickles down my temple because I'm tired of just the two letters, Sunhwa.

I'm both scared and perplexed.

Already a BJ who had completed the mission is named again, this has never happened before.

'Isn't duplicate naming impossible? Well, it's a rule I made up...'

Moreover, I don't even know the specific meaning of the phrase 'reconciliation sex' written in the mission.

I'm in a state of mental breakdown.

The boundaries of the rules I've been following all this time are easily shattered, causing me to panic.

To recall the events at the time, I start to reminisce about BJ Seonhwa, the target of the strategy.

I search my phone for videos related to BJ Seonhwa.

It's not a trick to leave evidence of sexual relations; it's automatically saved in the memory slot of the hacking tool whenever I have sex with a woman.

However, these videos can't be used for blackmail or to show off to others, as they're only visible to me. (According to the explanation of the hacking tool)

There are two videos labeled with BJ Seonhwa's name in the memory slot,

One depicts me having sex.

I clumsily thrusting onto the woman's body, and BJ Seonhwa glaring at me like a hawk throughout the sexual act.

It's a sight so unpleasant that no one could enjoy sex, so I delete it.

Next is a short video of about 15 seconds.

A pretty woman with light platinum blonde hair is captured from the perspective of a smartphone camera.

"Hey, what the hell are you filming right now? Get out of here?"

"Just wait. Just a moment, I'm just verifying."

"Is this crazy pervert going insane? I'll hand you over to the police, you freak!?"

"This is just for commemoration... Okay, I'll stop now, so give me your arm..."

"Get lost! You bloodsucking parasite!"


The screen goes black and the video ends.

To explain... After finishing in bed, I tried to take a verification shot as a sub-mission, but BJ Seonhwa resisted and bit down hard on the arm holding the phone.

The phone naturally fell, and the bite mark from that moment remains legendary, making the arm feel blurry.

Of course, the sub-mission failed.

As you can see, it's not a joke.

I tried to entice her with a video of me being kind to another man in some sort of advertising deal, but due to my lack of experience, I ended up being taken advantage of.

I was bewildered by the first intense experience.

I barely managed to persuade (?) her to have sex and end it before the police arrived.

Naturally, the relationship was far from smooth.

Most of the women I've slept with might feel that way, but especially BJ Seonhwa.

So, I attached the absurd order of 'reconciliation sex.'

BJ Seonhwa hosts a beauty broadcast, and her face is pretty, but she's like a rose with thorns.

No, not thorns, needles.

No, not needles, spears.

To meet her face to face again and even reconcile after mixing our bodies, it feels like eating three sweet potatoes in a row without water.

I grab my phone and navigate through the narrow house, back and forth.

Even when I squeeze my temples and rack my brains, I can't think of a way to ease the relationship with BJ Seonhwa.

Honestly, meeting her again is scary.

'...Should I just confront her for now?'

Knock, and the door will open.

If the answer doesn't come to mind, I have to meet her and figure it out somehow.

The next day.

After preparing myself mentally, I arrive at a somewhat upscale villa in the outskirts of Seoul via subway.

The address can be easily traced using the hacking tool, and I've been to this house once before.

Ding dong!

I press the intercom button and nervously clear my throat.

After quite a long wait, a low-pitched female voice is heard.

"...Who are you?"

Just hearing the voice makes my hair stand on end.

It seems they checked my face through the intercom lens.

"Oh, hi. Have you been doing well?"

"Doing well? You want to fold up and be turned into fish food after being beaten to a pulp, huh?"

Their language is harsh, seems like they enjoy Korean gangster movies.

"No, I didn't come here wanting to die... Can we talk for a moment?"

"Talk? Every time you speak, I feel like I could slice you with a cake knife."

"Well, that's a bit extreme... Oh, cake? Was it your birthday recently? Wow, congratulations. Should I buy you something as a gift?"

"I have everything I need right here."


"Yes, right now I want you so badly, so how about you cut yourself and certify it with the intercom camera?"

Not a single word passes smoothly.

Eventually, I end up hanging on to the intercom in despair.

"Please, please! Just give me a moment. I'll keep it brief and leave. Can't we just talk for a little... Can't we?"

As desperately as possible, even with a pathetic smile, I reveal myself in front of the intercom camera.

"... (Click)"

The intercom cuts off.

The approaching footsteps are soon heard, followed by the sound of the door unlocking and swinging open cheerfully.

A glamorous platinum blonde with a perm from the middle.

She's average in height with a confident and strong impression in her eyes.

Even at home, she wears an ivory-colored dress that clings tightly to her body.

Overall, she's a beauty of a high standard, but she seems to have a lot of resentment towards me, as she's currently hurling insults at me in real-time.

"Thanks... Shall we go inside then—"


As I awkwardly bend forward to enter, she slams the door with her slippered foot.

She creates a barricade with one leg, making it impossible to enter.

"Where do you think you're crawling? Speak here, you damn pervert."

She seems somewhat impressed by people, and if the maximum score for favorability is 100, BJ Seonhwa's favorability has reached -100.

There seems to be no way to get past the blocked entrance.

"...Do you remember?"

"Of course, you bastard. Did you think I'd forget?"

"Not really... Yeah. I've been feeling sorry—"

"Sorry? You come to apologize now? If you strip naked and run around the neighborhood like a stray dog, maybe I'll consider forgiving you."

"...That seems difficult. Is there no other way?"

"Bite your tongue and commit suicide."


"Throw yourself off the villa rooftop."


While it's my fault, it seems difficult to turn around the heart of someone who has been resented once.

BJ Seonhwa's pride is too strong to turn back.

If I were to compare it to an image, she's a princess... or a queen. Perhaps she considers sleeping with me as a stain on her life, the greatest disgrace of her life.

Damn it, if I knew such a day would come, I wouldn't have done it so forcefully.

"I know it's hard to turn back time. But can't we at least get along from now on?"

"You want to become friends with me? Just cut off your dick."

"I've been deeply regretting it since that day (lie). If I apologize to you for the rest of my life, will you forgive me? Just give me one chance!"

"Or do you want a funeral show? Shall I bring a kitchen knife?"

She continues to urge suicide with an authoritarian attitude.

Since every conversation option ends in death, it's an endless loop.

BJ Seonhwa seems tired of the circling conversation and starts to hit the nail on the head.

"If you're really sorry, you wouldn't have resorted to blackmail and wouldn't have wasted my time like this. The sorry bastard shows up empty-handed. Have you found some other reason to meet me? What's the reason for your sudden visit?"

Methodically analyzing and reasoning through each point.

Her intuition is faster than Holmes's.

Conventional methods won't work to trap her.

She's a wildcard now.



Swallowing hard,

"...I can't forget your fantastic body I saw back then! Can't we do it just one more time? I was immature back then, but now I'll do it properly! I'll send you to heaven, just once!"

I earnestly begged, bending down to my waist.

Wasn't it from some erotic manga that if you earnestly beg a woman, she'll have sex with you? Anyway, I ask with that feeling.

If I were to sum up my skills so far, it's just my bedroom technique, and besides that, I have no other cards to play in front of Seonhwa.

It sounds ridiculous, but there really isn't any other weapon I have.

What would her answer be?

With the feeling of scratching a lottery ticket, I slowly raise my head.

At least for now, it's a no-go.

BJ Seonhwa is staring at me expressionlessly.

"You, wait right here."

Then she goes into the house and comes out with a hockey stick.

Taken aback by the intimidating visual, I step back.

"Just stay put."

"Hey, hey! Why do you have a hockey stick at home!?"

"I bought one for security purposes after what happened to you. It comes in handy."

Skillfully wielding it as if she's practiced catching criminals separately, I dodge frantically.

Her skills remind me of ancient Chinese martial arts masters, and I feel like I'm in deep trouble.

Instead of finding a way to ease the tension in our relationship, I've made things worse.

Afterwards, I tried hard to find a way to conquer the impregnable fortress called BJ Seonhwa at home, but I couldn't see a way.

A week passes without any significant progress.

For the first time, I wanted to give up and pass on the mission, but I couldn't find such a function no matter how hard I looked.

Make peace.

And get laid.

Just doing one of these is challenging enough, but if I have to do both at the same time, I might as well give up my life.

'You encouraged me to blackmail her in the first place, and now you're talking about making peace!'

Annoyed, I throw my phone and collapse onto the bed.

Is this where everything comes crashing down,

When I wonder if the paradise I enjoyed for three months is ending like this.

[Is there a problem with the mission?]

*If you think you won't be able to carry out the mission, I'll gladly offer some help.

[Yes / No]

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