

Exo-Armor donning Fighters, the pinnacle of humankind, are the main fighting force of human societies who are genetically modified to attain extraordinary abilities. To become these warriors is the lifelong dream of every passionate young man in this interstellar age. But not for - Crey Morgan, A lazy student who is forced to seek entrance into one of Earth's best military academies to become an Exo-Warrior. But his dubious past and lethargic personality don't quite match the ideals of the academy. Crey is not a normal young man, apparent from his weird personality and seemingly extraordinary fighting capabilities. The secret is that he is an assassin who had walked out of the darkest society towards the world in light. An Assassin of the past who wants to leave his horrible history behind. Would Crey be able to gain admission into Terra Military college to become an Ex-warrior as his Uncle wanted? Or his listless attitude will spell trouble where ever he goes. Also, Crey thought he would be the top gun here due to his uncharacteristic past but his hopes shattered as soon as he took an entrance exam. The seemingly best military academy is not built on boastful claims and every character here has thier brilliance and if he had to survive he had to do more than his best. P.S- the cover art is not mine, The credit and copyright go to Wojciech Wilk. If you have any problems, you can contact me through comments. Update Rate - 1chap/day

Copper_mask · SF
214 Chs


The quick spectacle of resurrection worked only for four precious seconds after that deterioration screen turned completely red indicating ninety percent erosion of brain cells. This time the corpse was truly laid to waste completely.

The leader who had seen such an experiment many times ignored the fascinated and excited scientist and asked discreetly the data handlers on her earpiece,

"What were his last thoughts?"



There was silence on the other end of communication until Madam got irritated by it. She raised her voice and asked in annoyance,

"Speak out, now will you? Tell me straight if the re-animation is a failure, that his last thoughts are a jumbled mess of feelings. I agreed to this experiment only because I can stomach a total loss. As this process has a random chance of success."

"Project is not a complete failure Ma'am, but it isn't a total success. His last thoughts were heavily influenced by fear of death and undergoing transformations of his genes. Thus, thoughts are crumbling but we can still make out some….emotions or words, if you can say so. "

The lady nodded. At least it wasn't a complete disaster, she waited in silence to let them finish the important fraction,

"His last thoughts, as we pieced together were, 'Boy! You…..how?…..devil?' We are sixty percent sure these words are real but the rest of the thoughts are too messy for our neuro-machine to make sense out."

"No way! Do you mean to say…..that Assassin was Young…... Boy? How could it be possible? "


While at this particular moment, Crey looked at the bank balance of his so-called secret account, and at once his pupils narrowed first in disbelief, then there was a brief flash of anger but finally settled in grief, as his hand shot up to cover his face in visible distress. It was almost like his already sluggish soul had left his body completely this time. He slowly crouched down with his hands on his head.

'I can't believe how I came to live like this.'

The holographic screen was showing a message in bold blank letters:


Last transaction - Debited 2000 FED coins to buy a supersonic aircraft ticket."


The next day saw increased activity in the dark as well as in the light in the previous city (night city). Various organizations and gangs began to look out for the recent incident of Level 2 Evolved who went on a rampage in the outer city suburbs. From one side there was a rumor going around that a kid was involved in the fight for whom they are looking out.

While on the other side Enforcers too were paying great attention to this case as it was the sixth similar episode in two months near the inner city. Such random incidents where Evolved were getting mad in transformations, is beginning to threaten the peace of inner-city thus forcing the hands of Enforcers to take this last case seriously unlike previous times where they usually shove the case under the rug if the inner city wasn't involved, as they weren't known as 'Inner city Dogs' or 'Protectors of Rich' without a reason. The Enforcers were not here to maintain 'stability and law', but were here to maintain 'stability and law' only in the inner city.

But the man who has more than a direct connection with this recent activity in the night city was completely unaware that he had been caught under the scrutiny search of a mysterious organization. Crey was currently napping in the economic class section of the Maglev train, which was heading to the destination he very well dreaded to go.

'The Terra Military Academy.'

First Crey had no intention to go there but he had to convince or you could say hypnotize himself that maybe going there wouldn't be so bad…..or more accurately he had no other choice but to accept going there because of his financial conditions. That hopeless uncle of his had scooped up even his secret bank account leaving him nothing but to attend the Academy as a last measure.

As for how he did that….Crey had no idea.

Now as he was hopelessly broke he was thinking what to do next? There was a message on his Watch-ID, and attached was a ticket to this maglev train and this ticket was non-refundable too. And along with threatening words that if he fails to check-in at the train station, then he has to be one to pay up the fees for this already purchased ticket. How was he doing all of this? How is he transferring all penalties to him while he is the one doing the purchasing? Crey had no idea as he was equally bewildered.

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back as he decided finally to go and take the admission test where his uncle wanted. Or else the heavy penalty coming his way from Terra Academy, would land him in some slave contract or worse in Enforcer's division.

But this didn't mean he had given up already…...

After three hours of the comfortable ride where Crey mostly slept in. The high-speed electromagnetic train was so smooth that stability was comparable to a still-standing train. Although it was a cheaper alternative as compared to new hydrogen-powered or solar-powered trams, for long distances still these trains were preferred due to their high speed, cheap lines, and cost of tickets. Most travelers prefer this because the other two were expensive as hell compared to it.

The Maglev train halted at the small station meant specially for the visitors and students heading for Terra military Academy Entrance exam. Though Crey guessed that it must be a big academy for his uncle to force him to the end to join this, even though he hadn't once heard about this 'one of the best Military Institute' ever.

But now as he took off the maglev train, he was shocked to see a sheer number of students around his age going towards the same destination. It was almost like a crowd of youths heading for some concert, rather than admission to a military institute. The passion flowing here was overwhelming.

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