
Chapter 106

As the Hutt transport ship approached the Gate with it's two escort ships beside the transport, they were stopped before they entered the Gate and was boarded by the Terran Security forces. 

This was a standard process with ship's flying in with escorts. They would be asked to state their business. This was mainly used for diplomatic envoys so that they can be sent to the right location and their escorts can be allowed to follow in with them.

If not then only one ship can enter and the escorts will not be allowed to pass through the Gate for security reasons.

The Terran Security forces had asked for the names and their purpose for visit Terran Space. The Hutt Diplomat Gorga had told them that he was on a diplomatic mission to meet with the Emperor for the Hutt Clan.

The Officer doing the inspection had jotted that information down on the data pad in his hands as he proceeded to ask a few questions. As an Officer he was knowledgeable about the various powerful factions in the Galaxy so once he heard the name of the Hutt Clan he had sent the information over to their HQ located on a station that was connected to the Hyperlane Gate.

This station served as a base of operations for the Terran Forces protecting the Hyperlane Gate and it was the control station for the Hyperlane Gate.

The information that the Officer has collected was currently being looked through by the Operators on the Station. After they read through all the information they had contacted Lehon and asked them what they should do.

This was also a standard process with Diplomatic Envoys, Not just everyone get's an audience with Alexander as he is very busy and often engaged in more important matters. So some people end up meeting with Either Aina or even Abeloth who has gotten some training on how to engage in meetings with other factions Envoy's.

The Lehon Military Command had contacted the station and gave them the greenlight to send the Diplomats to the Main port located at the Capital city where they will be their to greet them and escort them to the Palace.

The Operators contacted the Officer doing the inspection and told him that they could come through. So the Officer finished his inspection to make sure they were not taking anything that was out of Regulations for Envoy's to have when visiting Lehon.

All was good with the Inspection so Gorga and his escorts were allowed through. 

Once they passed the Gate and entered Lehon space Gorga could not help but look out the window of his ship at the massive size of the Military ships flying around and the large amount of Civilian craft which flew to and from the planet.

This was the first time a Hutt had came to Lehon after all so his reaction was normal. 

Once the small Hutt Fleet had passed through the Planet's Atmosphere they were escorted by two small Gunships from Terran Defense Force.

The Gunships escorted the ships to the Spaceport located in the Capital city of the Planet.

The Spaceport itself was massive as it expanded almost every Month just to accommodate the incoming civilian vessels.

It wasn't the only spaceport in the Capital City but it was the biggest one. It even had it's own section for Diplomatic vessels which could have a ton of Envoy sized ships docked into it at once. The construction of the Diplomatic section of the spaceport had taken the size of the average Envoy vessel and used that to build one giant area that would be just for Envoy's.

The Hutt Envoy Gorga was led to this Spaceport where he and his two Escort vessels landed and were greeted by an Officer and a few Soldiers who were ordered to escort the party to the Palace.

"Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo, On behalf of his Highness I greet you and welcome you to Lehon our wonderful Home, My name is Captain Vel" Said Captain Vel in the Hutt Language. One of the reasons for him being here was because of how fluent he is in the Hutt Language. He is also a native from the planet O'reen which was conquered by Alexander in his earlier years of building his Empire. His parents had immigrated from O'reen to Lehon and had started a family here giving birth to him and his sister.

Gorga was surprised that this person in front of him knew who he was even though he didn't introduce himself. But most of all he spoke the Hutt language which is something he didn't expect of a soldier from the Terran Ascendency since they hadn't visited Hutt Space before, or if they did he had no knowledge about it.

"I'm Surprised you speak the Hutt tongue Captain Vel, My first impressions of the Terran Ascendency so far has been nothing but positive" Said Gorga.

"I'm glad to here you say so, But before we continue please do note that only 6 Guards are allowed to accompany you to the Palace while the rest will remain here at the Port or they may go into the city and explore, it's all up to them" Explained Captain Vel.

Gorga didn't like the idea of only having 6 people to protect him since he is on a foreign world, But what can he do when in this place he is powerless.

So he chose 6 people to go with him while he told the rest to go and explore the city and see what they can learn about the Terran Culture.

Once he was done he was taken to another shuttle where he and Captain Vel was taken to the Palace.

Once the shuttle landed at the Palace Captain Vel remained on the shuttle while Gorga got out. This made Gorga turn around and become suspicious of what was going on since Captain Vel was his escort.

"Aren't you my Escort Captain Vel, Why aren't you coming with me" Asked Gorga.

"Because from here on out you will be Escorted by the Knights from the Order of the Guardians who have more Authority over me and has jurisdiction over the Palace security" Explained Captain Vel as three figures came walking towards them.

"Greetings Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo I am Knight Commander Udrid of the Palace Guards, Please defer to me as just Knight Commander while I escort you to meet with Lady Aina in the Meeting room" Greeted Knight Commander Udrid of the Palace Guards.

"Why am I not meeting with his highness" Asked Gorga confused on why he was meeting with this Lady Aina.

"Because his Highness is busy at the moment and has no time to meet with you so you shall meet Lady Aina or you can Leave" Said Knight Commander Udrid as he has dealt with many Envoy's who question why they can't meet with the Emperor when it's a privilege just to be granted an audience at all.

"Alright then Lead the way Knight Commander" Responded Gorga not looking to argue with the man in front of him. His 6 Guards followed close behind him.

From there he was taken to a room where a woman and another figure was waiting on him at the table.

He moved to one end of the table as there was no seat for him because of how big he was and the way the Hutts body were made.

Once he was at the table their was a brief silence before Aina spoke first "Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo, I am curious as to why the Hutt Clan wants to reach out to us in these circumstances" Asked Aina.

"We have a proposition for the Terran Ascendency to help the Hutt Clan fight against the Empire and it's Military Might which they keep enforcing upon us" Explained Gorga. "And so I have come here to see if we can strike a deal"

"Okay I'm Listening" Said Aina

"First we would like to be able to get our hands on Military Vessels which can be used to take down the Imperial Navy, Of course we will pay for these ships whatever the costs may be as long as it's not an unreasonable price, on top of that we are willing to offer more benefits relating to trade and such to encourage his highness to accept our offer" Explained Gorga. He thought that with all of these benefits the Terran Ascendency would grab a hold of this offer with no hesitation. So he was surprised at the next word's that came out of her mouth.

"You must be fool Gorga" Was all Aina said after he made his offer.

Gorga didn't know how to respond to that insult "And what makes you say that" Said Gorga as he was shaking a little from the pressure of her words.

"Why would we sell the Hutt Clan Military ships when they will just turn the ships against the people located in Hutt Space, And you should know that We do not like the idea of Slavery and selling people as if they were property" Explained Aina.

Hearing this Gorga didn't know what to do since Slavery was one of their Main sources of income, and if they get rid of that just to get the Terran Ascendency to help them then they would only dig themselves in a hole since that would cripple their money that they are able to spend on buying those Military ships.

On top of that Slavery has been a thing in the Hutt Clan for a long time, and ending that now was something that he knew his uncle would not do.

"It seems you know that this deal won't get anywhere so I suggest that you back to the Hutt Council and tell them of our decision" Said Aina.

"Now get this thing out of my face" Aina had her own personal dislike for the Hutts who engaged in many activities considered illegal and engaged in many Slavery activities. On top of that they abused their authority.

Knight Commander Uldrid had moved in and escorted Gorga back to the shuttle where he returned back to his ship.

He and his Escorts had swiftly left the planet and returned back to the other side of the Hyperlane Gate and back to Hutt space. There plan had failed and they were rejected without even discussing the matter.

He wasn't given any chance to try and influence them any further and was just turned down. He was also slightly frightened since he felt that every second he was there his life was in danger. So he was glad to leave but not happy that he had to tell his Uncle Jabba the bad news.

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