
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

devthakar · その他
10 Chs

Tacos for my girlfriend.

Martha, Raby and Will are already in a strong friendship bond and strong crushes of Raby on Martha and Martha on Will. On a regular day, Martha was leaving for home on her bicycle and she noticed Lucy and Frank were troubled by some of the College boys. "Why don't you show us some good parts of yours? And don't worry about this Frank Loser '' and one boy tries to touch lucy and Martha interrupts him. "Go away asshole…" Martha yells angrily. Lucy, still being unfriendly, speaks rudely…" we don't need you whore…". Boys laughed and tried to pull Lucy which made Martha raise her knees to break balls of one boy. She starts to punch him and the other guy leaves Lucy away, leading to Martha. Watching Martha fight, Frank brings up some courage and jumps on the back of the other guy furiously. Martha and Frank showed them some good time and they ran away to a doctor visit. Lucy with an uncomfortable smile speaks, " I guess, Thanks...Mary.." " it's not Mary.. but never mind.." This incident made Lucy and Martha progress in their relationship finally. Last week has finally come before summer vacation and Principal Kenny calls all students and staff for a brief Meeting. Kenny re-checks if everybody is in the room and Mr. Kapoor was only missing and an echoed Fart sound came from Hallway which reassured all to wait just for a few seconds and the Sports Teacher entered. Principal begins, " So Dear all, I am very happy that we have reached the end of year and all our dear students will be promoted for the last year of school after summer vacation. I sincerely thank all students and staff for contributing, learning and growing constantly. Our school turned 10 years old this year so I have decided to arrange a Camping in North-West Woods of Kerryswille for 3 days next week." Principal hears all the murmuring from students and he clears his voice.. " Dear all...this trip would be really fun and it is completely free for all. I choose Mr. Kapoor, and Miss Perry to be your trip supervisors and guides. Please both of you follow me.. And happy holidays to everyone..!!!" At Lunch break...Martha seemed excited for the trip and said.." it will be so much fun and finally we three will be able to hang out…" And softly she keeps her hand on hand of Will.. which made a heartbeat skip of Raby but Will was his best friend. Last day of school is finally over and tomorrow is a trip day. Will reaches his house and tries to find his drug-addicted father and he finds him wasted in the bathroom. "Oh Lord!! Please save him and show him a path.." Wasted Mike blabbers and laughs. Will tries to help him to get out of the bathroom but Mike pushes him hard yelling.. " fuck you and fuck your…" and he passes out with incomplete sentence. Injured Will with a single tear still manages to pull him out somehow and put him to bed. He prepares food for Mike and writes a note regarding the trip and starts packing. In the Same timeline, Lucy reaches her lavish Mansion and overhears her dad's conversation regarding losing one of his properties in a poker game. Lucy stops peaking his conversation and goes to her Mom`s room. "Mom, I am going on a trip tomorrow for a few days and what's wrong with Dad?" Rachel replies while babysitting 3 kids, " Take Care honey and enjoy your trip.. And about your dad.. I do not bother him so much…" On the other side Frank practises baseball for a long time as he has a tournament next month. Martha visits the cake shop and gives a quick hug to her mother and gives detailed information regarding the trip while Maggie continues to work on the other side. " Ok Martha.. Generally i wouldn't allow you but this time i am letting you go and have this strawberry Pastry.." In happiness Martha hugs her mom again and enjoys her piece of pastry. Raby in conversation in his heart.." Hey Martha.. I think i am in love with you… I never felt like this.. I never even liked any girl.. And " Raby slips a little on

banana Skin and he screams, " are you fucking blind you stupid banana ass.." Angrily Raby reaches his father`s Mexican Restaurant where he helps his father in the kitchen as he is passionate about cooking. " Hey Dad.. you mind if i make some Tacos for my girlfriend as i am going for a few days on a school trip. '' Mr. Green replies…" Girlfriend?" and he laughs. Raby angrily replies.. " Okay okay but you will see.. She'll become my wife one day." Green giggles, " My Blessings…".