
Playing dumb?

The first light of dawn barely kissed the sky as Kai, the formidable mafia boss, quietly emerged from the opulent mansion that served as his home. The night had been spent in the company of his uncle, Mr. Vito, discussing matters that were best kept within the confines of family. As he closed the imposing door behind him, the cold morning air embraced him, and he took a moment to inhale deeply, appreciating the tranquility of the estate in the early hours.

“Let him know I’ve left please; I have some stuffs to handle at home.” He said to one of uncle Vito’s men beside him.

“Sure sir, I will deliver your message to him.” He replied Kai.

Kai strode towards his sleek black car parked near the entrance, the gravel crunching softly beneath his shoes. The sprawling grounds of the mansion seemed to whisper with the secrets of the night, and the distant call of a night bird added to the surreal atmosphere.