
A Night of Revelry

At Kai’s mansion,

The living room was filled with the lively sounds of laughter and music as Enzo and Tony reveled in the celebration of Enzo's unexpected arrival. Bottles of whiskey and glasses adorned the coffee table, and the air was thick with the distinct aroma of the rich spirits they shared.

The aroma of cigarettes filled the room as both men celebrated with music.

Enzo, with his characteristic charm and infectious energy, had persuaded Tony to join him in the revelry. The two friends found themselves immersed in a night of celebration, the notes of a nostalgic playlist filling the room.

As the music played, they shared stories, jokes, and memories from the past.

“What was it like over there? The ladies especially?” Tony asked him and Enzo chuckled.

“Man, they were mostly bitches. All ate from my pocket and ran away, like what the fuck?” he rolled his eyes and Tony laughed at him.

“You wanted to find one to marry?”