
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · 映画
56 Chs

MC is a Show Off

As Mike arrived at the apartment building, he skillfully parked his car in a nearby spot, ensuring it was safely tucked away.

With a determined stride, he made his way toward the entrance, gliding through the doors.

However, he soon noticed that the furniture company responsible for delivering Penny's furniture had just arrived.

Howard: "I think we should try using pulleys and ropes to lift it."

Rajesh: "But how will we secure it? We don't want it falling down the stairs."

Leonard: "What about using a makeshift ramp? We can slide it up slowly."

Sheldon: "Bazinga! The elevator's out of order. Typical!"

As the discussion continued, Mike couldn't help but interject confidently.

Mike: "Hey, guys! It's not heavy! Watch this."

Without hesitation, Mike stepped forward and effortlessly lifted the entire bedboard, surprising everyone present.

Howard: "Is this guy for real? He's lifting it like it's nothing!"

Rajesh: "Seriously, how the hell is he able to lift it so effortlessly?"

Leonard: "I swear, this guy must have some kind of superhuman strength or something."

Sheldon: "Bazinga! It appears that our new friend here possesses abilities beyond those of an ordinary mortal."

The people stood there in awe, their jaws dropping at the sight of Mike effortlessly carrying the heavy bedboard.

Mike: "See? No need for all those complicated methods. Let's get this where it needs to be."

With seemingly effortless strength, Mike effortlessly carried the bedboard and single-handedly maneuvered it into Penny's room.

Not a drop of sweat escaped him, and he maintained a relaxed demeanor throughout, leaving the scientists who were discussing their methods feeling utterly embarrassed.

Amidst the embarrassment, Sheldon couldn't resist taking a jab at Leonard. Chuckling, he remarked, "Leonard, it seems that your chance to impress Penny with your physical prowess has been overshadowed by Mike's modest display of strength. Perhaps it's time for you to reconsider your approach to courtship and mating."

The messy state of Penny's home immediately caught Sheldon's attention, igniting his inner need for order and cleanliness.

Unable to bear the disarray any longer, he swiftly made up his mind to take charge of the situation.

As the others, Leonard, Raj, Howard, and Mike, decided to leave the apartment and go back to theirs, Sheldon discreetly lingered behind, unnoticed by his friends.

As he prepared to embark on his cleaning mission, Penny unexpectedly returned to her apartment.

"This level of disorganization is utterly unacceptable!" Sheldon exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination. "It is high time for some much-needed order and cleanliness in this living space!"

Penny, taken aback by Sheldon's sudden intrusion, questioned him with a perplexed expression. "Hey, Sheldon, what do you think you're doing in my apartment?"

Unperturbed by Penny's presence, Sheldon replied with unwavering confidence, "I am undertaking the noble task of restoring order to this chaotic environment. It is for your own well-being, Penny."

Penny, grateful for Sheldon's intentions but equally determined to maintain her independence, responded gently but firmly. "Sheldon, I appreciate your concern, but this is my place. I am fully capable of handling it on my own. Please, step aside."

Though slightly taken aback by Penny's response, Sheldon persisted, citing the scientific validity of his cleaning methods. "But Penny, you fail to recognize that my cleaning methods are backed by extensive scientific research, proven to be the most efficient and effective."

Penny's patience wavered as she asserted her stance. "I'm sure they are, Sheldon, but I assure you, I can manage just fine without your assistance. You don't need to clean my apartment. Thanks, but no thanks."

Penny's firm resolve left Sheldon no choice but to acknowledge her authority over her own living space. Defeated, he reluctantly acquiesced to her wishes, realizing that his cleaning mission was not welcome.

"Fine, if you insist on living in a pigsty, then so be it," Sheldon retorted, a hint of resignation evident in his voice. "But don't say I didn't warn you about the detrimental effects of an untidy living space!"

With that, Penny closed the door, shaking her head at Sheldon's eccentricities. Sheldon, with a sigh of defeat, retreated from the scene, leaving Penny to handle her own cleaning affairs as he reluctantly accepted the state of disorder.

Later that night, Mike, knowing Sheldon's nocturnal restlessness, made the decision to secretly help clean up Penny's house.

However, he was aware that going to Penny's house in the middle of the night would be ill-advised.

As Mike pondered the situation, he urged Leonard, "You should return the key to Penny."

Responding to Mike's suggestion, Leonard promptly retrieved the key and returned it to Penny.

Mike breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had prevented a potentially awkward situation. Little did he know that the events were far from over.

The following morning, Penny's cold and hostile demeanor towards Sheldon and Leonard puzzled Mike. He turned to Leonard and asked, "What happened?"

It turned out that Sheldon, unable to endure the situation any longer, attempted to use Mike's balcony-climbing method to gain access to Penny's apartment. His clumsy attempt resulted in a loud commotion that woke Penny and drove her into a state of anger.


As Sheldon's frustration grew unbearable, a mischievous idea crept into his mind.

He recalled Mike's earlier demonstration of balcony-climbing prowess and reasoned that he could utilize the same method to gain access to Penny's apartment.

With an air of determination, Sheldon muttered to himself, "Ah, the balcony-climbing technique! A perfect solution to this impasse. I shall demonstrate my agility and intellect in reaching Penny's apartment swiftly and silently."

Sheldon positioned himself at the edge of Mike's balcony, his eyes fixed on the neighboring balcony of Penny's apartment.

Gathering his courage, he leaped into action, his arms outstretched like a superhero soaring through the air.

However, his execution fell far short of his grandiose intentions.

Instead of a graceful landing, Sheldon's attempt at a daring leap resulted in a calamitous crash.

The impact shook the entire balcony, sending flowerpots tumbling and causing a loud commotion that reverberated through the night.

Startled by the sudden disturbance, Penny jolted awake from her slumber. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed Sheldon's less-than-graceful descent.

"What in the world is going on?" Penny exclaimed, her voice tinged with a mixture of anger and bewilderment. "Sheldon, what are you doing on my balcony?"

Sheldon still disoriented from his failed endeavor, attempted to regain his composure. "Ah, Penny! I... uh... I was attempting to... uh... demonstrate my agility and problem-solving skills by using Mike's balcony-climbing method. Clearly, there were unforeseen variables that interfered with my plans."

Penny's frustration escalated as she crossed her arms, her tone laced with irritation. "Sheldon, this is not how you solve problems. Climbing onto my balcony in the middle of the night is not only unacceptable but also a violation of my privacy! You need to leave immediately."

She pointed toward the balcony door, her eyes fixed on Sheldon's bewildered face.

Sheldon, realizing the gravity of his actions, slowly nodded and muttered an apology before retreating from the balcony, his head hung low with embarrassment.

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

Everything had returned to the original plot, but Mike couldn't help but admire Sheldon's audacity. Climbing a window to clean someone else's apartment? The whole operation seemed like a grand spectacle, a show-off of epic proportions.

With that in mind, Mike patted Leonard on the back and suggested, "I think you should write a sincere apology letter to Penny. Unless you want her to hold this against you forever." Mike's suggestion aimed to save Leonard from unnecessary detours and complications.

Leonard agreed, realizing the reasonableness of Mike's advice. "Great idea! Thank you, Mike," he replied gratefully, recognizing the wisdom in Mike's words.

Amidst the ongoing chaos caused by Sheldon's relentless pursuit of immorality and Penny's constant nagging, the sight of Sheldon's misery brought a sense of satisfaction to Penny.

At that moment, Mike leaned in and whispered to Sheldon, "Now's your chance. Apologize to Penny. She'll forgive you, and so will Leonard."

"Really? Alright! I'll give it a try. And if it works, you'll get five points," Sheldon exclaimed before confidently strutting away. Mike's face contorted into a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.

That Sheldon, truly was a unique character!

After finishing his own tasks and tidying up, Mike headed to the park to meet John.

As soon as he spotted Mike, John expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thanks for recommending the activity to me. Dom is a great guy, and I feel so much better in his company. It's like the pressure has lifted. Thank you!"

"It was nothing. You'll be fine as long as you step out of your comfort zone. Let's celebrate tonight over some drinks," Mike replied, glad to see the positive impact his recommendation had on John.

"Sounds good. I'll call Dom. I think he's a nice guy," John responded, appreciating the suggestion.

"We should go for Corona, Mexican-style beer. Dom loves it, especially with BBQ. Meet me in my garage tonight, and we'll enjoy it together. I can whip up a badass BBQ like nobody's business!" Mike proposed, the excitement evident in his voice.

"That's a fantastic idea! I'll take care of buying the drinks," John agreed eagerly.

"See you this afternoon," Mike concluded, setting the plans in motion.

As for inviting the Frankenstein Group, Mike hesitated. He feared that Sheldon's unpredictable behavior and penchant for offending people would lead to a disastrous encounter. Even Dom was cautious about allowing Sheldon to come near Mia, as she was worried he might say something to upset her.

Mike could only bring Mia along, knowing she was more tolerant and had a better temperament. Surprisingly, Dom and John got along well.

Perhaps it was due to some unspoken understanding between protagonists like them—both capable but non-confrontational individuals who preferred action over empty words.

"Let me get the ingredients first. Don't forget to bring Daisy," Mike reminded Dom.

"Okay, see you tonight," Dom replied, eager for the gathering.

Mike headed to the supermarket to purchase a variety of ingredients. He had decided to treat his friends to an authentic Chinese barbecue experience, enlisting Mia's help in the afternoon.

After all, Chinese-style skewers required assistance with the skewering process, and Mike wanted to assess the favorability ratings, particularly regarding Vince, whose favorability had inexplicably dropped to zero.

"Should I call Brian?" Mike pondered, wondering if it was a good idea. Brian was generally friendly, and with tonight's barbecue, Mike anticipated that their bond could rise to 80.

He couldn't miss the opportunity, as he wasn't sure when he would have another chance to gather with them before heading to Miami.

"Hey, Brian. We're having a barbecue tonight. Care to join us?" Mike invited enthusiastically.

"Okay!" Brian readily accepted, sensing there was something he wanted to discuss.

When they finally gathered in the garage, Mia observed the ingredients in Mike's hands and asked curiously, "Are we having a barbecue tonight?"

"Yes, tonight we're going to enjoy an authentic Chinese barbecue. Your brother, Vince, Brian, and my friends will be here. I might need your help later," Mike explained, confident in Mia's cooking skills.

"Brian?" Mia inquired.


"He's still a friend, and he hasn't betrayed you. I think he's a good person," Mike replied, showing her support.

"Okay!" Mia reluctantly agreed.

"Do you really know how to cook?" Mia looked at Mike, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, my cooking skills are quite good. You'll get to taste my culinary creations tomorrow," Mike assured her.

"Will your Frankenstein friends join us?" Mia asked with a grin.

"No, they won't. I'm afraid their presence might overshadow the joyous atmosphere. Besides, one of them is particularly disliked," Mike explained, with both he and Mia sharing a laugh, having heard the recent stories about Sheldon's antics.

While Mike prepared the ingredients, he engaged in a conversation with Mia.

He couldn't contain his laughter upon hearing how Sheldon had climbed onto the balcony to clean the neighboring apartment due to his dissatisfaction with the living conditions.

It was such a comical sight.

"It's amusing to watch from the sidelines. However, it's hard to imagine enduring such circumstances firsthand," Mike remarked.

"That's true. No one could tolerate it. Only your man, Leonard, seems to have an extraordinary temperament," Mia noted, impressed by Leonard's patience.

"He does have an exceptional temperament," Mike agreed, his knife skills on full display as he effortlessly sliced a piece of meat into equal strips. As a chef, his mastery over the knife was far superior to that of an average person.

Mia was astonished by Mike's knife skills. She had never expected him to possess such culinary talent, and it wasn't just a minor skill.

In Mia's eyes, Mike was truly an exceptional man.

He had no undesirable habits, he was kind, he could cook, and he treated people warmly.

It was just unfortunate that he was gay.

After Mike finished cutting a piece of meat, he showed Mia how to skewer it.

Mia, being a seasoned cook herself due to running a coffee shop, had nimble hands and quickly caught on.

They worked in perfect harmony, each person assigned to their respective tasks, and within two hours, they had prepared everything.

Gazing at the assortment of meat skewers, some marinated and some not, they all glistened with an enticing sheen.

Even Mia found herself eagerly looking forward to the barbecue later that evening.

From a distance, they looked like a harmonious couple, working together in perfect synchronization.

Unfortunately, Mia's misunderstanding of Mike's sexual orientation remained unresolved, and Mike was just unbothered on how to address it.

such a long ass chapter


gib me ur stones w(゚Д゚)w

RagingDebtColektorcreators' thoughts