

don't know better sypnosis since this is a fanfic

allhailsiomai · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


A handsome man was punching and kicking the punching bag. And that man is Seol Jihu. He glanced it his fist and foot.

Thump. Thump.




[Low Kick]


'thanks to draconic eyes, i can refine my moves, but that was it, there is no experience. Hmm. There is a useful move in the SLR novel, what was it again? Hm... Point? Local point? Ah, Focal Point. That move is really deadly if I can copy it. There is also that Eight Extreme Fist can I learn Mugong too? Hm.... I guess that isn't possible but the Eight Extreme Fist maybe...'

He continued punching and kicking while thinking, his moves are loud enough that he is attracting attention all over the gym. A super strong guy but also handsome? Many girls have stars in their eyes, while guys are envious.

He stopped.

Hoo. Haaa. He took a deep breath to compose his breathing.

'wait...i remember.. Dragons are able to move mana at will because they are the embodiment of mana itself. But I'm still different from dragons, I'm only a part of it. My physique isn't even finish, but what if...I also creat a mana cores in every corner of his mana circuit..'

'if that is possible...'

He stand there like a statue.

A glint shine in his eyes.

'ill also be able to use mana at will like Yeon-woo!'

He then run, towards his apartment, leaving the dumbfounded people that are watching him, not that they are important, but who knows....


He reached his apartment and gasp for breath.

"Haa, Haaa. Paper, paper where is it.. no this laptop is dangerous, there might somebody that'll try to hack my laptop. Found it!" He then started writing.

*Mana cores, create a mana core at every corner of my magic circuit. And I will be able to use mana at will, my control over mana will explode. Not only that I'll also be able to strengthen my circuits and also expand my magic reserves.

Since this idea is from Yeon-woo I'll call it the same, "Heaven-wing Mana control."

He felt his brain is going to burst, but he is familiar with this pain, the Dragon knowledge is helping him. So he opened his draconic eyes.

'draconic eyes'

Even though his physique is still incomplete, it still help him, dragons are powerful, they touched the truth and moved the nature by their will. That's how powerful they are.

He just needed to perfect this theory with the help of draconic eyes and knowledge and implement it.

Inspiration struck him all of sudden, like enlightenment in a cultivation sense.

"Mugong.....I'll learn Mugong..." He muttered still focused on writing. "But the mana here is so thin... I can't finish this Mugong in mere days. Tch...The Tutorial. I'll focus on the Eight Extreme Fist first."

*What does Mugong means? Mu means, to fight and gong, to build up. To build up fight. Mugong consists of three things, Shim, Gi, and Chae.

*Shim is mana, Chae is the vessel, and Gi is the string that connect the two, and allows Mugong to use properly.

*And the Gi is The Eight Extreme Fist. Yeon-woo understand this because he saw that the martial king move at the stream of 'flaws'.

(A/N: this is enlightenment about Mugong, hehe, anyways, i implement this as his own understanding, don't fight me with facts later on. Hmph!)

While this is happening, 2days have passed, he didn't notice the time as he is immerse in his enlightenment. When he opened his eyes, a bright light shot at it. He exhaled loudly.

A puddle was created again in the floor, a nasty stench lingers in the room.

Suddenly the door was open.


Kim Hannah

She go to paradise 3days ago to seek answer at Gula. And Gula herself it is time and agreed to give him the golden stamp.

Even though she is very conflicted, she still abide to Gula. And there is also his proposal to her, that ease her feelings a bit.

She tried to call him but to no avail, she thinks he is busy because he started to change. She investigate, and she found that he reconciled with his family.

She then tried calling him again and he didn't answer again, so she rushes at his apartment and knock but no one answered her. Kim Hannah then twist the knob if it is opened and voila, it is opened, he didn't even lock it.

What a irresponsible and careless bastard.

She then entered. "Mr. Seol Jihu, are you so confident that you can drive out the potential robbe-"

She's shock to find him in that situation. And there is this strong nasty stench that assaulted her nose, like a garbage juice that let to rot there for weeks. "Uh...i-"

"Oh my god, clean this first before I enter again, I'll be waiting outside." She then exit his apartment.


"That's so embarrassing. Ugh, this smell is so nasty, i might throw up." He then clean up his mess and took a shower. A few minutes later he is done.

He opened the door and let Kim Hannah enter.

"I'm sorry for the mess. Have you eaten lunch? I'll cook for you." He offered her.

"Thank you but we'll go out to eat."


They hopped on her car and she drive to a nearby restaurant. Kim Hannah ordered a light meal saying "I'm on a diet today. You can order what ever you want, my treat."


(A/N: bro didn't open his draconic eyes to see if she's telling the truth, sigh, you're gonna regret this later on.)


"Okay then, here, i want this, this, this, this and also this. Can I have also have a pitcher of this? Thanks. Then..... here, two of this. Thank you."

Kim Hannah: :0


"Can you...finish that many?"

"Uh...yes I haven't eaten for about 3days..." His voice getting lower and lower.

"Huh? Three days? What are you doing even in the first place? And what is that stench in the first place? Hm?" She curiously asked.

"Not telling. I'll gonna tell you if you give me the invitation first."

"I'll give it to you if you can agree, to my conditions first."

"Tell me about it."

"First, swear to me that you haven't been to that place before. Right now."

"Okay, I swear I will do that."

"Second, i want to know, how do you know about these if you don't go there before?"

"Not happening. I won't tell you, ask other questions." He decline, he won't divulge his information unless he trusted them completely, in his past life, he can't even open to anyone and you're asking for him to tell you his secrets, dream on.

"Then the last condition, after you're admitted, you will always negotiate with me first. Understand?"

"Hm.. didn't we have a deal before? I'll sign a direct contract to you not to Sinyoung if you give me the 'invitation' right? But please the papers should be legal hm?"

"Sigh. Okay, but in the formality of Sinyoung, please do it even though just in the outside."

'he really is confident huh.'


Kim Hannah then took out the golden stamp with a conflicted face. "Bastard this is my whole life. Now give me your arm."

He then raised his hand to her. Then she stamp it at the back of his hand.

A golden light exploded upwards from the back of his hand but it quickly recede like a tide in the beach, from top to bottom.

(A/N: i don't know if normal people can see that, but I guess they won't.)

He look curiously at the round glowing reddish golden mark at the back of his hand. Although it disappeared quite quickly.

And an enveloped appeared in front of him, he grabbed it. It is luxuriously packaged.

"That's the invitation, the event will happen at March 16. You have a month to prepare. Mhm, the food is ready. Let's eat."

"Thank you."

"No worries."

They then eat happily and Jihu ate like a glutton.

"You're really hungry huh? What did you do even in the first place?"

"Shach enhtaychelent"(That's enlightenment)

"Huh? What? You're mouth is full i can't understand you."

He shook his head and continue eating.

While eating he's thinking'in the original, seol jihu accumulated alot of karma, that is so immense that when he nearly died, a lot of people tried to help him, and his chances or should i say opportunity comes from the heroines, Kim Hannah, Seo Yuhui, Phi Sora, Teresa, Flone.. Wow thats so many...'

Next plan. Tutorial. Conquer it and befriend Odellete and Hao Win.