

don't know better sypnosis since this is a fanfic

allhailsiomai · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Kim Hannah

Jihu leave the cafe and go home to his apartment. He lay on the bed. "Kim Hannah. I need to meet Kim Hannah. The question is, is this the original timeline or...the one where black Seol exist? If this is the original timeline, then I might not get the Gold Mark, but.. oh, well it doesn't matter, I have the draconic eyes, the diary of the student won't be much help to me. But there might be another useful gift in the bags so I hope it is the latter."

'Nine Eyes'

Green, all of it are green.




"How many colors have I unlocked? Sigh. Will that martial guy notice me? I didn't read that novel, haa. I need to avoid him, and his wives too." He then meditated again. After doing so, he stretched out and go to bathroom to take a shower. He look at the mirror and then..

[Seol Jihu]




He look handsome, black hair, black eyes, physically fit body and a healthy glow radiated from him aside from his poker face. He is brimming with pride and confidence. An innate aura of it. He has the blood of dragons and dragons are prideful to begin with.

He then got out of his apartment and take a walk again. He opened his nine eyes and look at his surroundings. Green and Yellow. The fast cars and trucks are Yellow. While the people are green.

"So I've unlock color yellow. Hmm..." After observing his surroundings he walk again and his destination is...

Tancheon River.

'i have a feeling, she will be there. Plus in the original I'm already they're potential contractor. Hmph. Sinyoung. I'll take you down later on after I'm done using you.'

He really disliked sinyoung even when he's reading the novel. They have a lot of shady things involved in the paradise. He then reach Tancheon River. He sat there, contemplating, about the future.

Few minutes later, a footsteps rang in this quiet place. "You know, I'm observing you from afar. Are you going to suicide here by staring at the water? I recommend not, the water here is shallow."

She is beautiful woman, looking like around 25 years old, wearing a typical secretary outfit, white blouse, black coat draped over her blouse, a white palda, and black n white heels, a round slim bag hanging from her shoulder.

He smiled, but immediately put a poker face then look at her. "Really? What do you think about death is?" He ask a random question.

She stared at him, then said. "Death to me is the end, because if you die, you leave everything behind. And go to godknows where."

"Hmm.. maybe you're right, but do you want to know my opinion about it? I think death is, beautiful, free from suffering and struggle. Isn't that right Ms. Kim Hannah?" He tilted his head a little and opened his two eye abilities.

(A/N:Okay, it sound cringe to me, but who cares.)

'Draconic Eyes, Nine Eyes'

His pupil transform in a slit and shade of gold all over his eyes. Kim Hannah took a step back. She feel very naked in front of him, and she doesnt like this feeling at all. Who would like to know that somebody knows all of your secret?

[Kim Hannah]


Director Kim Hannah

Ms. Foxy

"You.. who are you?"

"You know me already, didn't you? But I will still introduce myself to you. My name is Seol Jihu, 24 years old, a scum, a bastard and a former gambling addict." He then narrowed his eyes at her. "How about you, Ms. Kim Hannah? Why don't you 'invite' me at your place?" He emphasized the word 'invite'. And Kim Hannah being intelligent woman, widen her eyes and pointed at him.

"Who are you? Are you from that place?" Her tone is slightly raise than before. Unlike her former appearance, she look like a scammer that got caught red handed. She didn't even start the negotiations and now she is already in the losing end. She gritted her teeth.

"Answer me, who are you?" She said while gritting her teeth.

"Sigh, I only need the invitation that's all, Ms. Kim Hannah, no need to agitate yourself. I don't want to be a slave that will overwork to death. Rather here is a proposal, if you give me an invitation rather than a contract, if I'm successfull, I will sign a contract to you. Only you and not the company you currently work, Sinyoung. You know what that means right? And I also know, there is something fishy in the Sinyoung, who knows, in the 'future' you might need my 'help'." He emphasized future and help to her. He then continue. "What do you say, Ms. Kim Hannah?"

She is very conflicted inside. She bite her lower lip, Gula said there is a time where she will need to give it to someone special. "I can't give it to you, a contract yes, but an invitation? No."

"A lie." He lightly said to her, "stop lying to me, Kim Hannah." He shook his head. He stop using honorifics.


She frowns at him, 'he knows I'm lying? What the hell?'


Her gritting her teeth rang again."A gambling addict has much this guts?"

"A former gambling addict, in fact." He corrected her.

He is confident that she will give her the invitation, because of the future knowledge but also the draconic eyes that detected if she is lying.

(A/N: for those who don't know, draconic eyes has many function, enhances vision, being able to define if he/she telling the truth, etc. Search if it up in wiki if you want or read the novel of SLR)

"I can't give it to you, not only Sinyoung authority is needed, a special being needs to approve it. Hm?"

"Truth. Very well, seek that special being the answer, and if that being agrees then you know where to find me. Farewell, may we meet again, Ms. Kim Hannah."

He leave calmly without looking back at the conflicted Kim Hannah. She bite her lower lip."Bastard.."

She then walk in the opposite direction, to paradise, to seek answer.
