

don't know better sypnosis since this is a fanfic

allhailsiomai · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


He walk instead of taking a cab. He is feeling restlessness right now so he decided to walk to calm himself down and it is also a good excercise. He also pass some stores to buy gifts for his parents and sister. This guy, no, he has money around 10 million won, so why would he need to get his sister things?

'Sigh I can't understand the gamblers at all.'

He reach his parents house and walk slowly. He put down the gifts he bought, tidy up his clothes and take a deep breath to calm down. Then he knocks.

"Coming!" A female voice answered.

The door was open and it reveal a middle aged woman. His mother.

"Jihu! My son! You're back!" Her voice clearly indicates that she is happy. She immediately hugged her son.

Jihu, was caught off-guard. He is unfamiliar with this things.


After she breaks the hug, Jihu immediately kneel. His kneel surprised and shock her mother. Before she can react.

Jihu said in a high voice. "Mom, Dad, Jinhee. I'm sorry for what i did back then. I know it is unforgivable to that to all you. I know that I've hurt you. I'll repay the things that take from you slowly. Here I am, prostrating to you. Slap me, kick me, shout at me. Anything you want to do to me, I'll gladly accept it if it can ease your rage."

And then another footsteps rang inside the house and Jinhee his sister and his Dad go out to see what is happening. His mother tried to help him stand up. But Jihu won't budge. The memories are surging again, every time he met a person he knew, there past experience are being unlocked. He guess it the first, he didn't know if this is the same as others so he is not sure, but now he is sure as hell.

"What are you doing here bastard?" his father asked in an emotionless tone.

"I'm here to apologize to the bad things i've did to all of you." He answered back.


"I'm going Dad, Mom." Jinhee bid farewell to them, but before she could even walk. His brother, no her Oppa. Talk again.

"I'm sorry Jinhee, please forgive me for the things that I did to you. I know all of it unforgivable. I am a scum and bastard. I-"

"Really? You're asking for forgiveness? Or is this one of your ploy again? You won't trick me again. Not anymore."

"I've already ban myself to the casinos and I'm slowly paying off the debts I've accumulated. Please believe me. If you don't believe you can call the manager of the casinos. And if I'm not ban in the casinos you can chop off my legs or hands right now!" He sincerely said and also a bit extreme.

"H-huh?! Okay I'll call him...." She sound a bit panicked.

Tak. Tak.

"Hello? Is this manager of casino XX? Have you ban this person named Seol Jihu? Yes?Yes? You've ban him? Oh, okay thank you. Have a good day."



He proves his sincerity by talking a bit too much, that they believe it because he even bet his own limbs.

His dad narrowed his eyes at him. "Okay, I'll accept your apology but, this is the last time. I want to see results not just talk." And Jinhee and his Mom nods.

"Thank you, Dad, Mom, and Jinhee. I won't disappoint you all." He stood up, smiled gently at them that contain relief and bow to them. His mother offer for him to stay to have a lunch but he politely decline. "I still have work to do. I won't bother you for the time being. Please stay safe and healthy."

His father narrow his eyes at his son, "Don't overwork yourself, as long as you go back to the past, that is enough for me and your mother."

"Yes, dad, mom, Jinhee, thank you for your understanding once more." He bowed again and walk away.

His next destination is Seonwha's place. He took a cab and after a few minutes Jihu then got off the cab to buy a bouquet of flowers.

"I will buy this bouquet white tulips, please." He said to the lady. "Here you go, young man, goodluck!" The lady said.

As Jihu walk out to the exit, he bypass a beautiful woman curiously looking at him. He then look back and said. "Do you know me?"

And the beautiful woman shook her head immediately, Jihu tilted his head, 'why is she looking at me like that then? Is she a stalker? Hm. Nevermind.' he walks away again.

The beautiful woman still looking at his disappearing figure. And there is a glint in her eyes that quickly disappeared.

A few moments later, he reached Seonhwa's place, a café, her dream to start a business with him. He took a deep breath. And-


"Boss! Look! There is a handsome guy coming!" Waitress 1 said. Followed up by waitress 2 and 3, "handsome. 10 points for the body"

"Face, 9 points."

"Fashion sense. 9 points."

"Wow a total of 28 points! Isn't that the highest? Boss if you didn't grab this chance, other women may snatch him!" Waitress no. 1 said with a full of enthusiasm, "I agree as well, boss."

"I don't have for this kind of thing, now go and serve the customers, shoo. Shoo" she drives them away but she suddenly froze. Because that figure is familiar. Very familiar. Seol Jihu.

"Seonhwa, can we talk?" Jihu asked, holding a bouquet of flowers and a large teddy bear. She replied. "S-sure. But have you eaten lunch? I'll cook for you."

"Thanks, but you don't need to tire yourself." Seonhwa's eyes dim a bit, like she expected it. "O-okay, Let's go."

"Kyah! Boss, you know this handsome?"

"Shh. It is boss time, so don't disturb her."

The guys in the cafe started leaving. They're only here because of Seonhwa. And now that this beautiful manager is now talking to someone and she seem interested, they're hopes and chance are crushed by this handsome guy.

"Let's go to the back, Jihu." She lead the way. Her heart is beating fast, she's hoping that they can go back to normal. Her heart beat in anticipation and fear, that he might really broke up with her. After they got on the back of the store. Jihu, put down first the flowers and bear, he then talk immediately. "Seonhwa, I'm very sorry, I've hurt you I know, that is unforgivable, so if you want to break our relationship, you can do so. If-"

"N-no!" She shook her head immediately, cutting him off. "I mean, we don't need to break up right? We can start all over again. Rebuild our relationship, we can do that right?" Pleading. This is what Jihu sees, his heart clench from pain. A girl is pleading to you to not to leave her, who won't feel sad and anger about that? He resolve himself.

"You're hurt because of me, I broke your heart, I don't deserve your love. Seonhwa, don't be rash, 2months, in this 2months and if you still decided to continue our relationship, then we will continue it. Think calmly Seonhwa, i don't want to hurt you anymore."

Jihu then walk away calmly, leaving the teary-eyed Seonhwa. He look back and smiled gently at her then said. "Take care, Seonhwa."

"Y-you too..."

The first step is done. Next move is...
