

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · ファンタジー
66 Chs

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Sin City is one of Daughter Of The Kings Alternate Universes.

A hypothetical world situated in a different dimension of space and time than the real world consisting of the universe known and experienced by human beings.

You do not have to read any of Daughter Of The King to understand this book. Same characters, different world, different plot.