

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · ファンタジー
66 Chs

Change At Sea Pt.2

Razmyr grabbed a wooden large piece of wood just as the impact threw him into the sea. The weight of the board immediately helped him float back up, battling against the vigorous churning waters.

"It's going to kill them..." James said dumbfoundedly to himself. "But clearly it's looking for something." He added when he noticed the dark figures lifting their hands, bringing the further wrecked ship back to the surface. What waited was a surprise. Ja'ule was still standing, nose flared, lips pressed together like he'd been holding his breath the entire time. Swiftly he raised his arms, pieces of broken metal from the ship rising into the air like bullets. The figure of dark magick didn't anticipate the attack. It tore through its body, leaving over a hundred holes, and before its tattered flesh could heal, Aurelia flew out of the water.

She was soaring on curled liquid that moved to her command. Up and up until she was near it, her hand slashing down. With the force of power she put behind it, the demonic figure split in half. Dust rained down from its fossil appearing brain.

Aurelia gracefully turned, readying to swoop back down toward a wooden platform that tore from the ship. As she soared, the intestines from the demonic spector wrapped around her neck and dipped down into the sea, dragging her with it. The other two searched the wreck, the dead bodies—lifting and throwing them in search of whatever they came for.

Ja'ule ducked down and lifted an arm to deflect a crescent made out of hardened shadow; the skin on his elbow and forearm protected by metal he wielded to wrap around his arm. Aurelia didn't hesitate to sleep free out of Ray'ven's arms, ushering a thanks despite the rude words that left the girls mouth.

Ray'ven's onyx eyes narrowed, the blue intensifying as she watched the queen be drug underwater by the entrails of the beast she had just slain. Her lips pursed in amusement that she was not sure was her own or the god that occupied her mind before she dove off of the broken platform that she had landed on when the ship was destroyed.

The temperature of the sea seemed to drop when it touched her as she cut through its thick depths like a spear through air, effortlessly grabbing hold of the slight woman with one hand while the others raised towards the remnants of the being, sending out a wave of power that seemed to boil the very water around them. The wave of power destroyed what was left of the being and Ray'ven pulled the Queen closer before shooting back towards the surface.

Along the way, she spotted Razmyr. She shot towards him as well, grabbing him with her now free hand before breaking the surface. The speed she was going shot them out of the water a few feet before they landed on the water's surface. Only instead of sinking back down, Ray'ven's feet landed solidly, black ice spreading over the water's surface, freezing the sea around them.

She released Aurelia and Razmyr, her head tilting as she observed them both with glowing eyes. "My, so many damsels today." Cold steam passed her lips as she exhaled. "Let us not die too early on, that would be most embarrassing." Despite having just been underwater a moment ago, no water clung to her as she turned to observe the remainder of creatures.

Ja'ule ducked down and lifted an arm to deflect a crescent made out of hardened shadow; the skin on his elbow and forearm protected by metal he wielded to wrap around his arm. Aurelia didn't hesitate to sleep free out of Ray'ven's arms, ushering a thanks despite the rude words that left the girls mouth.

"A woman, but never a damsel. You didn't see me begging to be saved." Was a simple retort back while she gracefully soared back up upon another wave of water she commanded. The entrails pulled the body back together.

The God of death whispered something in Ray'ven could hear. "Don't let them too close. They sense you, they'll want what's inside of you. No one takes what I give." It was a sweet caress, but his energy fueled her to prepare for another distant attack.

"Throw a blast that'll knock them to the other ship that escaped." Another command.

"And maybe I just wanted to be paid back for the time I saved you." Razmyr responded, though she'd know exactly what he meant. Pulling Rage from his sheath, he took his stance on a plank of floating wood, sword glowing crimson as he waited for the moment to strike.

An amused chuckle was the only response she gave as power rushed through her veins icy and burning all at once, but her lips pulled into a frown at the second command. The voice was both familiar and not and her eyes roamed towards the retreating ship in the distance. "And for what reason would I do that?" She questioned aloud. 'My purpose for agreeing was to protect them. I will not.' She hissed inwardly to the voice. Instead, she used the energy gathered in her hands and flung it towards some of the creatures floating close by, blowing the ripped parts of the ship to shards of wood.

The God of death also gave a brittle chilling laughter that rang around inside her head. Her mind conjured an illusion of him. Not only did she feel him there, but she could see him hovering above the water with his arms folded. The dark folds of his gown nearly danced upon the surface like separated liquid which had a mind of its own. "And you are protecting them. You don't want your handsome boy there to die, or the man who raised you like your own. On the other boat only one person would be touched, but that's a distraction. I'm the God of death, I see everyone's possibility of death. If you don't, you'll be swimming in a sea of bodies. Your choice." His head slowly cocked to the side.

In the distance Aurelia was dodging and weaving tentacles, slicing some down that came too close. Baeron kept throwing shields up to block any open spots that may have been vulnerable during any of Jaule's or Aurelia's attacks.

Ray'ven's eyes narrowed on the illusion of the god, her jaw tightening. Even like that could she still feel the drawing need that she'd felt earlier. She knew that this was not normal. She knew it was wrong.

"They will not be killed?" She questioned, reluctant but resigned. She would rather they be injured than dead. The Worst thing is they would call her a monster. Curse her despite her sacrifice, but she could love with that. She was used to it.

She shot the attack quickly, before they realized where she had aimed, blue and glowing just like the rings in her eyes. It skimmed the water, causing it to part and Ray'ven watched in fascination as it collided with the retreating ship with a loud crack.

Ja'ule's gaze snapped toward the opposite ship and Aurelia got struck with a blast that knocked her down from being distracted.

"What are you doing?!" The king of D'treroh yelled over the sound of violent waves splashing against one another. He immediately turned to Ray'ven, waving a hand through the air, metal slammed into her so hard she flew up into the air and vanished beyond the clouds.

Ray'ven's body flipped through the air several times before she righted herself, a pair of shadowy wings bursting forth. The feeling of arms holding her was brief before she dove back down towards the wreckage, wings melting away like black sand in water. Her eyes went to Ja'ule, a brow raised. "Now that wasn't very nice. I could have been seriously injured." She said, her overlapping voice sounded mocking and inwardly she cringed at the amount of disrespect towards her master.

Strelitzia watched the battle go on as they sailed so far out that she couldn't make out the details anymore; just specks flying around in the air along with the rising of waves. Both her mother and father worked in tandem against the strange new enemy when only moments before they'd been at one another's throat. Their powers were both great and terrifying.

Though she didn't get to admire them for long when a blast crashed into their ship. The wooden planks burst from the force sending debris flying. The girl could only scream as they began to sink once more. She couldn't swim. She'd already almost drowned on the same day. The universe must have been laughing at her. Strelitzia clung to the crate, too afraid to do anything else as she fell into the water below. "James! Save them!" Her arm waved frantically to her brother and aunt both still unconscious.

James fought against the currents that struck him hard, filling his lungs up and spilling into his nose and mouth. He coughed, arms moving through the water desperately to reach the surface. Right when he had, he'd noticed Strelitzia managed to stay afloat long enough to tell him to save the other. However, she couldn't swim like them. She'd told him once before.

He looked back over to Bynx floating face down and quickly flipped him over, heaving him onto a board. Then to Charlotte as fast as he could. She was probably dead by now. There was no way he could find or reach her.

Once more he dipped under, this time he could see her. She was nearly shaded by the dark of the sea. The bubbles escaping her mouth told him she was breathing water in. He couldn't hold his breath, going back up.

A loud noise that sounded like a large boulder cracking echoed out; a large winged figure shooting across the sky just as the phantoms went from Ja'ule and them toward their torn apart ship. Naldak, his scales shone in the moonlight, wings spread wide before pushing back. He dove into the water and pulled her up by his arms. Water rolled off him while he soared back up.

"Wake up girl." Naldak commanded, pressing his talons into her sternum.