

Every person gets a mark with the person they're fated to be together's initials on the day of their 16th birthday. Some people may refuse to accept their soulmates, and aren't satisfied. Others choose to follow their preordained destiny. How will Marinette Dupain Cheng react when her other half's initials are CN, and how will Chat Noir react when he finds out he's not meant to be with his Lady. "Who's your soulmate Marinette? Who's the lucky guy?" I asked, probably for the billionth time. As I was making my way to Marinette's trapdoor, when I heard Marinette barely even whisper, "I-Chat, my soulmate...it's you." Will Marinette be able to accept the fact she'll never be with Adrien? Will Chat Noir accept that Ladybug's meant to be with another man? Will they fall in love with their preordained selves, or will they never get over the other's perfect selves? Read to find out in Soulmates AU - Miraculous Ladybug.

marichat_nettenoir · 映画
9 Chs


Marinette's POV

"Tikki, I put my head on his shoulder, what if he thought is it was weird? What if felt uncomfortable and didn't like it? Tikki..." I whined.

Tikki comforted me, "Of course not Marinette, he seemed very comfortable."

"Ugh, this is literally the first day I got my mark, and it's already causing problems. How am I going to even tell him he's my soulmate? He's not going to be sad of course, but he already loves the "perfect" side of me, but what if he doesn't like the Marinette side? I'm not Ladybug, I'm just...I'm just Marinette." I sighed.

Tikki looked at me, and said, "Marinette, if Chat Noir doesn't love both sides of you, then he's not the one, he's an idiot and he's missing a lot."

"Aww thanks Tikki." I smiled quite sadly. But Tikki continued on.

"But, Marinette you are Ladybug, with or without powers, you're the best miraculous holder of all time. With or without your mask, you're still Ladybug." She said.

"You're right Tikki, you know what, I'm going to tell Chat Noir he's my soulmate." I admitted.

The only problem is, do I do it as Marinette? Or should I do it as Ladybug? I thought to myself.

I laid on my bed and fell asleep.