


The four adventurers found themselves thrust into a world shrouded in darkness, a realm devoid of the comforting radiance of the sun or the gentle glow of the moon. This was a place where the veil of night lingered perennially, where the shadows danced freely, unhindered by the intrusive brilliance of day.

Out of the ominous shadows emerged a sight grotesque and haunting. A dozen creatures, humanoid in form yet grotesque in appearance. They were anything but human. The surface of their bodies resembled granite - rough, irregular, akin to weathered statues standing the test of time. Bat-like wings sprouted from their backs, a stark contrast to their rock-like forms. Their eyes gleamed with a sinister light, a beacon of malevolence in the oppressive darkness, while their mouths opened to reveal an array of razor-sharp fangs. The glimmering claws at the ends of their hands and feet completed their monstrous visage, projecting an aura of impending doom that was impossible to ignore.

"Are these the abyss creatures?!" The words slipped out of Thrax's mouth, filled with a mix of shock and trepidation. Their previous encounter with the abyss creatures had been with entities that were more insect-like in form. But these new adversaries, humanoid and grotesque, were a different breed entirely. They were more sinister, more terrifying, and evidently more lethal.

With a coordination that spoke of their shared predatory instincts, the creatures let out a guttural roar. The dreadful sound echoed off the ancient stone walls, bouncing back to them like a symphony of nightmares. It was a terrifying harbinger of the imminent conflict. Julian, ever the seasoned warrior, was quick to react. He brandished his shield and with a swift motion, slammed it against the cold cobblestone floor. From this collision erupted a surge of magical energy, cascading outward in a crackling wave of flames – an effective defense mechanism known amongst the magical circles as [Aegis Walls].

Yet, the creatures scoffed at this attempt. They barely recoiled from the intense heat and the force of the flames. Instead, they emerged from the fiery onslaught unscathed, their grotesque forms radiating an uncanny resilience that sent a jolt of unease through the adventurers.

"They have high resistance to spells!" Klea's voice cut through the chaos. It was a warning, filled with a mixture of frustration and apprehension. But, it was also an inadvertent challenge for Thrax who wore an eager grin, his eyes reflecting the thrill of the situation. Brandishing his spear, he responded, "Well, they sound like my kind of opponents then!" And without wasting another moment, he plunged headfirst into the fray, ready to meet the creatures with the brute force of a battle-hardened gladiator.

As the battle waged on, Julian's keen eyes spotted a creature that had broken ranks. It was heading straight for Damo, the young monk, who seemed frozen in fear. Thinking on his feet, Julian transformed his shield into a deadly missile, hurling it at the unsuspecting monster. The impact echoed throughout the cavern, shattering the creature into a pile of stone debris.

"Stand behind me!" Klea commanded Damo. Her voice was stern, but her eyes reflected a determination stronger than any spell. As she spoke, her hands moved in a familiar rhythm, weaving a spell that bathed the monstrous creatures in a freezing aura. Though the chilling effect didn't seem to cause any physical harm to the beasts, it successfully slowed down their onslaught.

The battle had now split into two fronts. As Klea focused on protecting Damo and manipulating the battlefield with her spells, Julian and Thrax tackled the remaining creatures head-on. Julian, a seasoned Roman general, swung his short sword with a deadly precision honed over years of combat. Thrax, the gladiator, hurled his spear with a force that could shatter stones. Together, they formed an impenetrable front line, their weapons clashing against the granite-like bodies of the creatures, creating a symphony of destruction in the dimly lit chamber.

"I've got 7! Catch up, will you!!" Thrax's booming voice echoed around them, his taunt muffled by laughter. The tally was part of a competition they often played to lighten the mood during their daunting quests. And despite Julian considering it childish, he chose to participate, even if it was just to honor old times.

"Just because you're ahead doesn't mean you've won!" Julian retorted, his eyes scanning the surroundings for the next adversary. But just as they thought they had the situation under control, a distant roar sent shivers down their spines. The sound was chilling, a dreadful reminder that they were far from safe.

"There are more of them! Follow me," Klea ordered, taking the lead and guiding them down a narrow path. It was a desperate attempt to avoid more creatures. But no matter how hard they tried, the creatures seemed to have an uncanny knack for tracking them down. Their path was besieged with relentless waves of the abyss creatures, each wave stronger and more daunting than the last.

Klea's brows furrowed as she confessed, "There weren't this many the last time I was here." Her words bore a hint of confusion, a testament to the drastic change in the creatures' population. Thrax, however, was dismissive of her concerns. "Don't worry. We can handle these," he declared with a confident shrug.

But Klea wasn't concerned about their ability to handle the creatures. Her worry was rooted in the stark difference between her previous encounter with this place and their current situation. "This way," she instructed, leading them down one of the winding tunnels.

Emerging from the tunnel, the adventurers found themselves on the edge of a vast cavern. The sight was both mesmerizing and terrifying. A forest of twisted, desolate trees stretched as far as the eye could see, a bleak reminder of a once-thriving ecosystem. It was a world within a world, a surreal subterranean landscape bathed in eternal twilight.

Before they could fully absorb the daunting sight, a blood-curdling howl reverberated through the cavern. Klea reacted almost instantly. "Let's hurry!" she cried, darting off into the gloom. The others followed, their footsteps echoing through the cavern.I think you should take a look at

Signs of a recent battle were apparent: shattered tree trunks, their bark ripped apart revealing the raw wood underneath; the lifeless bodies of abyss creatures strewn about. The looming threat of similar creatures circling them sent shivers down their spines. Yet, their attention was drawn to the epicenter of the battle, where a majestic creature stood its ground against multiple abyss creatures.

A creature akin to a lion yet so much more, with breathtaking feathery wings, stood tall. Despite the numerous wounds marring its body, it held its ground with a defiance that was nothing short of awe-inspiring. "A legendary creature! Why is it here?" The sight begged many questions, offering no answers.

Just when more abyss creatures arrived, Klea shouted, "Let's help him!" This was a much-welcome idea for Thrax and Julian, who once again continued their competition. "I'm at 17, Roman!! Pick up the pace!" Thrax taunted, swinging his spear with ruthless efficiency.

Julian sighed, not just at Thrax's relentless enthusiasm but also at the terrifying strength the Thracian exhibited. He was also using a powerful spear, one Julian's short sword couldn't match.

However, they fought valiantly, breaking wave after wave of abyss creatures until the threat was finally over. When the dust settled, the majestic creature turned its gaze toward the group. Klea calmly approached it, "It's me again… let me treat your wound."

Cautiously, the creature allowed Klea to cast a healing spell, watching as its wounds began to mend. During this respite, Julian voiced his concerns. "This creature possesses magus-level strength. How could those abyss creatures hurt it this much?" His words sent a chill through the group, forcing them to confront the severity of their situation.

After the healing spell completed its work, Klea addressed the creature. "We came to see the Spirit Tree. Can you lead us to it?" In response, the creature began to guide them through the seemingly endless forest.

Despite the heavy, dense energy permeating the air and obscuring their sense of direction, they persisted. Eventually, they reached an enormous white tree that stood out amongst the sea of dying flora. It was eerily similar to the Gaia tree in the fey forest - near death yet radiating powerful energy.

Klea turned to the young monk, her voice full of encouragement. "Try your best, Damo."

The young monk has successfully connected with the Gaia tree in the fey forest, now he was confident he know a way to communicate with this one, As he sit down in a meditative state next to the tree, Klea looked toward the tree and ask a question

"What is happening here?"

Minutes passed in silence, prompting Klea to ask again, "Can you tell us where the King's tomb is?"

There was a little reaction but still an answer, the group decided to patiently wait for an hour before the silence was broken by the distant roars of abyss creatures. The ground beneath them started to shake violently, indicating an earthquake.

Without waiting for a response, Klea led the group towards the source of the tremors. As they left, a tiny ladybug detached from a leaf and fluttered behind them. Unnoticed by the group, the little creature embarked on its own journey, following the four adventurers.

To be continued