


Klea stood resolute on the expansive balcony, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking panorama before her. From her vantage point atop one of the grandest villas in the City of Rome, she surveyed the magnificent garden that stretched out below, with the sprawling cityscape on the horizon.

The villa's opulence was unmatched, except for the Rome consul's residence, yet Klea found no joy or excitement in its lavishness. Her thoughts were consumed by something else, or to be exact, someone.

"He's currently recovering with the wood elves, is he...?" Klea's voice held a tinge of longing and concern as she let out a deep sigh. Her gaze lingered on a distant point beyond the garden, her mind far away from the luxurious surroundings.

It was not only the intense yearning for his presence that troubled her, but also the nagging worry about how much time has passed since they met and how different their situation right now.

During the arduous journey back to Rome, Klea had deftly extracted every fragment of information about Emery from Thrax. Bit by bit, she had learned about Emery's memory loss, his time on the enigmatic Ouroboros planet, his marriage to Silva, and the heartbreaking loss of his wife. She had also discovered that Morgana was currently staying with him.

This deluge of news left her restless—a storm of jealousy, irritation at being forgotten, and an overwhelming desire to be by his side during his time of trouble. But above all, the question that loomed largest was how much of the Emery she knew still resided within this new clone.

"Is he really going to be same him?"

She really wish to see him right away, but Thrax's reminded her of the Ancient Celestial ruins—the sacred place where they had made their promise to reunite. In three years' time, they would finally meet again and witness the extent of Emery's situation. But for now, she has another responsibilities to tend to.

Just then, the host of the villa, Consul Julian Kaesar, and a legendary gladiator disguised in humble attire arrived. Their casual footsteps echoed through the grand hall as they entered, evoking a sense of nonchalance. Klea couldn't help but remark, a touch of sarcasm in her tone, "So, did you two manage to have fun?"

"Indeed," Thrax said excitedly in reply after seeing the full power of the Roman army and its new academy.

Julian, his demeanor composed as always, turned to Klea and casually stated, "I have made all the necessary preparations and am ready to depart from Rome immediately."

Klea understood the weight of Julian's position and the challenges he faced in leaving Rome so abruptly. However, she needed his assistance, and so the trio, accompanied by the young monk Damo, set off towards the nearest harbor. They boarded a Roman ship teeming with 200 men, poised to embark on their southward journey.

As the salty scent of the ocean mingled with the gentle caress of the breeze, Thrax's impatience became palpable. "This leisurely voyage is enjoyable, but couldn't we hasten our journey? Must we burden ourselves with an entire battalion? Couldn't we simply fly to our destination?"

It wasn't Julian who answered the question but Klea herself. She explained, her voice unwavering, "We may need to stay in our destination for a while, and having the soldiers with us will facilitate coordination with the local rulers."

Thrax's wonderment was evident as he mused, "Is the situation truly that dire?"

Just a few days earlier, Klea had revealed to them the weighty task bestowed upon her through the will of Lord Izta—a bronze medal that served as the key to the lost kingdom of Babylonia. Legend whispered that it was once ruled by the first Earth caretaker, King Uranus of the Nephilim, during a golden age of civilization before a catastrophic flood consumed it.

Their mission was clear: to locate the tomb of this legendary king and unearth its long-forgotten secrets. Unfortunately, when Klea had ventured to the site months ago, she encountered insurmountable obstacles. One of these obstacles was the discovery of the third Gaia tree on Earth, which hindered her progress.

With the Holy Tree at the Gaya Temple withering away, Klea sought answers within the enigmatic Fey Forest, where the young monk's findings aligned with her own thoughts. "Gaia resists our quest to find the tomb. We must uncover the reasons behind this resistance."

As the group became more aware of Gaia's true essence—the primordial wisp of the earth—and the impending calamity that loomed thirty years in the future, Klea and her companions couldn't help but draw parallels with the chaotic state of Andora.

"For all we know, Kronos may be orchestrating this turmoil behind our backs," Klea suggested, her voice heavy with gravity.I think you should take a look at

The mere mention of Kronos ignited Thrax's fervor, capturing his unwavering attention. And so, after five days of navigating the vast Mediterranean Sea, the ship finally docked along an eastern shore, a hundred miles from Egypt. It was here that their southward journey truly began.

Guided by Klea's unwavering resolve, two days passed before they stumbled upon faint traces of a once-great city nestled within the desert hills. The ruins emerged like faded memories from the shifting sands, a testament to the passage of time.

"To think that this palace was once the pinnacle of human civilization... it fills me with a profound sorrow," Klea murmured, her gaze fixated on the barren landscape of rock and sand.

"Let us establish a perimeter here, survey the surroundings, and ensure that no intruders disturb our endeavor," Julian commanded, his voice brimming with determination.

In perfect synchronization, Klea, Thrax, Julian, and Damo ascended a hidden stone pedestal concealed beneath the shifting sands. It was from here that a gaping hole beckoned, leading into the unfathomable depths of the earth.

Drawing upon his affinity for the element of earth, Julian endeavored to probe the abyss below. However, his senses could penetrate only a mere mile beneath the surface—an insignificant fraction of his true power.

"How could this be? There must be something mysterious down there," Julian exclaimed, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and frustration.

Thrax's eyes gleamed mischievously as he retorted, "Or perhaps, dear Julian, you simply have not honed your earth manipulation skills enough."

Anticipating the outcome, Klea's voice resonated with unwavering resolve, "Prepare yourselves, for there are threats awaiting us below."

Thrax's excitement swelled, flames dancing upon his palm, casting an ethereal glow as he fearlessly plunged into the gaping maw of the hole. Without hesitation, the others followed suit, descending a mile into the earth before venturing through a labyrinthine tunnel that led them to the remnants of a city ravaged by time's relentless march.

As they stepped into the ruins, the air carried a sense of eerie stillness. The lost city of Babel, once a thriving civilization, now lay in ruins—a testament to the grandeur that had been. Dilapidated structures rose like jagged sentinels against the vast expanse of desolation. Columns stood broken and scattered, their marble surfaces worn and weathered by the passage of countless years.

Seeing the remnants of a glorious past, Damo's artistic soul was stirred. He couldn't help but reach for his sketchbook, capturing the haunting beauty of the fallen city amidst the desolate landscape.

Dim sunlight filtered through gaps in the crumbling walls, casting ethereal beams of light that danced upon the dust-filled air. Nature had reclaimed much of the city, with overgrown vines snaking their way around fallen pillars and through shattered windows, reclaiming what was once man-made.

The group moved cautiously through the remnants of the city, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Their senses heightened, aware of the lurking danger that awaited them. Suddenly, a presence, dark and malevolent, washed over them—an ominous energy emanating from the shadows.

The creatures emerged from the darkness, their forms twisted and grotesque. Sharp claws and gleaming fangs protruded from their misshapen bodies, exuding an aura of primal menace.

Their eyes burned with an otherworldly glow as they closed in, their movements unnaturally swift. The air crackled with an oppressive energy, as if the very fabric of the city recoiled from their presence.

It was at this moment that they sense a special energy signature within these creatures. "Its Abyss creatures!" Julian observed, his voice laced with a mixture of awe and trepidation.

To be continued