
”Tree of Life" 

※I'm currently translating a Japanese novel into English, so there might be some unusual translations or mistakes. Please feel free to point them out. "Due to a genetic mutation, a group of humans known as the Gabeto tribe acquired the ability to emit energy. Alongside this development, numerous plants emerged that harnessed the energy emitted by the Gabeto tribe as their source of sustenance. As a result, these plants underwent unique evolutions in a direction beneficial to humans, as they could absorb more energy. Within this unique evolution, certain plants emerged as a subset capable of transformation, known as the 'Tree of Life.' The impact of this characteristic extended beyond just the plants, triggering a new wave of evolution in the ecosystem, affecting animals, and even humans. In a world where the ecosystem had begun to change fundamentally, the protagonist, Luti, whose body was composed of the 'Tree of Life,' and Gracia, a surviving member of the Gabeto tribe, had to adapt to this shifting environment. How would Luti decide to live in this ever-changing world?"

Daoistlg9So7 · ファンタジー
28 Chs

20_'Tree of Life' in the 'Forest of the End'

"There's just so much to report. Let's start with this," said the Dr.Ban, placing a bottle down. Inside it was a plant that looked like white, fibrous, thin strands, wriggling within the bottle.

"According to the research, the plant that fused Luti and the tree is undoubtedly a variant of the 'Tree of Life'. It's likely a close relative of our own 'Tree of Life'," he continued, laying down some documents.

"I've looked into it, and we've uncovered quite a bit. First, I want you to see this document about the 'Tree of Life' in the 'Forest of the End'." It was an old document, worn and brittle. The paper was so parched that it would crumble at the slightest touch. And understandably so, as this document dated back to the era when humans still roamed the surface - the time when the Gaveto tribe was thriving.

The document was illustrated with a drawing of two people, each with bundles of thin strands sprouting from their backs, connecting to plants. The two stood face to face.

"This illustrates the conflicts among the Gaveto tribe," the Dr.Ban explained. According to him, there was only one factor that determined the outcome of the tribe's conflicts: the amount of energy one could emit. The plants would obey the one who could emit more energy.

Those who could emit less energy were left with no choice but to be trampled. To reverse this, the 'Tree of Life' in the 'Forest of the End' was utilized. By connecting the brains of the Gaveto tribe with plants, they could make the plants obey them absolutely.

"This explains why Gracia's commands weren't followed," said the Dr.Ban, proceeding without waiting for our responses. "Moreover, this 'Tree of Life' was used not only for connecting the Gaveto tribe with plants but also for merging different species of plants."

According to the Dr.Ban, the 'Tree of Life' was used, for instance, to merge a plant species with high attack power but immobility with a highly mobile plant species.

"It's probably a remnant of that. Originally used for connecting different species of plants, which, compounded over time, resulted in that collective entity," the Dr.Ban said, pulling out a photograph from his breast pocket.

"Actually, an investigation of the plants constituting the collective entity was conducted. It revealed that eighty percent of the body of the collective entity consisted of plants evolved to kill humans," he said, his tone exhausted by now.

The rest of us mirrored the Dr Ban's expression.

"It's all well and good that we've figured this out, but what do we do about it?" Etzio asked, his face troubled. Indeed, what should we do? We don't even know where to begin. What to investigate, how to feel about it all.

It felt almost unreal, the sheer magnitude of the danger we faced. And moreover, there's still the matter of the humanoid plants to contend with later on. I was thoroughly disheartened.

To this, the Dr.Ban muttered a single phrase: "I really have no idea."

Contrary to the resignation in his words, Professor Ban seemed profoundly contemplative. That voice resonated deep within me, stirring something familiar. I felt a nostalgic connection to that expression.

Suddenly, I remembered a conversation I had with the Dr.Ban in the past. Back then, the 'Tree of Life' was facing stronger headwinds than now.


"What does the Dr.Ban think about the 'Tree of Life'?" I asked the Dr.Ban this question. Criticism of the 'Tree of Life' was mounting day by day, and I was curious about the thoughts and feelings of others.

Professor Ban kept a stoic face, staring straight ahead. His response was unexpected. "My answer doesn't really matter," he stated matter-of-factly. "...What do you mean?" I inquired. "Well, you see, the prosperity of the 'Tree of Life' is bringing about changes never seen before, and at an unusual speed too. It's certain to cause a significant ripple in the fundamental environment," confidently articulated the Dr.Ban. "Did you know what causes mass extinctions?" he asked, catching me off guard with such a drastic term. "No..." I stuttered, clearly taken aback. "Rapid environmental changes are the cause, whether it's volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts on Earth, or changes induced by humans. Considering the capabilities of the 'Tree of Life', the changes it could instigate might match or even surpass those events. In that context, what does an individual opinion of a human like me amount to? It's all about whether I can adapt to that environment or not," he expressed with a profoundness, which surprisingly left a deep impression on me.

We reached the door to the room. Professor Ban, while opening it, said softly, "But, there is one exception in this world." Inside the room, Gracia was playing with plants, swinging in the air clinging to a branch swayed by her. The plants danced around her as if enjoying the moment together. "If it's Gracia... she might even be able to create her own environment," Professor Ban commented, his lips curving into a rare smile. He then turned to me, his spirit seemingly uplifted, and I could only respond with nods. "...And I believe you will play a significant role too... After all, you are both plant and human. A change like never before. You might even represent a new way of living for humans," he looked at me with hopeful eyes. I inadvertently averted my gaze, unable to withstand the weight of his expectations.