
||Hear Me Roar||

lion_leo1 · 書籍·文学
16 Chs

The Lion's Pride

Alan felt a surge of pity and guilt. He knew that Sansa was only six years old, and that she had no idea what was happening. He knew that she would be terrified and confused when she learned that she had to marry him. He knew that she would hate him and his family for taking her away from her home and her family.

He also knew that he had no choice. He had to obey his father's will, or face the consequences. He had to marry Sansa, and secure the alliance between the Lannister's and the Stark's. He had to play the game of thrones, whether he liked it or not.

But he also wanted to be fair and kind to Sansa. He wanted to give her some time to grow up and learn about their world. He wanted to make her happy, if he could.

He looked at his father with a respectful and humble expression and said.

"Father, I understand your decision and I accept it. But may I ask for some time before the wedding? Sansa is very young and she needs some time to grow up and learn about our house and our lands. I also need some time to prepare for my duties as the heir to the Westerlands. I think it would be better for both of us if we wait for a few years before we get married."

He hoped that his father would agree. He hoped that his father would see the wisdom and the kindness in his request.

He hoped that his father would not be angry.

Alan had big dreams for his future. He wanted to make Casterly rock the most prosperous and powerful castle in the Westerlands. He wanted to improve the lives of his people and his vassals. He wanted to be a good and just lord, unlike his father and his grandfather.

He also wanted to be happy. He wanted to find love and friendship. He wanted to have fun and enjoy life. He wanted to forget his past and embrace his new identity.

He didn't care about the others beyond the wall, the white walkers and the wildlings. He didn't care about the wars and intrigues of the realm. He didn't care about the iron throne and who sat on it.

He had seen enough of violence and misery in his previous life. He had been born in a poor family in a cruel world. He had worked hard and struggled to achieve success and wealth. He had become the youngest billionaire in history, but he had also lost everything in a car accident.

He didn't want to repeat that cycle of pain and loss. He wanted to break free from it.

He wanted to live his life happily.

But it all depends on Tywin and his answer not it doesn't matter as the lion's pride flared in his heart