
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Chapter X

Age 734 - December

Planet Vegeta

A random canyon

'So how did Instructor Tomota describe it again?'

Tercres asked himself as he prepared himself for the transformation, feet firmly planted parallel to his shoulders. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and relax his tense muscles; after all this transformation would have a more drastic effect on his psyche than the Kaioken.

Closing his eyes, Tercres pulled his ki out of his metaphorical centre. A glowing white Power Ball formed in his palms before he threw it into Planet Vegeta's atmosphere.

It flew into the sky at blinding speed before stopping abruptly, looking no different to a small moon in the sky. However, Tercres had to ignore the itch that suddenly spread from the top of his head to the tip of his tail, as well as the instinctual urge to look at the artificial moon.

'Not yet,' he thought to himself. He wanted to study and remember the changes to his body, so that he can enter the Oozaru form at will and in the future, maybe Golden Oozaru. Every transformation is a weapon in his growing arsenal and he intends to fully utilise every single possible one.

As the day progressed, Planet Vegeta's two suns rose higher in the sky, and likewise so did the increasing number of Blutz radiation his Power Ball was reflecting back into him.

Tercres didn't know how to describe the feeling but if he had to put it in words then it felt like his mind was slowly devolving into its primal state similar to when he first tried the Kaioken technique, except it was a bit different as he still somewhat maintained his consciousness but at the cost of a decreased IQ.

He could also sense the concentration of ki in his body increasing as his body grew slowly in size. Right now it was about 1.6x higher than his base form.

As he waited for the Blutz waves to reach the required amount for him to transform, he decided to test out his increasing strength. Like a whip, he punched forward; his body blurring out of existence before flickering a few feet from his initial position in perfect form.

The force generated from his movements was almost a second late, as a moment later the entire landscape before him was obliterated.

The destruction caused similar to a certain bald hero's signature move. But Tercres didn't even bat an eye at the power displayed. Then again such was the norm in this planet.

[A Few Hours Later]

It was time.

It took him a moment to calm down again as stopped fantasising about walking around some alien city in his Oozaru form, destroying buildings with his Mouth Beam like Godzilla or whatever it was called, his memories were kinda fuzzy when it came to everything non-Dragon Ball.

Would he even be able to utilise his full combat prowess at such a size? Prince Vegeta and Nappa didn't use martial arts in the Oozaru forms but what if Goku fought them in his Oozaru form with all mind intact as well as his tail? Unlike them Tercres wanted to fully exploit the increase in size Oozaru gave him for when he would fight stronger giant fighters.

His normal size would only take him so far. He had to create a martial art for use in his giant form as well as to learn how to fight using it so it came to him as second nature because this is Dragon Ball and such fights were inevitable; these were bound to happen in the future.

It won't mean much if he was the best fighter in the whole multiverse as one of the laws of nature that governs this reality is that the weak can never beat the strong, unless their haxs were overpowered that is ( cough Omni King Zeno cough).

In the end, stuff like this were to be reserved for the future. Right now he planned to enter Oozaru first and then decide what to give priority from that point onwards. He was a Saiyan, the best race after Frost Demons and Bio-Androids.

There was nothing to worry about for a long period of time after he escapes the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

And with that thought, he finally turned around and looked at the Power Ball. It had about 15 minutes left before my will in the ki that made up its form faded away, and with it would disperse into the environment.

His tail twitched behind him in anticipation. The bright white ki sphere hung low in the pale red sky, bathing the canyon in an eerie light. The moment the ki construct reflected in his eyes he knew it was time.

"It's now or never," Tercres said out loud.

His body began to tingle as the Blutz waves reacted with the hormones produced by his tail.


His heart raced. His muscles started to spasm, pain shooting through his body.


His bones snapped, breaking and reshaping themselves into a new, bestial form. Tercres screamed as his spine elongated, thick black fur erupting from his skin. His ligaments tore from their joints only to reattach in new places. The pain was excruciating, beyond anything he had experienced before.


His hands clenched as finger bones shattered, merging into five thick digits. His nails turned to claws, sharp enough to tear through flesh and bone alike. His feet also broke and reformed into a more prehensile version, all the while growing in size into two massive paws.


Tercres's body pitched forward as his tailbone pushed outwards, a humongous fleshy tail unfurling behind him with a sickening crunch of bone and muscle. His jaw dislocated with an audible pop, jutting outwards into a snout as daggers of bone pierced through his gums, flooding his mouth with the iron taste of blood as they grew into razor-sharp teeth.


His chest heaved, ribs cracking open to make way for expanding lungs and a heart that tripled in size. With an agonized howl, Tercres lost his grip, falling forward as his body continued to distort into a massive, fur-covered beast in battle armour over 15 meters tall. Crimson eyes glowed with a primal rage and his thick tail thrashed, knocking loose boulders that tumbled onto the ground below only to be crushed giant his giant feet.

The initial pain of the change began to ebb, leaving behind an energy like nothing he had felt before. His senses were heightened - he could perceive the thermal radiation of bodies hundreds of miles away, hear the trembling as well as smell the sweet, sweet scent of fear from creatures hiding in the valley not far from his position.

Tercres opened his massive jaws and bellowed, the sound rumbling through the canyon like an earthquake. A vague feeling of caution arose in him but it was immediately flooded by his violent instincts. He flexed his arms, shreding the rock beneath them to dust. His power in this new form was intoxicating.

With lumbering steps he moved to the canyon wall and began to climb, fingers practically gouging handholds in the stone. His tail swept behind him, smashing through obstacles. Upon reaching the top, Tercres stood tall on muscled legs and unleashed a pastel red Mouth Cannon that atomised the very air itself.

The primal Oozaru within hissed for blood, urging him to rampage in a frenzy of violence. Its instincts battled with his consciousness for control. He fought back, regaining mastery over his new body through force of his will cultivated over the months.

In that moment, the Power Ball's time limit had been reached, dispersing the ki construct and with that the Oozaru form.

Panting, Tercres stared up at the night sky. His form shifted as it set, fur and fangs receding into flesh as bones cracked once more. He collapsed, restored to his normal body, absolutely soaked in sweat from head to toe.

The gruesome trial was over. The power was now his but the memory of his first Great Ape transformation would forever remain in his mind.


A/N: Hello there people! Sorry for the month long break, i suffered a metacarpal fracture while playing goalie in football.

I hadn't played goalie in 5 years☠️

Anyways, I'm back fresh and fully healed some expect some weakly chapters. And as per usual what are your thoughts on the chapter? If you have anything to say please tell me, i will always respond to any and all your questions. Any questions pertaining the story should be said under my review so as to help potential readers know what they are getting into.

Oh and [Re: Extra] is coming off hiatus in two months time after a rewrite so expect it!

Live long and stay high and a TREMENDOUS THANKS to all the 399 out of the initial 423 readers that stayed. You guys are the realest🙏🙏