
[Rewrite Pending] Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey

Born anew in a strange yet familiar world - well not entirely - as Saiyan, our main character awakens in a birthing pod filled with nutrient fluid alongside a fragmented collection of memories from another time; another universe one could say. His choices and actions determine his circumstances, some which go horribly wrong , but that is something for you to decide on this Saiyan’s Odyssey…. *** A/D: The image of the cover is not mine, if its yours say so and i will remove it. I chose it as it fit my characters description very well. P.S The characters seen in this novel does not belong to me except the OCs. If you have any problems with this, please contact me using email and let me know.

PursueImmortality · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter XI

Age 735 - March

Planet Vegeta

Flying through the sky

'The number of saiyans dying on missions have been increasing lately, seems that Frieza's paranoia has finally manifested.'

Tercres thought to himself as he read some statistical data available to all mission-ready saiyans; the streams of symbols that was the saiyan language flashing across the screen of his scouter displayed quite the disturbing information in a very easy-to-understand but professional format, enough for a literal child to understand.

As for how he had confidently come to that conclusion? Well originally, he had gone to a bar called the 'Saiyan Stomping Ground' a fee weeks back, a place where Bardock and his team as well as other low and mid-class saiyans frequently visited to unwind and relax, with some using it as a place discuss their next steps on a mission they had been assigned to.

Tercres had gone there to check it out after seeing it in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, as well as the chance to spot Bardock for real of course.

There, he had overheard from a group of low class saiyans who were taking a break there, talking about Frieza Force soldiers going around asking saiyans for information pertaining the "Legend of the Super Saiyan" and how dumb those aliens where in believing in a myth, all the while laughing idiotically themselves.

He hadn't expected to hear such information, and it had truly ruined his mood that day.

'Frieza has already to started to feel misgivings towards the saiyans….a crucial piece of information that had cleared a lot of questions for for me.'

Tercres remembered that Frieza had destroyed the Planet due to this very reason, as well as being commanded to do so by Lord Beerus, but he knew that Frieza would have destroyed the Planet sooner or later regardless.

As you may have guessed already, Tercres had recently graduated from the Unit. It took him a few months to be able to fully keep his mind in his Great Ape form but he was able to do it, and after demonstrating his combat capabilities to Tomota, he was finally recognised as a standard mission-ready saiyan.

Many of his peers were also considered ready but with only a few being relegated to mid-class, but that was expected.

The only reason they were even allowed to continue was due to their parent's influence, otherwise they would have been shipped off to some low-class planet in the middle of God knows where like some untalented low-class trash.

Tercres already had many theories about the cause of the sudden spike of deaths. Before that, he somewhat hoped that he was in some parallel reality version of Dragon Ball where the events of Planet Vegeta never happened or at least happened way into the future but with the existence of Frieza, he knew such thing was simply not possible and would never happen.

Plus it's Dragon Ball. The destruction of Planet Vegeta is a canon event; a fixed point in time that cannot be changed.

He contemplated this while flying leisurely to one of the three Frieza Force bases strategically built around Planet Vegeta, specifically the branch base for the Planet Trading Organisation, ready to receive his first mission.

The Planet Trade Organization is an organisation run by King Cold and his two sons, Frieza and Cooler. It is through this organisation that the King Cold and his sons employ or enslaves powerful races, such as the saiyans, to take over suitable planets so that they can be sold to the highest bidders.

Since they are a large organisation spanning the North Galaxy and some parts of the South, East and West Galaxy, they also have branches on each enslaved planet to make it easier to recruit new members to the Frieza Force, with Planet Vegeta being one of them.

It also serves as a hub for all interstellar travel for the saiyan race and this is where Tercres found himself today.

Outside the large technologically advanced facility, he could see the several different areas that comprised the branch, including launch pads for small and large saiyan and alien ships, a control tower, hangars for ship maintenance and repair and various support facilities such as fueling stations and cargo bays.

The branch was also heavily guarded at all times, with both saiyan guards as well as Frieza Force soldiers patrolling the area to ensure the safety of the facility and its contents.

Tercres was planning to complete a few solo, high level, mid-class planet conquering missions, so that he wouldn't be sent on a team mission when he finally takes a high class planet conquering one.

That way he can find an excuse to spend at least three to five years there without arousing suspicion as well as gather strength.

Hopefully, he wouldn't be on the planet when that time of its destruction two years from now, but off world on active mission to conquer a relatively safe but challenging world, preferably somewhere not too close but very far away from to Planet Vegeta's star System.

He had done his best to give himself the most optimum possible start before leaving the planet, and as a result, he was stronger than the majority of the people his age and even some older than him. Heck, he was stronger than a 30 year old Raditz!

Landing on one of the many empty launch pads, Tercres made his way into the facility to receive a mission himself. Due to the size of the saiyan army, the military had implement a simpler identification code that was easier as well as quicker to understand.

Twice a year, saiyans are evaluated by the number of missions completed as well as their power level, then assigned an identification code following a simple format: their class, their rank of authority and then their batch number.

Lets take Bardock and Nappa as an example. For Bardock, since he is a low class saiyan but a lieutenant that leads a platoon of four saiyans, he would be designated the identification code something like L-SL-4568. For Nappa, an elite class general and most likely leads a large division, it would be E-SG-01.

This system allows for a clear and concise way to identify and classify Saiyan soldiers based on their class, rank and batch number.

Tercres had heard rumours that this way of organising was one of the many overhauls that Frieza brought with him, but confirmation was yet to be seen or heard.

Naturally, Tercres had already been assigned an identification code, E-SO-8831, when he graduated before joining the Saiyan branch of the "Intergalactic Resource Acquisition" Division in the Frieza Force. But don't let the fancy professional name fool you; it was just a fancy way of saying space piracy.

His position was that of a saiyan operative specialised in Planet Aquisition and currently, Tercres was receiving a mission briefing from one of the Frieza Force officials responsible for administering and organizing the sale of planets, specifically in the Saiyan branch.

He gazed up at the holographic projection of the a planet while listening intently to the details he would need for his upcoming mission.

Important facts and details scrolled from either side of the transparent planet, highlighting key points.

"According to our large-scale scans, there are numerous primitive tribes scattered throughout the planet, primarily located in the jungle regions. Their power levels remain below 2,500 and they exhibit biological vulnerabilities such as susceptibility to energy attacks and extreme temperatures," he explained.

The Appule-looking official's words were delivered in a professional and matter-of-fact manner, as he provided Tercres with important details about the planet.

"However, several rudimentary energy weapon emplacements have been detected, so do expect resistance, though they should pose little threat to a fighter of your caliber, saiyan."

The official gazed down at Tercres with not-so-well-concealed arrogance and animosity, evaluating the young saiyan.

As one of Frieza's most capable officials, with a power level of 13,000, he took his job seriously. Although he harbored a deep-seated hatred for Saiyans, he understood the importance of this mission and vowed not to let his personal feelings cloud his judgment.

He was aware that this mission would be Tercres's first, and he intended to provide him with all the necessary information and resources to ensure its success.


A/N: Another week, another chapter. And the story is finally progressing! A bit of lore added here and there with a few changes. What do you guys think of the new classification system? If you guys need some more clarification just let me know; i always respond to comments that ask for it.

And as always if you see anything that makes no sense, tell me and i will see if it needs to be changed.

As for now, the question is "What mysterious planet is Tercres being sent to? And does Tercres stand a chance at defeating its inhabitants? The answers to these questions will be be revealed.…On the next Chapter of Dragon Ball: Saiyan Odyssey!" [end ai generated dragon ball z narrator voice lines]