
Magical [#1]

OCs, Invincible-verse, Magic.


Magic. Do you believe in it?

Well, I didn't, until i ended up splattered in the highway. Painted the highway with my blood, broke several of my bones, and twisted my neck in a 180 degrees. It was faster than i could think, one moment i was alive, the other i was in pain before the light flashed over my eyes and i was in another body. A smaller, younger body- so young, in fact, that I was only a child that suddenly recognized its own sapience. "What the..." Memories were not coming to mind, i did not know where i was, who i was, and where i was, i only knew i was cold and afraid because i was literally freezing and there was a man covered in white clothes shooting beams of cold energy that froze things around him, there were two adults frozen over into a cube of ice beside him and many more people on this metropolis. Therr were screams, there were shouts, there was panic and i couldn't move- mostly because my legs froze, from literal ice and not metaphorical fear because i died, like, a few seconds ago? I don't have time to fear! I need to save this life that i just recently got back-

"Freezing!" The guy wearing white screamed as he laughed, his ray gun shooting everywhere and making me feel even more fucking nervous- Anything can help now, i died a few seconds ago and now I'm here, so there must be something i can do to jot die a- fucking -gain! 'Shit!' Cursing internally, i used my tiny fists to punch the ice on my legs to try and break it, but who would've thought the strength of a 6 year old was not enough to break perfectly frozen ice? What is ice even, just frozen water, but this? The guy's freezing the moisture of the atmosphere? No, that weapon he has somehow crystallizes ice from something, maybe its dry ice,so nitrogen? There's no white smoke comig out of this, so it isn't nitrogen. The only thing that could male sense was if that gun shot a projectile pressurized form of water that freezes upon impact, which is possible- I remember seeing many videos of water bottles freezing once they're hit by something, it's a reaction.

But i need fire, fire would be really useful now-

[Comprehension of Ice Achieved.]

[Unlocked: Ice Magic (Basic level)

Basic Ice Manipulation

Basic Ice Creation]

There was a new knowledge inside his head that he did not had a few minutes ago, the knowledge of how to move something deep within him into the world and use it to freeze and create ice as well as manipulate its shape, size, sharpness, and durability by will. It was enlightening to know that he could do such thing in such situation he found himself in. 'Now-' His finger twitched and the ice holding him shattered into a fine glitter-like dust surrounding him, he panted as he walked away slowly trying to make sure the villain guy couldn't see him- But then he saw the man turning to look at him and raise his gun as he shouted: "You should've been iced!" The gun projectile was blue and bright, and he didn't want to get hurt by duch thing, so he raised his hand as the ice around him moved by his will and protected him- 'Quick, what is fire!?' The state, process, or instance of hear of combustion consuming a fuel and producing heat and light out of it, fire is energy, heat plus fuel plus oxygen- But in a esoteric perspective, fire can be destruction, rebirth, healing and hurting.

[Comprehension of Fire Achieved]

[Unlocked: Fire Magic (Basic Level)

Fire Manipulation

Fire Creation]

A flame surged in front of him, heat and orange light flew a few centimeters before him- He willed it forward, since his main focus was to protect himself and not care for the well-being of the guy attacking him, because after all, only stupid people would care for those who attack them! His fire bolt was shot towards the man wearing white and holding the gun, whose eyes widened in surprise before he jumped away, but our dear protagonist did not care as his finger pulled back and from the ground where the was going to a sharp spike of ice grew out of the ground quickly and went through the feet of the man, to keep him in place. 'Now!' The same happened to as before, a ball of fire appeared just in front of him before it darted towards the Ice villain, who could not dodge- "ARGH!" He screamed as the flame exploded on his body, the gun was knocked out of his hand and the boy felt tired, using his new ability of magic was hard to do, and it took a toll on his mind and body. Blood had been splashed by the spike that penetrated through the feet of the villain, he didn't know if he was safe yet, and such thought made him nervous.

'I need-' He screamed when a pain exploded through his body, he saw red once again and there was blood on the floor, he felt dizzy and cold- He looked to his right and saw his leg. There, on the floor, as his mind came to the conclusion of what happened- "This little shit!" There stood the same guy who tried to kill him, holding a large bkue blade covered in blood, he knew it was his- "Should've killed him, Freezer!" The man holding the blade shouted at the guy who had his foot impaled by the ice spike, who was hissing in pain- "Shut up, Bla-" A thin and sharp needle of ice grew out of the sky in a quick burst and went through the head of the Freezer, as the Bla-somthing guy managed to dodge the thin ice spike that grew beneath him, contrary to Freezer who just died in front of him. "You little shit!" The man holding the blade turned to look at the kid he just cut the leg off of, who was lookig at them with a look of focus on his face- he did not want to die. "Fucker!" Blade, as was his vilanous nickname, shouted in anger as he ran ro the kid- only to step forward and lose his footing as he slid in a slippery surface and fell- his blade that was tightly on his grip slid out of his hand when he felt a painful stab on his back as a spike went shattered on his back- he was not worried about the spike that shattered on his back, no.

He was worried about the sword above him, that was falling down towards him- He tried to roll out of the way, but he found his legs and shoulders covered by a layer of ice that he could've easily shattered if it wasn't for the explosion that pushed him back as the sword sank into his stomach- And it went through, since it was made for him. "Fuck!" He wasn't dead, by any means, but he was hurt. He turned to look at the little shit to find him crawling away, leaving blood on his way as he dragged his body by the arms slowly. "I'll skin you alive-" His voice was cut short as a man appeared above him: "Oh, wow." The man had this large smile on his face as he looked at Blade, who was ironically impaled by his own blade in a moment of surprise as he underestimated his opponent for him being a kid: "Look what we have here... Blade, impaled by his own weapon..."

"Fucking- Unstoppable!" Blade roared to the man who looked down on him with a smirk: "But being taken down by a kid? Well, i guess even super villains have bad days too." He rose his head to look at the boy who was crawling away, he had already called the medical team and they'd be here in two minutes, whic should be enough to save the kid considering that the advanced medical technology can take care of worse things, he should, however, stop the kid from moving so he doesn't lose more blood than he already did- "Hey kid, I'm here now don't wo-" Before he could say anything, however, a sharp disc of ice flew past him, he managed to move his head to the side but not before it scrapped over his neck, because even though he would've just ignored such stupid attack that wouldn't affect him (Since he's immune to physical impacts- Meaning he can still be affected by environmental hazards, but not things that would affect him physically, like dropping from high places to being hit by a sword), but something inside him made him dodge that attack- And that saved his life because although the kid looked afraid as he looked at him with his eyes wide and backing away faster, Unstoppable felt a hot liquid slide down his throat, something he hasn't seen ever since his powers awakened: Blood.

He fought with Immortal, he even traded punches with Omni-Man, but he never bled from their attacks! However, here, a- What? Five? Six? Years old used his powers in desperation to get away from him, only to actually hurt him. 'What a terrifying kid.' Unstoppable thought before he saw the kid panting, shaking and looking around as it downed on him, blood everywhere, many frozen, some cut in half, and he, who had lost a leg. He slumped back and fainted under the watchful eye of Unstoppable, who rushed faster than a bullet and caught the poor boy, and a minute later the emergency medical team arrived at the sight to save as many lives as they could. The dire situation was clear, many, many dead and several injured including the kid from earlier.

Unstoppable, civilian name Henry Etta, watched as the Paramedics worked hard to save the kid's life- He was out of danger quickly, since their response time was quick.

-Scene Cut-

Meanwhile, the main character of our story floated inside his mind, where he stood confused- Why was he here? His question was quickly answered when before him stood a familiar screen-

[Unlocked Magics:

Fire Magic (Basic Level)

Ice Magic (Basic Level)]

[Choose one to train!]

[Time till waking up: 71H 59M 33S]

So he will spend three days unconscious and he can train inside his head, but only on magics he has unlocked? That seemed really interesting system work here- "I should choose it." His choice was the most versatile magic he had at the moment: Ice Magic. He had used it in different ways to make that guy with the sword stab himself, which was a work of desperation that used too much energy out of him, maybe that's why he'll spend the next three days unconscious? Not a surprise from him. Ice Magic training was essentially him exercising the use of his magic using his imagination, like him making small works to improve his Manipulation and control over his ability of ice making. He could make something really sharp out of ice, but it'll be thin and have weak durability, and if he makes it hard and thick it'll have a good impact power but little penetration power which is why he was trying to fuse both by making a thick log-like ice pillar and make it have a pointy end.

He also worked on little and subtle magics, like ice glitter-like dust that could slowly freeze the enemy by lowering the opponent's temperature little by little. There was more to learn from that magic, but not enough time however, which was sadly something he used to train his imagination carving with ice magic, he discovered he could control whatever ice sculpture he made, which meant he could make puppets of ice and much more- Many possibilities opened up for him, and he had several different types of media in his memory to draw inspiration from, from Ice Mages from Fairy Tail, Esdeath from Akame ga Kill, Iceman from Marvel, Lilith from Black Clover, Aokiji from One Piece- Even from games like Anivia from League of Legends or Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.

Many, many ways he could use his ice magic.

-Author Note-

Had the idea, had to use it- The way magic affecs people is simple: Like a game.

People have natural magic resistances, but those with resistance to physical damage don't have much to magical damage, like, let's say, Viltrumites.