
Ikea [#3]

It was a dark shadow, moving through the night with only a light white and blue blade of energy flowing out of their hand, each time he slashed a Staff Member, they would dissappear mysteriously- This figure was their saviour. They ciuld onlt helplessly watch as several Staff Members surrounded that figure, but there was a bright flash and every single staff was gone, with only the figure standing there looking at them- Bright glowing white-blue eyes staring at them in the darkness of the night, before they vanished. Confusion was soon the norm, everyone was ready to die here, but they were mysteriously saved by a mysterious figure with bright energy coming out of their hands? This was like a dream, a dream Dillan thought he would wake up from years ago.

Meet Dillan, he has been here in this infinite Ikea for the past 8 years of his life. He appeared here when he was only 10, his dad was with him at the time but he is long gone now, he spent much of his life scavenging for food and crafting makeshift weapons and walls out of furniture and killig staff members and sometimes even fighting others from within this endless Ikea. Because this place goes on infinitely, there are many, many humans here and these Staff Members too, which are monsters. Dillan had always believed in magic, being trapped within an infinite and endless Ikea pretty much confirmed his thoughts and beliefs of his younger self, and that person who saved them was pretty much someone who can do something Supernaturally inclined. "What was that..." Zick, his brother in heart and boyfriend at love held his hand as they looked over where the figure vanished from: "Well, hate to say it, but i told you." Zick sighed when he yeard Dillan speak, because he has been saying and explaining his belief in magic ever since they were younger, and pretty much everything they just saw was beyond their comprehension- Zick could not come up with a logical conclusion, not that there is a logical conclusion to everything that has happened to them.

Zick has been on the Infinite Ikea for over 5 years, and in 2 of them he has been dating Dillan, who was pretty much the same age as him and they've been through thick and thin together and are happy on their relationship- Even though there js definitely room for more people, since Dillan and Zick have their eyes on another man. "I hate it when you're right." Zick sighed- He saw the smirk on Dillan's lips and did not resist the urge to kiss him, and doing so he heard his boy gasp and chuckle on his hands: "Huckleberry, stop it." Huckleberry, his nickname, because his mother would always sing Moon River for him to go to sleep to, which was the first song he sang for Dillan when they were on top of the shelves of Ikea after they left the Towers of Self-service. The Towers of Self-service were the three towers that were created by the same group of survivors that gathered their teams on the Self-service sections amf built towers using the several shelves of the infinite ikea, making these massive towers that were all connected by shelves that served as pathways to go from point a to point b or c.

These towers still exist and they are pretty much empty because of the infestation with Staff Members there is- An error with the management cause the end of the Towers of Self-service, when several Staff Members brought two down, now only the husk, the skeleton of the first tower still exists, but now surrounded by corpses and corpses of staff members, which makes impossible for human living due to the fact that the Staff will gather around the tower and any humann approaching the tower will be killed when night comes, since its impossible to get rid of every Staff corpse. "Okay, Bubblegum." Dillan sighed, his nickname was Bubblegum because that's what he couldn't stop chewing on, there's so much around Ikea and he always knows where to find them! Plus, they can mold things together when for temporary fixing. "We survived another night... Everyone needs to reinforce the walls, or we will have to abandond this place." Zick knew the lesder, the most arrogant man he knew, would not want to abandon this place due to his hubris, so he was already packing their things on the backpacks they had: "We will leave." He did not even had to ask Dillan, the man had already been prepapred to leave for weeks now! He nodded to his boyfriend and looked around, he was the base keeper, the one who made the walls and kept them, but he couldn't do so without materials!

And the arrogant leader kept making him use cheap and quick to find materials, he was tired of this. "We're leaving." He said, the people looked at them and- There was a cracking sound as a chair shattered under the hold of the 6'3 foot man with bulging muscles and heavy eyebrows: "What?" He was the leader of this group of survivors: Danial America, that's literally his name! "We're leaving, this place won't hold for much longer, the foundations are already fucked up anyway, so i can't fix it. I'm telling you all now, you better leave, because next night will be your last." Daniel held his fireman ax and clenched his fist, he was readi to do something when- "The store is now closed. Please exit the building." The haunting voice of the monotonous monster echoed as a hand hit the wall, cracking it and revealing a staff member with half of his body cut off, crawling at them: "Where's the exit, then?" A cold and deep voice asked sarcastically the staff member before they saw a blue blade sink into the head of the staff before it vanished. "I recommend you all to run." A glowing eye and an unrecognizable face stared at them from the hole in the wall, the lights flickered as they turned on, and the figure had vanished from once they stood.

Looking around, Dillan swears he saw a dark shadow dart up and above the shelves.

-Scene Cut-

[Day 3]


+5 Levels - 25

Double Extra Stat Points = 50

+5 in every stat.

Skill: [Blend in Shadow]

Blend In Shadows lvl 1: As long as you stand in even the tiniest bit of shadow (excluding your own), you are visually invisible. Erases your presence and sounds you make! Once you leave the shadows, your next attack will be 1% stronger.]


Name: Kann Hernandez

Age: 20Y 1M 10D

Gender: Male

Archetypes: Loner

Lvl 55

[HP: 510/510] (10× Vit)

[MP: 510/510] (10× Int)

[SP: 510/510] (10× End)

Class: [Acrobat lvl 1 (+5 Dex, +5 Agi, +5 Str)

Class History: Brawler,

Extra Stat Point: 130 (+5 Per Lvl)

[Status Average: Normal Human: 5-20 | Trained Human: 25-50]

Strength: 61

Endurance: 56

Vitality: 56

Dexterity: 40

Agility: 61

Intelligence: 56

Wisdom: 56

Charisma: 55

Willpower: 56

Control: 35


Class Skills:

[Brawl lvl 15]

[Acrobatics lvl 2], [Falling Damage Resistance lvl 2], [Balance lvl 2]

Passive Skills: [Drawing lvl 7], [Painting lvl 5], [Woodworking lvl 2], [Pain Resistance lvl 6], [Knife Proficiency lvl 5], [Fear Resistance 3], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 6], [Bleeding Resistance lvl 3], [Fainting Resistance lvl 4], [Dodging lvl 8], [Meditation lvl 3], [Parkour lvl 2]

Stat Skills: [Magic Affinity], [Superhuman Speed], [Sage's Wisdom], [Iron Will], [Superhuman Stamina], [Superhuman Strength], [Healing Factor]

Active Skills: [Run lvl 7], [Fatal Strike lvl 6], [Fast Strike lvl 5], [Energy Shot lvl 5], [Energy Blade lvl 5], [Blend in Shadows lvl 1]

Unique Skills: [Gamer Body], [Under Stress], [Mysterious Presence]

Inventory: [Soft Thin Bread Bag (x1)], [Swedish Meatballs (x2)], [Staff Member's Corpse (x305)], [Ikea Clothing (x305)], [Nuclear Bomb (x1)]

Kann looked instantly hid in the shadows and continued to observe the group of people from a relatively close distance, his body felt cool and in a second he felt like he was partially submerged in shallow water, a cool shallow pool of water. 'It's good to observe them from here, i can gather information on the people of this place, after all its been only 3 days since i appeared in this place.' Only three days, and yet he went through so much so quickly that it felt like he spent a lot more time doing nothimg but fighting Staff Members endlessly through the nighs. He moved, from shadow to shadow, and what he found out is that as long as his body is im contact with any shadow, he will be physically invisible to the naked eye and his presence will be hidden. The moment he stepped out of the shadows, however, this skill would be deactivated and he would be visible again. 'I hope it works at night...' Think about it, at "night" in Ikea here, there is no light- He can only see because there's this weird ambient light that illuminates his immediate surrounding area and doesn't keep him in pitch blackness, might be something humans have? or his system has in-built Dark Vision?

'Thinking about it... I haven't tested that yet- [Options]?'



[Dark Vision: On/Off]

[Normal Vision: On/Off]

[Quality: 600 Mp]

[Subtitles: On/Off]

[Dark Mode/Light Mode]


[Music: 0%]

[Sound: 100%]

[Notifications: 0%]

[SFX: 0%]

[Auto Loot: On/Off]


Holy shit.

It worked!? 'So that's why i haven't developed some kind of mystical Dark vision!' Because he was pretty sure it was a pitch black darkness when night came, that's why some settlement keep fires lit when night comes, but also because the Staff would come regardless there was light or no. Also, Subtitles? He can turn off his sight!? His hearing!? There's music to listen to!? SFX!? Curiosity was clear on his mind, so he did the knly logical thing and rose [Music] up to 50% and songs started to play inside his head.

[Now Playing: Guy.Exe by SUPERFRUIT]

And soon enough, the same lyrics he remembers started to echo inside his head as the song played loud and clear, inside his head! Now he understands why this was turned off when he came to this world, this is distracting and he cane pretty much not focus on anything as he listen to songs! He started to learn how to manipulate this function of the system and it seems he can listen to songs, podcasts, audio books, and pretty much that. These were his three limitations on this amazing feature of his system- Subtitles was a whole other mess, there were little boxes on the corner of his vision that appeared in text whatever noise happens around him in a 100 meter radius! He could "hear" whatever noise was happening around that area, which was kinda nuts because the sounds he could read were [Footsteps] over and over as he knew those were from he Staff.

(Fun fact: The largest distance the human voice has ever carried was 590 feet and 6.6 inches, or just 180 meters if you use the normal system)

Lowering the quality of his sight was like giving himself myopia, he hated it so he turned it back! 'Well, if I ever want to turn it down...' For whatever reason!

(Another fun fact, average humans see the world in 576 megapixels, which is something i learned today!)

For now, he would watch this settlement to learn more how they work- Nevermind! People are taking their things and walking away it seems. Golden opportunity lost. First were two guys, they walked out hand in hand, before they were followed by many other peope- more than ¾s of the entire base left, 15 people were out and only 5 were left behind, three men and two women who seemed to be ror really dumb or really stubborn. The other 15 people knew each other well it seemed, because they were following the other two men: 'They could know the way to another, hopefully bigger base that i could watch- Not creepily, of course, only watch...'

In fact, that was creepy.

But little did Kann know that he would do much more than just watch...