
[HIATUS] Surviving The Apocalypse (The Walking Dead)

Matt Hardy, a soldier of fortune dies while trying to save a kid and although, he accepted death, it seemed that fate had other plans. He gets reincarnated into the world of The Walking Dead with one system and a dream. To become the baddest Motherfker on the planet and have a blast getting there. ********************************************************************************************* There was a lack of zombie fanfictions so I decided to try my hand at making one. Never watched the TV show so I'm writing as I watch. No harem or r18 but possible romance, who knows? There will be grammatical errors. I'm just writing as I come up with it and I'll rewrite it when I have time cliche but who cares? I'm just doing this for fun.

Flint679 · テレビ
15 Chs

Chapter 1: Meeting R.O.B

<p>Have you ever had those moments where you ponder your existence and realize just how small you are in the grand scheme of things? Well, take those feeling combined and multiply by a thousand and you'll be able to just imagine what I'm feeling right now but first let me tell you a bit about myself and how I got here.<br/><br/>************<br/><br/>The name's Matt Hardy. Not real of course, I just copied the name of my favourite wrestler's brother. I haven't used my real name in so long that I don't even consider it real anymore. We all have fake names in my profession, some cooler than others. I couldn't take my favourite wrestler's name, that would be disrespectful. Like how Christians can't call themselves a god because it's sacrilegious but calling themselves angels are fine. Next best thing.<br/><br/>Anyways, I am or was a Soldier of Fortune. I honestly prefer S.O.F over being called a mercenary. I've met a lot of proud mercenaries who seem to gravitate towards doing some fucked up shit. I prefer S.O.F because I wanted to emphasize that I was only there for the money and nothing else. But I've been called worse so it doesn't really bother me.<br/><br/>It's a frowned upon occupation and I fully understand why. Cold blooded killers who make a living of war and violence would scare anyone but world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I'm ex-military, fought for my country and all that good shit. They trained us to be efficient killing machines but as soon as we weren't needed anymore, they threw us away . Some of us acclimatized back into society while the rest of us either killed ourselves or did what we did best, found another war.<br/><br/>I've been to most known and some unknown conflict zones. You name it, I've probably been there. Survived countless close death encounters and still came out in one piece. I was very good at my job. You could call it a talent. I was able to learn any fighting technique or weapon that I got my hands on and could use it quickly and efficiently within a few months. So you wonder how such a talented fighter ended up in this situation? Car crash, pure and simple.<br/><br/>Made it back to the US and decided to take a much needed break. I was walking around New York on a casual stroll when I noticed a white 10 ton truck speed through a red light. I focused and saw the driver asleep behind the wheel. Usually I'd let nature take it's course because if you do dumb shit, you deserve to crash but then I see this little girl standing there with a bunny in the hand while everyone else is running away. She must've been frozen in shock. I was okay with the idiot getting hurt but kids are different.<br/><br/>Before I knew it, my body was already racing towards the kid, trying to outrun the speeding semi. By the time I reach the girl, the truck is seconds away from hitting her so I grab her up and wrap my arms around her before bracing for impact<br/><br/>*BOOM*<br/><br/>I get hit and start flying through the air. Time seem to slow as I watched people's face meld into horrified expressions as they watched me soar. For a couple of seconds, I was a bird before I hit the ground 10 to 15 metres away from the crash, luckily out of the truck's way. Spine is decimated, ribs are broken, skin was missing from the multiple rolls my body did before it stopped. Legs were fucked, definite concussion, possible brain trauma and a lot of internal bleeding but I took one look at the little girl wrapped in my arms, safe and sound and couldn't help but think it was worth it.<br/><br/>"You okay, little girl?" I ask gently, trying to stifle my pained groans <br/><br/>"I...I...i'm Oookay" she replied, eyes still closed<br/><br/>"You're safe now. You can open your eyes"<br/><br/>She opens her eyes slightly and sees that she's lying on my chest. She looks up and sees me and she starts crying before pushing her head back into my chest, soaking up my shirt. I hear a woman shouting for her daughter while moving around. I figure it's her mom so I muster all my strength I had remaining to pat her head<br/><br/>"Hey, I think that's your mommy calling. You should go to her before she gets worried"<br/><br/>The girl looks up and nods before stumbling to her feet and calling out towards her mom. I hear the lady's voice grow closer and closer until finally, she's right in front of me. She runs up and picks up the little girl and starts crying as she hugs her daughter. I couldn't help but smile.<br/><br/>Her mom calmed down before she saw my mangled mess of a body on the ground and recoiled in shock. I'm used to seeing gruesome scenes but I guess civilians don't really know much about this stuff apart from what they see in movies. Real life is always 100 times worse. The little girl explains that I saved her and she immediately comes forward and starts thanking me, looking guilty about her earlier actions. I wave her off and look at the little girl again.<br/><br/>"Hey little girl, I need you to do me a favor"<br/><br/>"Mmhm. What do you want?" She asks, confused<br/><br/>"I need you to be strong for mommy, okay? and stay off the streets if you aren't moving. Now get out of here, I need to take a nap"<br/><br/>"Ok" she nodded before pulling her unwilling mother away.<br/><br/>My eyelids immediately feel like they weigh a ton and I start to feel my mind fading. I close my eyes and get ready for some much needed shut eye<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>And that's how I got here. Pure white room. I say room but It just looks like a white endless space. It's so white and stainless that It doesn't feeling like my presence here is staining the ground. I feel like I'm standing but I can't feel the floor.<br/><br/>[That's because you aren't, boy]<br/><br/>What the fuck? Who was that? I was confused internally but my face betrayed none of it. I looked around and couldn't see anything<br/><br/>"Who are you?"<br/><br/>[My name is unimportant and I doubt you'd be able to understand it but you can call me R.O.B]<br/><br/>***************<br/><br/>And now you're up to speed. He turned up in front of me and I didn't think it was even possible but all the other white lights in the room seemed dull compared to the light surrounding him. He was an old man with a white beard and wore white robes, exactly what you'd expect from a higher being. His face was blank with no eyes, ears or mouth which would've been creepy under any other circumstance but this time, it wasn't.<br/><br/>The light around him wasn't painful or annoying, It was comforting and warm but there was also a presence that you couldn't ignore. It was the aura of absolute dominance. Anything that moved in his presence, moved only because he allowed it to move.<br/><br/>You realize how meaningless it is to struggle in front of him. Absolute strength. Being a fighter, you get good at measuring an opponent's strength but all my senses screamed at to give up. I knew instinctively that, given a billion chances, I would die a billion times. The old man just looked at me with no hostility but even if he did, I would have no way to save myself then I remembered what the old man had just said<br/><br/>"Wait like 'Random Omnipotent Being' Rob? 'I'll reincarnate you into a new world with powers' Rob? That Rob? "<br/><br/>[I'm surprised you know about me. I know a lot of people have wrote about my existence but never thought you would take interest]<br/><br/>"Please, I'm a killer, but I'm not uncultured. Of course I know about you. I used to read a lot of fanfictions to pass the time. They were very entertaining"<br/><br/>[Well that saves me time. I'm here to offer you the same choice. Either you die and I send your soul to the circle of reincarnation or you take my offer and become an Isekai MC.]<br/><br/>"Second choice easily. What's the catch?"<br/><br/>[You made your choice quite hastily. Are you sure you don't need to think things over?]<br/><br/>"Nah I'm good. I'd rather take my chances. Sounds like a lot of fun"<br/><br/>[Okay then. I feel that you deserve an explanation. A world under my supervision has been changed. It is the world from the show 'The Walking Dead'. Multiverse and all that stuff. Anyways, someone tampered with it and upped the difficulty and the world was set to recover on it's own but now the future is unclear. I've been waiting for a strong enough soul to come by and help me save that world.]<br/><br/>"So someone messed up and you need a cleaner. Sounds simple enough, nothing I haven't done before. I haven't watched the show in years but I remember the zombies being slow as shit."<br/><br/>[Now the world it different now. It has 4 stages but I've been able to space out the changes so they happen over a decade. First stage in the normal zombies you are aware of, next stages they get physically stronger and faster until final stage, they become the zombies from World War Z but stronger]<br/><br/>"Shit...Well it wouldn't be fun if it was too easy" I reply with a grin<br/><br/>[I'm glad I found you. The other two candidates I came across decide to leave after hearing World War Z]<br/><br/>"Can't blame them. Those zombies were scary as shit. I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about them"<br/><br/>[But you agreed to stay. You have my thanks. I will grant you three wishes for abilities or anything you might want to help you navigate the world safely]<br/><br/>"Okay, First I want the Gamer System. Second, I want a decent weapon that scales with me as I get stronger and for the Third wish, make it a surprise but give me something that make me more badass"<br/><br/>[Interesting. I've never had a soul give me the chance to choose their wish and not tell them. Okay since the Gamer system is coming directly from me and the world is already doomed, I will remove the interference law so you are deemed to use your new power as you see fit but I don't think you'll do anything bad considering I've looked through your life]<br/><br/>"True, I don't really care for anything much and my grand ambitions are pretty much zilch. Still, thanks for the vote of confidence"<br/><br/>[Now for the details. Would you like to reincarnate into an adult or would you like to be reborn as a child and live out your life fully until the end of the world? You can give me your thoughts and I'll work something out]<br/><br/>"My family was pretty shit when I was alive so I'd like to see what it's like to grow up in a decent household. If the main story line doesn't change too much, I'd like to turn 18 when Rick Grimes wakes up in hospital after he got shot. I'll work hard to get stronger before then"<br/><br/>[I can do that. The Decade transition countdown will start after Rick wakes up since he is still technically the main character of that world. If you are reborn, your memories and system will be repressed as a child's mind can not handle the strain but I will let you keep your memories of our meeting and the world's future. Your other memories and system will be unlocked after you turn 18]<br/><br/>"That's cool. It would be too easy if I had my memories from the start. Just give like an itch to get stronger. I remember being pretty lazy as a teen before I joined the army"<br/><br/>[That I can do. You ready son?]<br/><br/>"Yep. Thanks again for everything old man"<br/><br/>[Hahaha old man huh? Been a while since someone's been so insolent in front of me. Very well then, get out of here you insolent child! Give em hell!]<br/><br/>A doorway made of light appeared in front of Matt and he knew that after he stepped through that archway, his life was going to be different and he couldn't help but feel excited. With a final look and nod towards R.O.B, he walked through the doorway, ready to start his new life.</p>