

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

The Wolfs First Lesson

After leaving the underground hideout for [Overwatch] the two drove home, they would have flew home but they had to bring the hummer back and so they drove.

On the drive Kali gave Charles to ask all the questions and so he did, first was about the [Overwatch] group.

At fist Kali thought he could make a homeless group like the ones in John Wick Chapter 2, but it wasn't as easy as it looked and unrealistic.

The homeless didn't have any skills to be having any "info" and so it didn't go far.

Seeing this Kali along with Mitch, Davis, and Karen made another plan.

Kali brought up his plans for building a company and the three laughed as their current situations didn't have much chances.

But Kali told them of his plans for that and just showed them that all they have to do was follow the plan.

Kali put Mitch in charge of gathering "resources" that will be the function of the future company, he will gather people who are either ex-scientist or ex-engineers that somehow turned homeless or barely making a living.

Kali and Mitch together made a dialogue that sounded tempting and good at the same time which aligns with they would want.

Davis on the other had was put in charge of the muscles, such as ex fighters and ex military.

He went around New York recruiting who he can, if everything goes well he would be put in charge as the head of security and he gets to gather his own core team that he could trust in.

There was one rule given to the two when recruiting and gathering, which was: Never recruit the ones that approach, and only recruit after knowing they can be trusted.

It might feel over the top but Kali knew of many moles that can creep up such as HYDRA or other shadow organizations.

With that in mind Davis recruited by doing his own investigation and digging through files of potential candidates.

But he worked on people that had experience on construction as Kali had plans to design his own buildings and such.

Karen on the other hand was different, she changed and is now clean and working out in the open instead of the underworld.

Without much resources the [Overwatch] group was able to make many things that would sell like crazy or change the world, imagining what they could do with more resources and money was exciting.

And finally Howard, the man with his Pigeons, he was the highest ranked in [Overwatch] under the three and his relationship with the pigeons became useful.

The abandoned underground where Kali and Charles were at was the current HQ of [Overwatch] for now, but all around the city are many checkpoints for [Overwatch] wether that is shelters, abandoned sites, or safe houses.

Before [Overwatch] HQ set up their computers, they were using pigeons to deliver and receive messages, and even now they still use it.

Kali and Mitchell selected a few homeless to be group leaders in each area and the group leaders are the one that receives the pigeon messages.

For the safe house, Kali and Mitchell also selected a few that could be trusted and wouldn't abandon the task, the selected few were given enough money to get back into society and live quietly in the safe house until further orders.

There were many other categories where Charles wasn't able to ask about and didn't know to ask.

Soon they were home and Kali took Charles to the basement and unlocked the secret lab room where only Kali had access to.

Walking in Charles was able to see many unknown things to him, items he hasn't seen before and lots of paper and blueprints of strange devices that is new to his mind.

On a table on the far right there was 6 mechanical robot arms that was offline, but on the table looked to be an undone project of some kind.

It got him excited of the things in the room and what these could possibly be.

"What are these?" Charles asked as he picked up a small object the size of his pinkie finger.

"Hmm? Oh that is called a [Microbot]." Kali said as he went through a stack of unorganized papers.

"Micro..bot? As in micro robot?" Charles asked.

"Yup." Kali found the blueprints and rolled the few big papers.

He saw Charles curiously messing with the small [Microbot] trying to figure out how it works.

Kali walked near Charles and asked him.

"Wanna know how it works?"

"Hell yeah! Who doesn't!" Charles said.

"Haha alright." Kali said and grabbed a small rectangular tape and slapped it on his back neck on top of his spine before putting on a thin head gear.

Kali took the [Microbot] from Charles hands and put it on the table in front if them.

He moved his hands forward slowly and the small microbot was able to follow moving forward, he moved his hand back and the small object followed.

Left, right, forward, and back Charles was dumbfounded and awed with wide open eyes.

"How?! Thats is amazing!!" Charles said, and a thought of different possibilities were in his head.

"It's neurotech, from this thin crown, wanna try?" Kali asked, and Charles immediately replied yes.

He put on the thin crown and moved his hands but it wasn't moving, no matter how slow or fast he tried.

"Hehehehe, you need the transmitter." Kali said as he removed the tape from his back neck and slapped it on Charles neck.

"It transmits a signal to the [Microbot] and tells it to move either this way or that way, the crown is an incomplete addition, if completed you could command the [Microbots] to form shapes, and use the transmitter to move it the way you want.

The transmitter works like the brain, the brain sends signals throughout the body and it moves, and thats why it is on your spine so it will sense the movement of the brain waves." Kali said.

Charles was already moving the thing like a little kid and was barely listening to what Kali was saying.

"Okay that is really cool, I think I'm starting to look forward to these projects of yours." Charles said.

"What are you making these for anyways?" Charles asked.

"You kidding? Some of these will be our money makers, but the real nice toys will be kept only by us." Kali said smiling.

He took off the crown and transmitter before going around the lab asking what they were.

"...what about these what are they?"


"And these?"

"Retro reflective panels..."

"How about these?"

"Lithium-ion batteries..."


"Electronic resonator..."

"Cool, how about thi-"

"That's enough for now boy, go over there and pull out the lowest drawer." Kali said as he went to a nearby computer and looked through a few things.

Charles did as Kali said and pulled out a large chest box, it wasn't heavy but it wasn't light either.

To carry it like nothing he had to use a bit of [KI Enhance], it got him curious so he asked.

"Whats in this thing anyways?"

"A gift I was working on for you guys." Kali said.

"A gift?! Get out of here!!" Charles said as he put the box down on the table and proceeds to open it like a present.

The box was like a jewelry box where it has different compartments and can be moved around.

On each small compartments were small ball like marbles, Charles looked closer at them.

"What are these?" He asked excitedly.

"Read em!!" Kali screamed out from across the room.

And Charles found letters under each of the different compartments.

On the first 4 small compartments he read [Pellets] for each of them, wether it is smoke pellets, ice pellets, flash pellets, and most exciting, E.M.P. pellet.

Just from reading these things Charles was literally shaking with excitement, he has only ever heard most of these from ninjas using it and such.

And the best thing about it is that on the papers it showed how to make these things, and with his mechanical skills he could make them, a lot of them.

The last thing on the bottom of the box was a finger sized looking baton that has a strange design on the middle, he read through the paper and was probably the happiest man alive, on it said:


It was for underwater breathing or for other toxic gasses, though you can only use it for an hour underwater before needing to change the formula in it.

For half an hour Charles was smiling like never before as he caressed each and every props in that box, he almost felt like not sharing with the others if it weren't for the fact that he could make them himself.

Now he will use everything in every situation no matter how small or serious the situation, he wants to use the toys and so he will.

"Alright, lets go, out of my damn lab." Kali said to the joystruck Charles.

As Kali locked up the place he turned to Charles and gave him the rolled up blueprints and gave it to him.

"Keep this in the hideout, when Davis and his team gets there he will ask for it, anyways spent the month as much as you can, at the end of this month We'll be off and traveling about." Kali said as they split went their separate ways.

Charles was more than eager to use the new toys so he headed to the [Nest] to do some tests, since the trio Night-watchers have been popular the crime rate has been dropped drastically, but criminals are just keeping a low profile and are waiting for opportunities.

But it was calm on the streets now, too calm.

Red Hood is usually out doing his thing, and his thing was hunting scum, the lowest of the scums such as human traffickers or scaring pedophiles seeing if he should put bullets in their lower regions.

As Kali was in the kitchen for a bit making himself some quick grub he dialed on his phones to see where the others are since Hannah should be with them.

"Hey, it's me, where are you guys?" Kali asked.

"The mall? And you brought Hannah?" He asked unbelievably.

He was worried at first but then he heard Tina saying Markus was with them, and so he relaxed a bit, though Markus was an idiot and has thick skin he is soft on the inside.

Now he is gonna take this time to go to a place he had always wanted to go, a place in reach but never had the time to go from being... important and all.

He made a sandwich and was about to walk out the door when Ronny from upstairs rushed chasing down Kali.

"Old man!! You tech me boxing!" Ronny said.

"Uuuh maybe later Ronny I have to go som-... you know what what the hell, I'll show you something hop on."

Ronny's face brightened up as he rushed out of the house with him and jumping in the hummer.

They took a few minutes to the [Nest] and went in to see Charles doing test on his new toys and Logan on the bench press testing his limits on his new abilities.

"Hey Logan! How far have you gotten?" Kali asked.

With a smile Logan got up and clenched his fists feeling the new powerful energy inside of him.

"I- I feel full of life." Logan was loving this feeling the KI gave him.

It gave him a certain peaceful energy that could either calm him down or help him rip off some metal with his bare hands.

"Well it is the energy of life and all." Kali said as he cane up to Logan and inspected him.

Logan has control of a small amount of KI around him, and he he could already beat Charles and the others, if Logan mastered control of all his KI then he would definitely be able to beat the trio with ease.

Most of it would be die to his skills, experience, and his long life collecting KI, and it would most likely be the same for Barton or Natasha if Kali taught her how to use KI.

"You only have access to less than %10 of your full KI capabilities, if you keep going you might be something truly dangerous than what you already are." Kali said.

"Anyways, how would you like to come with me to travel around the world?" Kali asked.

"Travel? What are you gonna roam around for?" Logan asked.

"Just business, I plan to buy a few properties around soils that has rich minerals and more." Kali said.

"Hmm, maybe, it would be a nice break to travel for now." Logan said.

"Break? Bah gimmie a break wolfie you've been taking breaks ever since you figured out this place." Kali mocked.

"It's called training." Logan growled walking away.

"Old man come on!" Ronny yelled.

Kali turned to see him in sweats and skintight shirt.

"Well you seem ready." Kali said with a smile.

"Heck yeah!! I'm are gonna start training." Ronny said excited.

"Eh well, we'll see how you take it, come on." They moved to the punching bag.

"Okay you know how to do a jab?" Kai asked.

He showed him to throw a jab, quick and simple.

He remembered memories of his past watching a lot of boxing, he seemed to love boxing and was a fan of the sport.

He showed Ronny the different types of punches there are and how to use them wisely and precisely.

He told him to do push ups daily and other kinds of exercise to increase the power of his punches.

"...but don't forget to do leg workouts as well because it is a big part of it." Kali said.

"Leg workout? What does that have to do with boxing? It only uses fists." Ronny said.

"*sigh* okay, come here." Kali said.

Ronny came in front of Kali and stood there, he followed Kali's instruction and took a ready stance which was pathetic and unbalanced to Kali.

"We got a long way to go." Kai said.

He took a step before putting his finger on Ronny's chest and pushed hard, not superhuman hard just normal hard.

And Ronny moved back out of his stance.

"See how easy you moved back? If you had enough leg power and a good stance then you would be hard to drop on the ring." Kali said.

The positions reversed and Ronny tried the pushing instead, yet Kali didn't budge, Ronny blamed it on his superhuman immortal strength but he got the idea of what Kali was saying.

"Anyways I'll show you what I wanna you to do for a while." Kali stood next to the punching bag as Ronny watched.

He focused on Kali to see what he will be learning, but it came as a disappointment as it was a s simple one punch, a left jab.

"Uh... what?!" Ronny asked frustrated.

"That is what I want you to do everyday for a year, one punch, one jab using your left." Kali said.

Then Ronny started yelling at Kali of how simple and lame that was, teenagers.

"What you don't like the move?" Kali asked.

"Thats not move old man, move is this." Then Ronny proceeded to make a few hooks and straight while weaving around copying what he has seen on boxing TV.

"Mm yes that is cool, but you know what is cooler?... one move, one move to end it all, one move to be known for, one move to rule the ring.

Have you ever heard about the man who dominated boxing with just his left?" Kali asked with a smile.

That question struck something in Ronny, the man who dominated boxing with just his left, then Ronny pictured a figure of a great boxing man doing left jabs all day dropping other boxers and he was sold.

"No, who?" Ronny asked.

"I'll tell you when I think you are ready, hahaha." Kali said.

"Now, show me your left boy!" Kali said.

Ronny got in front of his punching bag opponent and threw a left, around average Kali thought.

"Hmm, it's not entirely bad..." Kali said, but Ronny heard it.

"What not bad! It's good!!" Ronny almost yelled out.

"Yeah well you need work buddy, here stay there." Kali saw his stance and such and looked for a way to fix it.

"Tuck your right in, if you leave it just hanging without tucking it in, it won't help empower your left.

And your legs, bend them a bit, put your right foot here and leave your left foot there.

Now try again." Kali said.


Ronny punched the bag and it made a good sound, but Kali wasn't satisfied yet as he knew Ronny could do more.

"Alright here, when you punch use the power of your legs and PAH!" Kali said doing a demonstration.

And for about 15 minutes Kali helped Ronny until he felt it was natural, and Ronny learned quick surprisingly.

He was an idiot but he was a battle genius or so.

"Alright, you got it." Kali said as he stood there like the job was done.

"Yeah! Alright whats next?" Ronny asked.

"...oh that was it, just that.

You do that for a year." Kali said.

"B- but I thought there is more than one punch?" Ronny asked.

"Nope just that, when the years passed then I will put your name on the list of junior boxers and out you in for your debut match, if you do this for a year and some runs then you will be an expert by that time." Kali said.

"B- bu- but I-"

"If you pass my expectations just for this month then I will give you another lesson to work on." Kali said and just walked away.

Ronny just stood there looking at the bag and Kali, but in the end he did what he was told, when it comes to Kali he almost has a blind trust for him, the fact that the old man was able to teach most of them to become strong and smart in just short time didn't escape his idiocity, and so he followed his lessons quietly with one sentence in his mind:

Rule the ring with your left.

Before walking out of the [Nest] Kali checked up on Charles and he was already studying the pellets, but not before throwing a few of them.

Seeing Kali about to leave Charles called him and ran to him.

"Hey uh, so I'm teaching Jack how to fight and be a... well a vigilante, and I was wondering can you teach him how to use KI? I'm still not able to form my KI for anyone to feel like you did to us." Charles said.

"Jack? Hmm how about the others, I thought they were planning on becoming heroes too?" Kali asked.

"Well yeah, Dillon and the others left for college looking for fun, while Chase and Keon suddenly stopped showing interests." Charles said.

"Oh okay sure, if you think he is ready I'll show him how to feel his KI.

And I'm not surprised you can't show him how to feel his KI, none of you probably can't unless you're thousands of years old, hahahaha." Kali laughed as he started walking away.

"What?! What do you mean by that?!" Charles yelled looking at Kali's back.

"Because showing someone to feel their KI is different than [KI Forming] or [KI Force]." Kali said.

"Well then how do you do it?" Charles asked.

"It's called [KI Essence] and don't bother asking it's way out of your league kid." Kali said.

"Well then explain it to me!! Where are you going anyways?!" Charles asked as Kali's figure disappeared on the steps.

But not before hearing Kali's words.

"To learn magic!!"

Have you guys ever wrote an entire chapter and felt good afterwards? ?

And then suddenly you pressed the wrong button and everything you wrote for 2 hours disappeared?

That feelings suck bootyholes!! Happend to me a few times, lost my motivation after that?

Anyways I love power stones... but not as much as your comments so comment and tell me how handsome I look today y’all.

Unless it’s just ignorant hating, if so that don’t even try it you f*cktards.

Karstagcreators' thoughts