

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Where Are We?

The next day started with something unordinary, it started with Zhang asking for something no one would usually ask, or do.

"You want to what?!" Kali asked.

Even the few other people in the house looked at Zhang.

"I want you to take me to space, the fourth atmosphere where the satellites roam." Zhang said with a straight face.

"Do you know how many errors there are with just that sentence? And what do you wanna go up there for?" Kali asked feeling defeated.

"I wanna get access to as many of the satellites as I can, it would upgrade and most definitely progress [Entity] faster and I would be able to finish it in a few years or less." Zhang said.

Kali stood there with many emotions in him, the fact that Zhang would wanna go and do something like this as if it was an everyday thing was not good, the next thing he would ask for worries him.

"And how do you plan on getting "access" to any of the satellites? Do you know how many there are up there? There has got to be hundreds hovering this planet?!" Kali asked.

"I know there is a lot, but my target is the only few closest, and to access the satellites all I have to do is plant this on it's surface." Zhang said as he held up a small circular device with a flat surface on the bottom.

"And what is that?" Kali asked.

"It is something me and Charles made at the [Nest], sticking it on the satellites will make a quick access into it's core and upload everything to the [Nest] computers, after that it will implant itself in it and monitor from then on." Zhang said.

Kali thought about how broken this device was, with Charles work in mechanical engineering and Zhang's expertise on tech could make something like this and even more, if they had more resources they would make a lot of weird sh*tt and maybe even change the game with their creations.

"Jesus, alright but have you thought about the eyes that would be watching us? If we fly up there many eyes will be on us including the satellites, they will see us coming there." Kali said.

"I also got that covered."

"Hmm, well maybe... I'll think about it." Kali tried to push his thoughts aside and run off but Zhang was insistent.

"There is nothing for you to worry about, all I need is your assistance in flight." Zhang said.

"Well we'll try it another day, today I feel a little out of it, I'm just out of gas for now." Kali said.

"That... I don't think that should be possible, from what we know you have enough KI to use for weeks even up to months and being ou-"

"I'm making excuses for 'Not right now!'" Kali said.

Zhang getting the idea walked back to his room working on other things.

Not long the door to the house was opened and a few of the girls came in along with Sydney who plopped on the couch where Kali and Hannah was, she reached her hand out and grabbed some of the popcorn Hannah had before asking Kali.

"You said you wanted to talk to me?" Sydney asked.

"Yeah, but anyways did anything happened last night?" Kali asked.

"Last night? What do you mean?"

"Well Anna had a guest over, and I-"

"Oh, you mean Brad?" Sydney asked.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, great guy, I heard you met him... surprised you didn't do anything." Sydney said.

She thought this because no matter who they brought girlfriend of boyfriend, Kali would always give them the scary looks.

"Well he seemed like a good kid, if it's anything he will meet everyone soon and we'll see how he holds up." Kali said.


"Alright, so Syd, you figured out which is which yet? Doctor? Businesswoman?" Kali asked.

With this question Sydney got up and sat with a thinking expression.

"Well... taking care of the restaurant has been fun and all, and I would love to do more of it... but I still have the goals of being a doctor in my mind." She said as she looked at Kali.

"Aah alright, well doctor it is then." Kali said.

"Why are you asking." Sydney asked.

"Because if things go well I might need more of your help later." Kai said.

"Hmm, well maybe I can help you now, school is becoming more duller everyday." Sydney said.

"Well it's not supposed to be fun, you're suppose to learn in school." Kali said.

"Yet I'm not learning anything." Sydney muttered.

Kali asked what she meant, apparently everything she is learning was already learned and she is taking it way too easy, she also made a few friends but they were all too stupid and are the typical teenage drama.

Kali sat there and thought before having an idea, he turned to Sydney and told her to get a G.E.D.

She paused and looked at Kali thinking why she didn't think of that, but then thought about what she would be doing after school, she could get a job but that's just a waste of time, she could go to college but...

Kali suggested going to college for her but she said she couldn't though didn't say why, Kali knew what she was thinking told her he would pay for the tuition.

She immediately rejected his idea though, her immediate reply made Kali laughed out loud.

He then told her she shouldn't worry about the money, becoming a doctor would help her realize the irrelevance money holds.

She still had some thought about it, she knew Kali had millions of dollars held up somewhere but she still didn't feel comfortable with it, in the end she agreed.

After that day when school started on Monday Sydney didn't go to school but head straight to the testing center and took the G.E.D. Test.

After that she had to wait for the results for a couple of days, and that meant back to school, Kali knew how smart she is and she didn't even sweat it when she took the test so it was a guaranteed pass.

But this plan was the beginning of a movement as the others heard about it and did the same thing as they were not very fond of school.

Anna, Charles, and Jun Lee didn't have to take the test since they are not in school and all three already had their homeschool diplomas.

The ones that took the G.E.D. test was Markus, Jean, Kera, Marren, Roberto, Ronny, Mannix, Dillon, Jack, and Chase.

And out of them all Kera, Roberto, Mannix, Dillon, and Jack succeeded, Sydney as well of course.

The others, well they weren't as "dedicated" as they should to get out of school.

Markus got angry and just called everyone who passed nerds, he also said he had one year left in high school left so there is no need to worry.

Marren wasn't exactly the type to use her head but her looks and her popularity.

Ronny was Ronny and wasn't able to pass the test, Chase only talk and barely listened so he doesn't have much smarts in the head, he had more questions then answers.

The ones who didn't take the G.E.D. test were Zhang, Tina, and Keon as they were still young and didn't wanna rush and stayed in school.

In the end Kali just let it be and send Sydney to medical school.

But he had an idea that if he sends the others to college as well then the world would be a bit peaceful.

And so he paid for all their tuitions, at least the ones that wanted to go to college.

Anna went to Law school, Jun Lee went to the police academy chasing her dreams to be a Law Enforcement while Anna a Lawyer.

Roberto to Culinary school, and the rest to Empire State University ,ESU.

At first Jean didn't wanna do it due to her sometimes out of control powers and so she turned down college, but Kali gave her a gift to block the mind games of the Phoenix.

It was two earrings and a golden back crown accessory, it was like a thin gold headband except there is no front side and it stays under her hair unless she want to wear it differently.

Kali spent his time in the basement working on many things and the half crown dampener was one of them, it took a while but he finally made finishing touches.

And with more assurance Jean finally decided on going, Jean and Kera would be partnering up with in college now.

When they're Diplomas came in the mail Kali put the together for a picture before putting them up on a pedestal where other stuff like trophies stand, there were three diplomas on it already that belonged to Anna, Charles, and Jun.

Mannix and Dillon just wanted to go for the fun of college parties and such, Jack wasn't going to college and would spent his free time training.

Kali wanted to send Charles to college as well but he was stuck on being a vigilante and all.

Now that Kali got everyone busy he thought he should start focusing on his plans, he left Hannah with Tina and Keon who was more responsible then someone like Marren or ronny.

Kali grabbed a few papers before heading out dragging Charles with him, the boy wasn't doing anything important and night is when he is usually "busy."

Charles complained asking where he is being taken but Kali didn't say, he just threw Charles into the hummer passengers seat and drove off.

"Seriously where are we going?" Charles asked.

"To the city hall." Kali said.


"And?! Explain more, what the hell are we gonna do there, and why am I going with?" Charles asked.

"Because I need company, I don't wanna be alone during this process."

"Okay, old man that still doesn't explain why I am here, you could have brought someone else, so why am "I" the one here?"

"Because, I need you to help me walk, I've been getting a little old and it's getting hard to walk without a cane." Kali said.

For the whole ride Kali made excuses on why he needed Charles, knowing it's useless Charles stopped asking and thought about why they would go to the city hall.

Soon they parked and head out onto the big building which would be the city hall, Charles followed behind Kali who was nowadays dressed casually with a skintight long sleeve shirt with a sleeveless windbreaker jacket and casual shorts.

For an hour and more than a half they spent in the city hall Kali was speaking and signing papers while also doing more papers, after an hour of that Kali put down a name on a paper which cleared up everything for Charles, on that paper was:

[Green Industries]

"You're building a company?!"

It wasn't until they entered a restaurant and sat down that Charles asked as the whole time in the city hall and on he was silent.

"Yeah." Kali said.


"Because it sounds fun, and I have a lot of inventions that I want to steal... I meant invent and create." Kali said.

"Plus it will get us more resources and money to build things and so on." Kali said.

"Okay there has to be another reason for this, what made you wanna build a company out if the blue?! You already have a restaurant and you can barely tale care of it without us!! Why a company?!" Charles asked.

"Because I have so many stolen ideas in my hea- "creative" ideas in my head, and I could advance the boring techs the current time has, and also make fun things, hahaha." Kali said.

As the two talked they overheard the NEWS on the TV at the corner of the restaurant.

"A large group of homeless' are migrating to New York, but the thing is we are barely seeing any homeless around the city nowadays, more and more people find this strange and is looking into it..." the NEWS were changing from subject to subject but Kali smiled hearing about the homeless situation.

"Homeless? I wonder if the old man Mitch know anything about this." Charles asked clueless of Kali's smile.

"Anyways why am I here anyways? You didn't need me when you did the paperworks at the city hall of anything so?..." Charles asked.

"You're gonna be with me a lot from now on, after I finish messing around with this company you are gonna take over." Kali said.

"What?!!! Hell no-" Charles paused as everyone in the restaurant was looking at him since he jerked up yelling.

"No way dude, do you know how much responsibility there is in owning a company?!" Charles asked.

"Well what would you rather do? Hero around all your life?" Kali asked as he ate his food not worrying about Charles panic.

"No! But I could find something else to do, I could just make a simpl-"

"You are focusing too much on being Nightwing and didn't even take my offer to go to college so I'm handing you this responsibility." Kali said.

"You can't be serious! You know me and you know I don't like that much of a responsibility on my shoulder, an- and- and why don't you have someone else do it?! Someone like Anna or syd- YES!! Syd, she took care of the restaurant and is a professional businesswoman, she could take the company after yo-" Charles tried to give the responsibility to someone else.

"I would have, and tried. I asked her what she wanted to do with her life but she said she wanted to be a doctor." Kali said sipping on his drink.

"Well you never asked me what I wanted to do with my life, you just decided on me being this heir without knowing what my dream-"

"What is your dream then?" Kali asked.

"...I- it's- I- uuh... my dream is being an engineer." Charles said trying his luck in getting out of this.

"Well perfect! You can do a lot of that in the company, you will have many resources and dreams there." Kali said not backing down.

For a while they argued back and forth but Kali was not letting this pass and was adamant on Charles being the President of [Green Industries] after him.

Seeing Charles so persistent in stepping down he made it easy for him.

"Alright how about this, you take the seat after me and if you don't like it, you can pass it to someone else." Kali said.


Charles sat there thinking about it.

"It's not like you have anything to do in the coming years." Kali said.

Charles might have said being an engineer was his dream but he is already living his dream and is using his mechanical engineering skills everyday to either make gadgets of better them.

He doesn't think anything else matters because when he jumps on that edge of that roof, it felt as if he is already living life.

The thrill, the risk, the toys, the fights, the action, the adventures, the fans, the cheers, and the feeling of saving a life.

Charles was actually thinking of living life like this forever on, and Kali saw this a long time ago so he knew Charles wasn't planning to do anything much with his life other than vigilanteing.

"...wait why can't you just run the company yourself, you're immortal." Charles asked.

"Because I won't be here long." Kali said.

"W- what?! Wha- what do you mean? Are you going somewhere?! Is everything alright?! Why won't you be here for lo-"

"I have a time limit and I will die soon." Kali said quietly.


Charles just sat there staring at Kali silently not knowing how to take this news.

"Tell me..." Charles said silently.

"Tell me you are fucking with me-"


Kali suddenly laughed out with tears on his eyes.

They took a while to get it over with, Charles yelling at Kali and Kali laughing hysterically.

"No worries kid, I just have other plans in mind." Kali said with his last laugh.

"What plans?" Charles asked.

"Will you run the company after me Charles?" Kali asked smiling ignoring his question.

Charles was looking at Kali, he didn't like this feeling, Kali was hiding thins and it felt like he soon won't be around with that comment of his.

"Fine, but whatever you are keeping from me... don't." Charles said.

"Hahahaha, alrighty then." Kali laughed.

"This year will be busy, you'll be coming with me as we travel around the world." Kali said as they finished up with their food.

"But- I... I need to patrol..." Charles said.

"You can leave it to the other two." Kali said.

"They are not exactly reliable, I've been wanting to talk to you about it but those two are changing too much an-"

"No worries kid, the old fart will put a pause on Zhang's... comprehending mind and I will have a talk with Markus... the readers are not too happy with his ways." Kali said the last sentence silently.

"What?" Charles asked.

"Nothing, you should try and have a normal life this year and tell the others too, or it will be too late because starting next year things will be chaos." Kali said.

"Next year? Why what will happen next year?" Charles asked.

"Come on, let's go." Kali ignored his question and got up dumping his food tray before they head to the hummer.

"Where are we going?" Charles asked.



"Where are we?" Charles asked.

"You know, you are starting to babble like Chase." Kali said.

They stopped at and empty abandoned area, Kali and Charles got out of the hummer and walked to an empty railroad.

From area to area they finally found some steps and Charles followed Kali as he walked down with him.

"Are we in another secret hideout?" Charles asked.

"Seriously, why don't you hush up and wait." Kali said.

Some minutes later Kali stood in front of of a plain wall that was tagged in spray paint, Kali put out his hand on the wall and a square display suddenly turned on scanning his palms and the wall made a heavy loud thud and a wall door opened.

"Whoa, we don't even have this at the [Nest], are we in one of the S.H.I.E.L.D.s hideout?!" Charles asked excited.

"Haha, this place is S.H.I.E.L.D. free." Kali said as he walked through the door followed by Charles.

The concrete wall closed by itself and the two were shown another stairs going down, as they walked Charles saw that the place seemed pretty worn out, a lot of rusted metals everywhere and garbage everywhere.

Charles was wondering where they were because it was weird, at first he thought it would be something new for him since the door had advanced scanning tech, but after that everything was rusted or smelt old.

But it started to change, after the second door they passed there were a lot of electronics lying around such as TV, car parts, box of phones, antennas and many unidentifiable electronics.

It looked like a storage of stolen items, for a second Charles almost pounced at this stuff knowing what he could put together and what he could build with, but he held it in and followed the smiling Kali.

After that was another door, behind that door was a giant room, and around it were hundreds of bunk beds, and around those beds were many homeless, even then there were still beds open for free.

There were also doors leading to a small kitchen and a bathroom with simple made showers.

Kali paused and turned around seeing Charles frozen in shock, there was so much going on in his head, questions, thoughts, along with connecting dots of this and that.

Charles looked at Kali and tried to talk but was stuttering a bit.

Kali just chuckle and smiled telling Charles to follow him.

"The news about the homeless... this was you all along?" Charles asked.

But Kali just ignored the question again and greeted a few homeless men and women who seemed to know him.

After that was another door, and behind that was mostly middle aged men and women with muscles and beards.

When they entered the place everyone started shouting "Hello!" and such while also calling Kali's name.

Some of them were having drinks and jumping around to the country music in the background, they urged Kali to join so Kali grabbed a beer and chugged it giving them some manly hugs and forearm handshakes before he introduced Charles.

"Guys, let me introduce you to Charles, this is my kid, oldest of the boys, hahahahah." Kali laughed as he pat Charles back pushing him to the bearded and muscly men and women.

The place was an underground and the group seems to be either moving heavy stuff of taking big electronic things apart.

It would be dark it it weren't for the generating lights on the walls and ceilings.

"Oh! This is one of your kids, my friend?" A mexican middle aged man asked as he seemed to be the one leading this group.

"Yes, he is a charmer this one." Kali said smiling watching the scene.

"Hello my friend, I am called sergio, I work with your father along with these sweaty bunch." Sergio said.

"H-hi, Charles."

The others started introducing themselves and told Charles about what they are doing.

This group was in charge of taking electronic parts and putting them in different categories for use to make things.

These few were the ones lucky enough to get small work here for a good amount of money, they are not smart enough to have any kinds of job but they have the strength to do some general labors.

"Alright alright, get your asses back to work or I'll lower your money." Kali said smiling as he took Charles walking to the other rooms.

But not without getting another beer from the group, the pay was good enough for them to have a chest of beer everyday.

The next room the two walked in was like it was a gym, without the colors of course as this was an underground.

Last room there was about more than 30 people working on electronic parts, on this room there was more than 70 people and they all had a certain amount of mass in muscles.

A lot of heavy dumbbells and training equipments were in this room, and the group of men and women were working hard.

What Charles was surprised to see was that these people were eating [Senzu Beans], to rid their fatigue.

The group would work out and train until they can't move, then they would eat a [Senzu Bean] before going back to their training.

They would do this everyday for half the day and is getting scarily strong everyday, their endurance and durability growing to the peak of human athletes.

"That's..." Charles muttered.

But then he saw someone he haven't seen for a while, it was surprising because Charles remembered him but also forgot about him.

He was there almost everyday working with them but then suddenly one day disappeared, yet Charles and the other never thought about it, it was like this man was there in their heads but also not there.

Charles followed Kali as he walked up to this man who was benching around 200 pounds with two men spotting him.

"Davis!.." Kali called out happily as he walked to the middle aged white haired Davis.

There was only three people that has Kali's full effects of his blood, and Davis was one of them, he has been using it to his advantage getting as strong as he can without sacrificing too much speed.

Davis got out of the bench and smiled seeing Kali, he walked up giving the man a forearm handshake.

"I see you are still training like a maniac as usual." Kali said.

"Kali." That was all Davis said and doesn't seem like he will talk much.

"Charles, remember Davis?" Kali asked as the two shook hands.

"I gave Davis a task a while back and he has been on it since then, he will be a big part of the company we are starting." Kali said.

"W- wait you thought of it since the start?" Charles asked.

"Of course, I had to do some plannings before I start or it'll just be a weak plan.

With a good plan the foundation and structure of the company will be strong." Kali said.

"Mmm, and what will Davis be involved in on the company?" Charles asked.

"Security, these men aren't the only ones that are in on this, there are more than thousands hiding and working out somewhere in New York or elsewhere." Kali said.


"I have a few projects I am starting and the most dangerous projects can't be leaked to others so Davis gathered a few trustworthy people, but we'll test everyone before I put them on the most risky parts.

They are not all homeless, but you will find out more soon enough." Kali said.

"Davis, is the old Mitch in?" Kali asked walking to the next room, which is the last.

Davis didn't say anything other than a nod, he knew Kali didn't need an answer since he can use [KI Sense], he should have also sensed his nod.

When Kali and Charles entered the last room it was different than the others, it looked like a lab.

There were about 20 rooms big and small, 10 on the left and 10 on the right.

What Charles saw was many people working projects and such.

On the rooms closest to them he could see a few people shooting at a bulletproof vest along with other things.

He saw another group working on magnets, the possibilities they could make with a giant magnet.

And on another room was a project on a glove with electrical powers, a shocking glove that has other effects.

"Old man... what is this place?" Charles finally couldn't hold it anymore and asked.

"This... this is [Overwatch]." Kali said.

"More like [Overwatch 2.0]." A voice sounded near them.

"Haha, old fart!" Kali yelled out.

Charles saw another face he haven't seen in a long time, Mitchell.

"Who are you calling old fart, you slave worker!!" Mitchel yelled back.

"Oh come on you know you like it, I think you love being in charge of this whole operation, hahaha." Kali said.

"Yeah well it brings back memories of my curious days." Mitchell said as he walked forward with the two following behind.

Kali started narrating to Charles.

"When old Mitch was young, he had a passion for these kinds of things, and always wanted to invent things and such but life got in the way and he lived another life." Kali said.

"Well apparently I have all the time in the world now to learn things and also make things." Mitchell said happily.

"Anyways what this old fart was talking about was true, this is kind of like [Overwatch 2.0], when I started this whole thing I thought of only using the homeless kn the city for info and such but it didn't end well.

With another idea in mind me, Mitch, and Davis found this abandoned underground subway and with my abilities turned it into what it is today, and we planned about another idea: [Green Industries]."

"So you guys were in on the plans?" Charles asked.

"Yes, we thought this slaver was joking so we laughed out loud, turned out he wasn't... so we also laughed out loud.

To us his plans was a bit unbelievable and unrealistic, I mean what he wanted to do was on the side of impossibles, but when he told us of the plans for us it was different, because for us what we needed to do was easy yet the outcome of this whole thing will be a guaranteed success... of course that is if he succeeds on his side of the deal." Mitchell said.

"But where did you guys get all these resources?" Charles asked.

"Black market, or we just salvage from broken down things, even that boy Zhang orders from the black market and set up for the others to grab his orders and leave it here for him to grab." Mitchell said as they finally stopped at a testing area where Mitchell works at.

"Wait Zhang knows about this? Who else knows? Am I the only one who has no idea about this place?" Charles asked.

"No one else knows, Zhang only figured out about this place some time ago, down here we also started using computer to store data a while ago but Zhang picked up our location and came here.

After telling him about the story and all he got on our computers and strengthened our online securities putting up a digital barrier blocking others from finding out where we are." Mitchell said.

Charles gulped as he looked around seeing many of these people working on creating things and using parts to make things function, this was basically a playland for him.

"You're not the only mechanical engineer in here kid." Mitchell said looking at the dazed Charles.

Charles looked at Mitchell.

"Yeah that's right, Kali told me about your love of taking things apart and putting things together, these people working are the ones that had knowledge in many things but doesn't have the opportunity to put them to good use, life is hard but god was able to reward them after going through the harshness of their life." Mitch said.

"All I'm saying is you got a great opportunity unlike many others, you should take it and who knows, maybe you could help people like these like your old man here." Mitchell said as Charles was in his mind with his own thoughts.

"Come on, you wanna check out what I'm working on?" Mitchell lead Charles to his work station and gave him a glove.

"Put it on." Mitchell said and Charles complied putting it on, it was a simple looking glove that went up to his elbows and had a few mods around the palm area.

"What is it?" Charles asked looking at the globe.

Mitchell did a few things and pressed a button before Charles started feeling this weird feeling off the glove.

"Uuuh..." Charles had an unsure look as he looked at the glove.

"Hehehehe, grip onto the table." Mitchell said.

Charles walked up to the wooden table and grabbed one of the legs and surprisingly the whole table started trembling.


"Wh- what?!" Charles yelled out.

"High frequency vibrations, now aim it at this glass." Mitchell said bringing out a large window glass around 5 feet.

Charles tried to touch it with the gloves but it broke into thousands of pieces just from a finger touch.

Mitchell turned the glove off as they started talking.

"H- how does that even work? My hand didn't feel any pain or vibrations." Charles asked.

"Hahaha, it took a while to get this far really, I had to take things off of speakers and see how they go.

You weren't able to feel anything due to the layer of anti-vibrational rubber layer on the gloves.

Most of these projects are Kali's ideas to be honest, we are just working on it to see what we can make of it, and they are the easiest of what we can comprehend, he spoke of other ideas but it just went over our heads." Mitchell said.

"Oh you're making me blush you old fart." Kali said who was near them.

"You have blood to blush? And here I thought you were an undead without blood." Mitchell joked.

"Anyways, why are you here? I don't think you are caring enough to visit a working old man like myself." Mitchell said.

Though he says that he is probably the strongest in this underground other than Davis, and also had Kali's full blood effects.

"I heard about a big group migrating to the city, is that your doing?" Kali asked with a smile.

"Yes, they are the ideal candidates we are looking for." Mitchell said.

"Hmm, I see, well I guess things must be going well." Kali said.

"Anyways... we are gonna begin soon." Kali said.

"Hmm, about time... so what will be needed first?" Mitchell asked.

"Nothing too much for now, first bring in some builders, some construction workers, I wanna rebuild the warehouse at the docks for our first operating location." Kali said.

"Davis is in charge of the muscle groups so I'll inform him and get them ready." Mitchell said.

"I'll have Charles give the blueprints later, but make sure nobody goes down to the [Nest] unless it's you or Davis." Kali said.

"Of course."

"And how is Karen holding up on her side?" Kali asked.

"Haha, she is doing good as expected, she knows what she is doing and is doing it precisely." Mitchell said smirking.

"Alright, everything is going smoothly, thats good." Kali said.