
[DROPPED] The Power of Nature

After over half of his life spent in his favorite game; The True World. A top of the art VR game. It had been the leading VR-MMORPG game since its launch 20 years earlier, but today marks the day of the shutdown. === As he found himself in the body of his character with all its power. With the power of a God of Nature, how will he fare in this new world?

MrColt · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Demons or humans?

I got a report from Ynas that the demons are plotting once again and will try to pillage an elven village near the border. The demons are located on the east coast of the continent and I've had Ynas stay on the east side of my domain.

Since I promised Ynas he could deal with the demons, I plan to let him decimate them. I had planned to let humans witness the power of Ynas as he destroys them, but the longer I wait with destroying the demons, the more people will die.

I arrived in Ynas' lair and we started to plan our assault. Ynas would attack their stronghold, while Mythi and Asea will kill any demon who tries to flee. I plan to let Sandy, my latest companion do some work as well, she's excited to be of use.

The plan was is pretty simple. Mythi and Asea will sneak closer to their stronghold, and when they are in position, Ynas will wreak havoc on their stronghold. Their so-called Stronghold is more like a city full of demons. I've already confirmed that there are no 'good' demons, at least not in this continent.

I will also stay close to make sure nothing unexpected happens. They have a very strong demon in that stronghold, but Ynas is more than enough to deal with that. I have Seb on standby as well, you can never be too careful.

When the guardians started moving I stretched out my powers once again to see the situation in the stronghold, and to my surprise, they are preparing for an assault. Fortunately not from us, but the Holy Kingdom of Iphion has sent out a legion of warriors to try and diminish the demons. This is both good and bad for us.

They will see the power of Ynas when he destroys them, the demons they have fought for a very long time. But seeing us destroying them so easily will make them question why we didn't do it sooner. It may also answer my question about the goddess of light that they worship, I wonder if she's real.


Another assault on the demon stronghold, this time our numbers are stronger than ever before. We got support from many countries this time. The Kremore Kingdom is even sending out their prince with a battalion of 1,000, apparently all volunteers. This will help us a lot, I've heard of the prince's strength, rumors say he is the strongest warrior in the kingdom and he's only 17 years old.

The Revell Empire as always didn't send out anyone, but the academy sent out a squad of mages with their teachers, they see this as a lesson. Fools! Demons are not toys! They are underestimating them! I accept any help, but if they join this battle just to learn, they will die!

I still don't understand why the pope doesn't ask the help of the Elves, they have kept the demons at bay for as long as we've fought them and never suffered a huge loss, they could be assets in this battle! It's not my place to question the pope, he has a direct line to the goddess herself, so if he doesn't ask the elves, there must be a reason.

I've been a general for over a decade already, but this battle will be hard to win, even with our numbers. I know for a fact that they have very strong demons in there, and I don't think our paladins and priests can handle them if they decide to make a move.

The demons are all monstrosities and come in all different forms, I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke or not, but the stronger the demon is, the closer to humans they become. The strongest demons are so close to human appearance, that if not for their red and black eyes and horns on their heads, they'd be mistaken for humans.

I truly believe that this battle will be lost, unless a miracle arrives to save us.


I saw sensed Alexander in the assaulting army, so I did what anyone would do if they saw a friend of theirs, I went to say hello. They were currently camping and Alexander was sitting with his people, chatting and eating.

"Isn't this a surprise, Alexander? What are you doing here?" I appear behind him and ask with a smile, feeling a bit mischievous.

Most of his men for humans, they got surprised seeing me appear behind their king, they stood up and drew their weapons. The small portion of half-elves and elves, however, stood up and bowed their head to me before sitting back down and relaxing.

Alexander seemed more nervous than he let out, he quickly swung his sword that back at me in surprise. I simply stopped the sword with a finger.

"Is that how you greet a friend?" I ask, smiling even more. He now reacted to who I was and quickly told his men to stand down before he turned back to me.

"Wait, why are you here?" He asked in confusion, his men were still wary of me, some of the elves had told the ones closest to them who I was, and they were looking at me in curiosity.

"I planned to make a move on the demons today, but then I sensed this army approaching and then I sensed you among them, my question is the same. What are you doing here?"

"The demons attacked the castle last week, Lily almost got kidnapped and Mariana got hurt!" He almost screamed in hatred. This information took me by surprise.

"That's impossible," I said, simply because it was. The Kremore Kingdom is in my domain, I would feel it if a demon even came close to entering my domain.

"How hurt is Mariana?" I ask, as she is a lovely girl and if demons hurt her, it could be bad.

He looks like he is on the verge of tears before he looks me in the eyes.

"She lost both her legs and almost the entire left side of her body." He said in a small voice, almost as if he's trying to deny it. If she lost that much, how is she still alive?!

"I'll go check on her! I'll be back!" I said vanish from the position. I inform the guardians that I'm going elsewhere and they are to continue the plan.

I arrive in the castle of the royal kingdom and the first thing I see is the gloomy mood everyone is in. I quickly find where Mariana is I have to force myself in the room, as the room is warded with and locked. In the room, I find the entire family. Lily is sleeping on a couch, I can see that she'd cried herself to sleep.

The Queen's eyes are almost blank as she tries not to look on the bed, where her first child lies. The king's eyes are almost on fire as extreme hatred is almost taking over him, it takes high self-control to not go berserk. He wants to go after the attackers, but he knows he has to be here for her now.

When I arrived to see Mariana on the bed I almost snap. The fact that she's alive is a miracle. Her entire left arm, part of the shoulder and down to the legs are completely gone, along with both legs. I can see the dark veins on her body as if it's been cursed as well.

The family seemed to sense my anger and finally react to when they find me. Both the king and the queen are very quick to kneel to me, begging me to save their girl. Lily wakes up due to the commotion, she runs to hug me and also begs me.

"You never have to beg me for anything!" I say in a very cold voice, I'm pissed.

I walk past them and gets closer to Mariana and I use all the healing spells I've got, all at the same time. I don't know how damaged her brain is, but hopefully, this will help.

The entire room is lit up and I shine in green light before Mariana also lights up in green and is lifted up on the bed. Everyone can see how her body is reconstructed, Her upper body was first, then her legs and it only took a minute before she was complete again. The family is all crying, both the king and queen had been strong this entire time, to now worry Lily and finally had a chance to let it all out.

It only took a minute to heal her, she is still unconscious but she will live. They all run to the bedside and up their child.

"Who did this?" I say, still in my cold voice.

"Demons!" The king almost spat out.

"No, this was no demon. I'm 100% certain that this was no demon. I can sense it when demons are in my domain, I can even sense them when they're a few kilometers outside of my domain! If a demon came close to your kingdom, I would know it!" I say. This means the one who harmed this child, tried to kidnap Lily was Human.

This information shocks the entire family.

"Alexander! He went to join the Holy Kingdom's assault on the demons!" Screamed the queen in sudden realization.

"I met him, that's how I found out what happened here. He'll be fine, my guardians are there." This made them relax a bit.

"Gerald, humans did this! Who would have the motive to harm you and blame demons?" I ask him as he probably had the best idea on who.

While he was trying to figure out who did it, looking at the motives and what this would have done if they succeeded. Mariana woke up.

"Hi." She said, weakly. This drew the family's attention and another round of cries began, this time happy tears.

"I will go back to Alexander, but first I must ask your permission to put a spell on you all. It's a sort of protection spell. It will activate, should someone attack you, it will heal you and a dome will appear to protect you, not much can break this dome. And if someone were to kidnap you, this spell will show me the exact locations of all of you." I will not let this happen again.

They consent to the spell and I put them on all of them, I also put some heals of time on them all and let them recover their stamina, they are all exhausted, but none of them wants to sleep due to all that's happened.


I arrive back to Alexander and inform him that Mariana is all healed and will make a full recovery, the only thing that I'm afraid of is trauma. He thanks me, but refuses to turn back, even though he knows it might not have been the demons. He promised his forces would help and he tends to keep his promise. I say my farewells and return where Seb was waiting for me.

"Seb, keep an eye on the Kremore Kingdom," I order him and he disappears.

The Holy Kingdom of Iphion is the one with the biggest motive. If the demons attacked the Kremore Kingdom, who are now allied with the elves, then they would attack the demons back in revenge. Not the time to think of this, it's time for the demons to leave this continent.

"Ynas, you may begin your fun, you can take as much time as you need to make them suffer. But no demon will escape today!" All the guardians can sense my anger right now and that makes them even more determined.