
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · 映画
27 Chs

Chapter 7: Standing Out

All the younglings and the trial administrator had visible shock written across their face. Meanwhile, the members of the Jedi Council all wore very inquisitive expressions. "Ok...um…let me just get it set up for you really quick", the old man was able to fumble out this sentence. One had to know that this was an almost unheard occurrence; Most younglings had already heard the stories of the examinees who had overestimated their abilities. These younglings would inevitably fail and most likely never become a padawan, nobody wanted to be master to a padawan who was overconfident. "How many seeker mines would you test with?", the old man questioned. Even as he asked he had instinctively began to set only two. "If it's not too much trouble, could you place out three and add a fourth one when I ask?", Connor replied. The old man had a confused expression on his face, he turned to the Jedi Council only to see Yoda nod his head.

As the training droids were being set up, Connor stealthily opened up F.U.S.S., to anyone else this may have just look like a nervous twitch. Connor then placed both his FPs into the third form of lightsaber combat, Soresu. This form was known for its ability to keep the user alive both in lightsaber combat as well as against blasters. This had been Connor's plan from the beginning, he was sure that if he put both points into this form and adapted the information, he would be able to survive four of the training droids.

After the force points were placed into F.U.S.S., Connor felt a surge of information and energy flow through his body, much more than the last time. He tried to put on his best poker face, but some grunts and moans came out, nonetheless. This was dismissed by all other as merely nerves once again.

The seeker mines were now placed in a circle with the fourth one on standby. Connor proceeded to stand in the middle of the circle. He placed the helmet over his head once again, blocking out his vision. With a "Pssshew", the training saber was now activated. "nnnnnnnn", hissed with life as Connor stood still waiting for the first laser bolt. Suddenly the trial had started, and a blast was fired heading for his left ear. Connor moved to deflect the first, two more were fired and Connor deflected the first and dodge the second.

Meanwhile, Grandmaster Yoda was staring at this young man intently. "Soresu, but when?", the old jedi questioned. "Nonetheless, it is impressive that he was able to learn an advanced lightsaber form and without any formal instruction", Windu chimed in. "Full of surprises he is. Keep close watch on him, we will", Yoda affirmed to the rest of the council present.

5 minutes had passed with Connor expertly evading and deflecting the shot that were fired at him. At this time Connor felt that he had more or less fully processed about half of the knowledge that was given to him through F.U.S.S. and now it was time for another training droid. "Please add the fourth", Connor didn't really have concentration to spare for any pleasantries, but the old man understood well and activated the fourth seeker mine without any complaints.

As soon as another challenge was added, Connor placed all of energy into diverting and avoiding the laser bolts. Even with his stamina enhanced by the points he placed into Soresu, Connor could very quickly feel his stamina draining from him. At this rate, he would only last about a minute before he would start to be hit. Connor slowed his breathing and focused entirely on the task at hand, perseverance was the name of the game now.

40 more seconds passed, and Connor felt his energy reserves were almost completely depleted. In an instant Connor switch to the Sho-Chii from and perform a basic slash towards the seeker mine, cutting it in half. "Ahhh!", Connor yelled while pushing both hands out, this caused the rest of training droids to be telekinetically pushed away from him and fall on the ground deactivated.

Conor lifted his helmet to see all eyes on him. Nobody spoke for some time; the rest of clan shifted uncomfortably, they had all spoke about him behind his back. The incident from three years had been a topic of ridicule for many of them, but what was just displayed to them had completely erased this image from their minds. This youngling had just accomplished something none of them could do. The exception to this was Bruce, who was wearing a smile ear to ear. Although, Bruce did consider himself to truly be friends with Connor, he also felt that he was slightly superior because he excelled in the force compared to Connor. It was only now that Bruce realized he had not just made a friend, but a rival as well.

"Done well you all have. Now concluded, these trials are. Recommendation to those jedi without a padawan, the council will now convene and make. Well sleep, for tomorrow all of you will travel to Ilum to construct your lightsaber. Yes, hrrrm.", Yoda was the first to speak out dismissing all the younglings present to their rooms. As Connor was leaving, a familiar sound rang out to him.


[A quest has been issued: Construct a lightsaber]

[Rewards will be based on the overall performance and appearance of constructed lightsaber]

Connor saw the quest and realize that once again F.U.S.S. was forcing him to push himself to his limits. Connor who was originally excited to construct his lightsaber, now was feeling a bittersweet emotion. Sitting in his bed, Connor stared at the currently unused skill points on the interface. These might just hold to what he needed to build a lightsaber that would be a cut above the rest, but first Connor would need a good night's sleep. Tomorrow would be a major milestone in this new life and although Connor did not realize this yet, it would be an event that would be discussed for centuries to come.