

Valaine walked through a dense wooded area, the moonlight filtering through the skeletal branches above, casting dancing shadows on the ground. In the distance, she saw a towering tree that appears to have been carved into the shape of a dignified tree, resembling a statue.

Stood at the heart of a small glade, encircled by an uncanny ring of torches, their flickering flames casting creepy shadows upon the statue.

Unexpectedly, Valaine extended her slender fingers, trembling only slightly, and began to pluck the torches one by one. As the last torch found its place within her inventory she whispered to herself.

"Why not?"

She approached the carved statue and notice that it has an outstretched branch, figuratively crafted to receive something. The rough bark feels strangely malleable, as if something about it had been crafted, rather than grown.

Curious, she placed one of her swords on the statue's outstretched arm. As if responding to the gift given by Valaine, the ground beneath her feet begins to vibrate. The rumbling gradually increases in intensity until the entire forest is shaking with the tremors. As the vibrations continue to grow, the carved tree statue suddenly comes to life, rising up out of the ground.

A colossal abomination as stall as a four-story building, stood grotesque and decaying, and giving a sense of dread. Its putrid and bloated stomach, it's skin an amalgamation of rotting plant flesh and gnarled bark, with malevolent, empty eye sockets, sinister tentacles that has the width of a dwarf, and two small thumby legs to support it's entire body.

[Haunting Mandrake Lvl. 14]

With a great groan, the creature stands before her, its massive roots no longer anchored to the dirt of Helheim. A deep, loud, rumbling squeal emanates from within its mouth.

The mandrake has no eyes, yet it senses her presence, turning towards her, its mouth open and ready to unleash its toxic breath.

The mandrake has spotted her and it is ready to fight.

The mandrake hurls a tentacle-like root towards her, its surface covered in a green, sticky sap. The tentacle lashes towards her like a whip, its sharp tendrils seeking to entangles her in its grasp. She quickly escaped by rolling to the side, escaping the tentacle's reach, but the mandrake's attack does not stop there.

A second tentacle unfurls from the monster, quickly whipping across the ground towards her. Before she can react, the tendril wraps itself around her leg and yanks with incredible ferocity.

She hit the ground hard, then tentacle yanks her towards the mandrake itself. Before she can regain her footing, she remembered a tool she can potentially use.

She pulled an imp summoning scroll from her inventory and activated it. And blue magical circle appeared on the air and emerged from it is a red imp.

Sensing it's summoner in trouble, the combat AI detected the perpetrator immediately. Her imp summons a small fireball, throwing it as hard as it can towards the monster. The fire strikes the mandrake in the face, eliciting a deep growl from the creature as it flinches and releases its grip on Valaine's leg.

"I didn't know they could cast spells"

The fireball strikes the mandrake in the face, causing it to recoil and howl in pain. She quickly took advantage of the momentary reprieve, rolling away from the mandrake and gaining her footing. The imp, having seen the effect of its attack, summons another fireball and hurls it at the monster, this time aiming for the mandrake's bulbous stomach. The fire strikes its target, sending the mandrake writhing and howling in pain.

Fire. It's vulnerable of fire.

She pulled a dozen torches from her inventory and it quickly light up each in turn, hurling them towards the mandrake using her telekinetic skill. The torches lands perfectly near the monster's torso, quickly igniting the sap-covered surface into a raging inferno. The mandrake emits a piercing wail as the fire burns its flesh, distracting it long enough for her to dodge its frantic tentacle attacks. The monster flails wildly, trying to extinguish the flames on its body.

She continued to dodge the mandrake's flailing tentacles and commanded the imp to shower it with more fireballs, making sure to spread the flames evenly across its body. Her imp follows up with a series of sharp blasts of fire, burning into the mandrake's flesh and causing it to roar in pain.

For now, the mandrake is distracted and struggling to put out the flames, but it will soon regain its focus and renew its assault. She must move quickly to capitalize on her opening. Now is the time to press her advantage and she has an idea how.

She quickly dip her wooden crossbow's muzzle in the fire, igniting the tip with the embers. She aimed the fiery weapon at the mandrake and fire, launching a scorching bolt towards the monster. The arrow strikes home, causing the mandrake to let out a wail of anguish as the flames catch its flesh.

With success, she took advantage of the distraction, firing another flaming arrow at the monster, this time aiming for its bulbous belly once more. The bolt strikes its target, setting fire to the mandrake's soft organs and causing it to reel in pain.

The mandrake, still writhing in agony from Valaine's past assault, tries to attack her with its remaining tentacle. She dodged easily, rolling out of the way of the tendril. The mandrake then turns to her imp, releasing an unexpected attack of toxic cloud gas towards the creature.

Her imp is quick to react, flying away from the cloud and launching a series of fireballs at the mandrake. The fire strikes the monster, further distracting it as it wails in pain from the burns. Now is her chance to counter attack.

She reloaded her crossbow with a flaming bolt and fire it at the mandrake once more. The bolt strikes the monster's bulbous abdomen, setting more fire to its soft organs and causing it to screech in pain. The mandrake writhes and thrashes, trying to extinguish the flames, as her imp follows up, hurling a barrage of fireballs at the wounded creature.

She seems to find enjoyment in burning the mandrake alive continuously.

Valaine saw that the mandrake is starting to slow down, its HP depleting more than ever, its movements sluggish and its attention divided between her and the imp.

She reloaded herr crossbow and take aim once more. The mandrake writhes and flails in agony as the flames burn its soft flesh, leaving it distracted and weakened. This is her opportunity! She released the flaming arrow towards the mandrake as her imp hurls a fireball at the creature. The bolt strikes home, tearing through the mandrake's skin and setting fire to its inner organs. The monster's screeching slows to a deafening groan as the fire overtakes it, filling the air with the aroma of burnt sap and smoking flesh.

Valaine watches as the mandrake's movements gradually slow and falter. The creature goes silent, its body smoldering and smoking from the fire and the stench of burnt sap wafts through the air. The mandrake, once a towering menace, has now become nothing but a burned and mangled corpse.


[Data Crystal: ??? x2]

[Light leather armour (Low Tier) x1]

[Gold x43]

[XP gained!] [Level up! 12 -> 13]


How a mandrake can drop a leather armour eludes her. Fantasy RPG logic she guesses. At least she now have some protection. The way she equipped it feels seamless and after moving around a bit it doesn't undermine her movements at all.

Another data crystal which Valaine sadly cannot identify. Rewarded with a level up, she immediately invested the point in her Vampire Racial Class, bringing it up to level two.

Valaine and her imp survey the scorched and blackened battlefield, the surrounding area lit up by the glowing embers of the mandrake's smoldering corpse. The danger has passed. She now left the rotting meadow to explore a crypt to the north.

It surprised her that the crypt was relatively nearby, she wasted time by being careless by accidentally summoning a monster she had to fight.

The crypt is right ahead her now, if she could describe it. The crypt's entrance is a colossal stone door, adorned with cryptic runic markings. Twin colossal torches flanking the entrance and flames that beckoned without guard nor guide.

It's now and never and the timer is ticking.

"32 minutes left"

As Valaine opened the door and entered the crypt, her map indicated a powerful presence nearby. The narrow hallway is silent, the air still and heavy. Valaine's steps echo off the stone walls, her Imp just behind her.

She moved deeper into the crypt, trying to locate the source of the enemy. She eventually spot a glowing doorway to the south, and can see light shining through it. It screams "This is the part where you continue forward, hence the glowing suspicious door."

Above there is a crooked sign, dangling by a single nail, announced its foreboding message saying:

"Restrictions: No Summons Allowed."

The imp, small, and red, looked back at her with a questioning gaze. Yet, she tried entering through the door with it, but it would not yield. With a sigh, Valaine commanded her imp to stay, and a promise to return, even though it wouldn't understand it's master words. The creature nevertheless nodded as it settled in the doorway.

She pushed open the glowing doorway and step into the inner chamber. As she entered, she saw one low-level skeleton and three and zombies patrolling the chamber. Nothing she can't handle.

Suddenly, They turn their skeletal heads towards her and draw their rusty blades, ready for a fight.

Valaine thought that by entering the room it triggered a combat. Quickly, she charged forward, easily dodging the skeletons' clumsy strikes. She sunk her teeth into the first zombie, draining its HP. The other skeletons lash out at her, their weapons clattering to the ground. With quick thinking, she flung the drained zombie into the others, knocking them back.

As the enemies struggle to their feet, Valaine took advantage of the momentary distraction and drain the life force of the second zombie. The rest of the skeletons continue to attack her, but with their reduced strength, they are unable to pose a significant threat to her. She easily fend off their strikes, bludgeoning the third skeleton, sending it crumbling to the ground.

It was a piece of cake. She got experience from it, but it was not enough to level her up.

Valaine continued and she slowly creep through the ruins, the sound of her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Ghostly blue torches casts a pale light over the area, illuminating the dark corridors with a haunting glow. She came to an open room with a broken door, its walls covered in arcane runes she doesn't understand. But in the center of the room, Valaine spy an ornate chest, its broken lock gleaming in the dim light.

With a glance around, she approaches the chest and listen closely in an arm's reach.

Not a mimic thankfully. She had a gut feeling it wasn't. Mimics usually gave a faint breathing sound. The silence is deafening, save for her own breaths. She then reach forward to unlock the chest.

[Undead Onyx Fang (High Tier)]


A dagger with a ruby gem on the black hilt and a blade that looks like it's made of onyx. Her vampire's senses tingle, sensing the power of the weapon, or so her status says so. It gave her a very small stat boost for being an undead.

Valaine carefully took the dagger and admire its craftsmanship, feeling the sharp edge of the blade. The name was too edgy, good thing there was an option to rename it. She decided on a name for it after a few moments.

Valaine thought to herself, "Kirugetsu."

Moon Cutter.

Equipping it, her overall stats got a rush of power from the dagger, its undead energy flowing through her. She sheath the dagger on her waist, feeling its weight as she stalk deeper into the ruins.

It was a good find.

As she moved deeper into the ruins, Valaine's eyes darted around in search of any more hidden enemies or chests she can loot, but she doubts if she could get a better one she got from earlier.

As she moved past a large stone archway into a dimly-lit chamber, She saw more skeletons. They suddenly notice her presence and clatter their bones in warning, brandishing their rusty blades and preparing for a fight.

With her vampire's enhanced dexterity, she quickly dodge the skeletons' attacks, nimbly leaping over their flailing limbs. She landed on the ground, ready to strike back, her new dagger Kirugetsu make short work of the skeletal foes effortlessly, demolishing their HP before they could strike back.

As she struck down the last of the skeletons, Valaine heard a low murmur. It's coming from the far end of the chamber, where an archway leads deeper into the ruins. A sense of foreboding creeps into her.

She approaches the archway, wondering what lies behind it. As she steps inside, her map blinked a relentless dangerous sinister presence nearby.

Valaine stepped forward cautiously, peering into the passageway. Her eyes widen in surprise as she spot a red minotaur, just a level above her. Standing nine feet tall, dressed in an executioner's uniform, and wielding a large claymore. It remains motionless, and its head facing towards the door? Is it stuck?

Cautiously, she puts her left foot forward, yet the minotaur's head doesn't turn.

Perhaps the monster is waiting for her to pass, but Valaine doesn't want to risk it. She stands still, trying to decide whether to engage it or attempt to bypass it. While it's head is facing towards the door, the creature could probably still sense her.

She decided to try and ambush it instead. She moves forward as slowly and quietly as possible, trying not to make any noise. As she got close to the monster, she noticed its sword is slightly raised, indicating it is ready to defend itself.

As she took another step closer, ready to strike. Just as she was about to attack first, the minotaur whirls around, its claymore moving in an arc that catches Valaine by surprise. She quickly dodge out of the way, her fangs bared in annoyance.

Taking a step back, she reached for her crossbow and fire off a quick shot at the minotaur. The bolt lands on the creature's leg, causing it to stumble and grunt in pain. However, the wound seems to only anger the minotaur, and it charges straight at her, swinging its claymore wildly.

She managed to dodge out of the way at the last moment, narrowly avoiding being hit by the claymore. The minotaur thrashes its massive muscles, its temper growing by the second.

The creature bellows in anger, bringing its claymore again in a sweeping arc. It looks feral and rabid.

She rolls out of the way of the minotaur's attack, narrowly avoiding being sliced by the broad blade. However, this maneuver leaves her open, and the minotaur takes advantage of the opportunity. With a roaring roar, the creature lunges at her, slashing at her torso with its ridiculously large sword.

She felt the tip of the claymore graze her chest armor, its razor sharp point cutting through the leather and taking 20% of her current HP.

Her initial plan failed and now she has to do something or else she will get shredded in this crypt.

She quickly sidestep the minotaur's next attack, narrowly avoiding its claymore. However, this puts her in a vulnerable position, she was now facing the wall. The minotaur quickly charges forward again, but with it's horns.

Valaine jumped as the minotaur plunges it's horn on the walls, then she attempted to strike it head on, but her dagger barely sunk in its thick hide.

"Damn, how much defense do you have?"

The minotaur turned against her and brings up its claymore in a powerful swing, she barely managed to fly out of the way, her body scraping against the low ceiling as she does so. The minotaur grunts, its anger growing with each passing second.

Snatching up one of her swords, she throws it at the minotaur like a spear, enhancing it's thrusting power with [Lesser Telekinesis]. The blade spins through the air. However, the monster quickly shifts its momentum, swinging its claymore hard at the projectile, knocking the weapon away.

Was her telekinetic skill weak? Despite looking feral and rabid, it's strong and smart. Her mistake for underestimating it.

The minotaur glares at her, its heavy muscles rippling as it prepares for another attack. She has a brief chance to take action before the creature charges forward like a rampaging bull. Suddenly, the minotaur shouted something in a raspy voice.

[Great Cleave]

Feeling the ground shake Valaine did not expect a skill attack. It was thunderous, It created a large vertical slash that was brought down to her in a flash. It took a large amount of her HP, barely enough to survive it's normal attack.

The minotaur bellows loudly, its gaze locked onto her as it readies another attack.

The creature raises its claymore once more, slowly swinging the massive sword back, as if gauging the distance between Valaine. She has a few seconds to make a decision before it uses it's skill on her again.

But no skilled attack came. Just normal swings and predictable charges. Valaien deducted it might had a large cooldown for such a large scaled attack.

She decide to stay out of the minotaur's reach, allowing the creature to wear itself out before taking action. If she could tire it out, she could defeat it. The creature growls and snorts, its rage getting the better of it. It tries to her with its mighty claymore, but with [Swift], Valaine was too quick and agile for it.

As Valaine continued to taunt the minotaur, the creature finally tires itself out, its heavy breathing growing less erratic. The creature's anger has dwindled, and her chances of winning this fight have improved.

She quickly leap forward, bringing her Kirugetsu down in a powerful downward swing, powered with [Iron Fang]. The blade sinks deep into the minotaur's shoulder, and the creature howls in pain, staggering back. However, the minotaur is not yet defeated, and it quickly raises its claymore, bringing it down towards her with a roar.

It's skilled attack. She has a gut feeling.

And there it came. She quickly made space by dodging to the side, narrowly avoiding the minotaur's attack. The creature stumbles then sprinted to her. Its muscles rippling as it raises its claymore once more for an overhead strike.

Valaine has a brief moment to react before the minotaur's claymore comes crashing down.

She quickly nock an arrow, taking aim at the minotaur. The creature unto her, its eyes narrowed. It raises its claymore once more, but before it can unleash its attack, she released the arrow. The bolt flies true, striking the minotaur in the throat.


With a thundering bellow, the creature staggers back, clutching its neck as blood gushes forth. Staggered, she took this opportunity and activated [Berserk], and with a quick thrust of her Kirugetsu and sword, she pierces the monster in the chest and the neck, its body writhing as the swords penetrate its body.

As the minotaur lies on the ground, unconscious, she took the opportunity to sink her swords deep within the creature's flesh.

However, this only further enraged it. It opens its eyes, its face twisted in rage, and lets out a deafening roar. The ground shakes beneath her feet as the beast rises to its feet once more, its muscles quivering with power.

Despite the injuries from her blad, the minotaur still seems filled with rage. Its heavy muscles flex and strain, its eyes darting back and forth as it searches for someone to direct its anger upon.

She notices a slight shimmer of sweat on its red skin, perhaps indicating that the creature's energy is beginning to wane. She could test her luck and attempt to engage the minotaur in a head-on attack, but this may prove dangerous.

But what else is new?

Taking a deep breath, she approaches the raging minotaur. The creature's muscles tense, sensing the danger nearby, its red eyes tracking her swift movements.

She grips Kirugetsu tightly, preparing for her final assault. With a cry of battle, she charged forward, bringing Moon Cutter down in a mighty swing. The minotaur lets out a deafening roar, its massive claymore coming down in a powerful strike of its own.

Her blades clash and parries in the center of the hall, sparks flying as they grind against each other. The minotaur attempts to overpower Valaine, its strength nearly matched with her due to its stamina.

She musters all her strength, pushing back against the creature's overwhelming force. The minotaur grunts and snorts, the muscles in its arm quivering as it strove to overpower her. But she manages to hold her ground.

One of her skills is available to be used again, she activated [Iron Fang], she pushing forward against the minotaur's claymore. The creature grunts and stumbles, its attack faltering for a moment. As she presses her advantage, her Kirugetsu strikes the creature's neck, spilling more hot blood on the ground.

The minotaur drops its claymore and falls to the ground, its body motionless. She have beaten the beast with 10% HP, and its body now lies at her feet.

DYK: I find minotaurs cool

Zerviilcreators' thoughts