
[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

Daily life weighs heavy on her shoulders, this burnout yearns for an early retirement. Seeking solace in a diversion, she immerses herself in a DMMO-RPG, unaware of its true nature. 12 years later she's in a strange world. Now, she stands beyond the edge of power that will forever alter the perception of what is possible. "I'll show you true magic," she declares. Additional Tags: Major Character Death, Minor Canon Divergence (Overlord), Mild Gore, No Harem

Zerviil · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


The Hobgoblin on the ground shifts slightly, turning to look at his prey, his manner growing more alert as he observes her.

She sensed the threat building around him.

Valaine suddenly realize that the Hobgoblin has been playing a game with her, his calm and composed manner concealing his strategy. He let Valaine exhaust herself while he waited patiently for an opportunity to strike.

Exhausted from constant dodging and attacking. She has little to no stamina to sprint away.

She decided to use the environment to her advantage, finding the nearest window and jumping up to one of the lower levels of the arena and trying to create some distance between her and the Hobgoblin.

The Hobgoblin growls in his raspy voice, as if he's already anticipated her move. Then, he suddenly leaps up to the same level that she was on, closing the gap between her in a single bound.

The monster used both of his weapons down against her, striking the floor of the bleachers, the decaying structure of the building made it easier to create a hole.

With quick reaction, she dodged the fatal attack with a quick jump.

She raises her crossbow, taking aim at the Hobgoblin's eye. Her hands tremble slightly, but she tries to keep her focus, knowing that missing her shot will prove fatal.

Valaine fired the bolt, which streaks towards the Hobgoblin's face. The creature dodges the attack, looking back at the bolt flying past him. He smirks at it, apparently amused by her failure.

But she used this as an advantage, she darted in the hole, landing in a room nearly identical where she fought the imps in. She used the area's structure to conceal herself with the pillars from the Hobgoblin's line of sight.

The Hobgoblin jumps in and glances around, trying to locate her. She doesn't seem to notice Valaine's movement, but his gaze still remains fixed on the area where she stood just moments ago.

The Hobgoblin's manner shifts, becoming more alert and vigilant. It seems that her attempt to use a distraction has raised his suspicion.

Valaine waited, patience and alertness being her ally in this situation. She peeked at the area, taking caution to not show her entire head, trying to locate the Hobgoblin and get a view of his nape.

A moment later, an opening presents itself--the Hobgoblin turns away from her, exposing his nape and offering her a narrow window of opportunity.

She acted quickly, using her blade to strike at the Hobgoblin's neck. The rusty sword pierces the creature, and she felt a momentary satisfaction at seeing blood spill from his wound. She backed away, trying to create some distance between herself and the Hobgoblin. Leaving the sword still in his nape. It's fine, she still have two to spare.

The Hobgoblin jerks in surprise, then whirls to face her, being mindful to the sword still attached to his neck, by turning with his torso and legs. Only to be met with an arrow on his face, piercing his nasal region.

Flinching from the pain, the Hobgoblin stares at Valaine, with a look of hatred in his eyes. He roars in rage, his wound leaking more blood. The hobgoblin moves forward, his manner still menacing and cold, movements filled with violence.

She swiftly grabbed the chain-mail armor in her inventory. She may not be able to equip it but it can still be a tool for her. She thrown it at the Hobgoblin's face, wrapping it like a net, obscuring his vision slightly and temporarily disorienting him. He roars in frustration and anger, struggling to break free of it.

She took advantage of the confusion to slip away, retreating to a safe place to catch her breath and assess her current options, while the Hobgoblin's roars echo throughout the room, a chorus of rage and frustration.

The goblin's wounds are bleeding profusely, but he still remains standing but he uses his arms in an attempt to break free of the chain-mail armor that still obscures his face. Valaine sees that the goblin has about 60 percent of its health left as stated hovering above his head.

She saw the goblin trip and fall to his knees, dropping his weapons on the floor, his movement obstructed by the chain-mail armor wrapped around him. Valaine can see that his injuries are taking a toll on him, his breath coming in loud gasps and his legs shaking slightly.

She have the upper-hand in this fight.

Valaine activated [Berserk], boosting her strength for 7% for 2.5 seconds. The goblin is still crouched on the ground struggling. He seems agitated confused by his situation, but Valaine knows that he's no longer distracted and that she needs to finish this fight quickly with [Berserk].

She quickly aimed her blade at the goblin's back, she is thankful for this monster's lack of protection. The creature roars in pain as the blade sinks in his back, his wound spewing out dark blood. She pressed her feet down on the goblin's back, holding him firm and steady. The goblin continues to roar in pain, his wounds bleeding profusely. She struck at him with her sword, rapid thrusts and jabs causing immense damage.

The goblin's wounds are bleeding out, his roars growing fainter and his movements slower.

The goblin suddenly tries to get up, but she's not letting him break free. She maintained a firm grip on his neck, holding on for her dear life as the goblin bucks violently in an attempt to throw her off.

The goblin becomes more frantic and desperate, his movements filled with rage and violence. He tries to shake Valaine off, but she held on tightly, determined to finish this ordeal. It's body writhing and lurching about, trying to dislodge Valaine from its neck.

The goblin throws her against the pillars of the colosseum, causing the stone structure to tremble under the impact.

Despite the damage she maintains her grip, holding on tight despite the goblin's desperate attempts to break Valaine free.

The goblin roars in pain and shock as it realizes its fate, flailing wildly as it struggles to break free of her grasp. She manages to hold onto her sword that was stuck in his nape, and shifts the sword, trying to sever the creature's head. But due to the goblin's frantic movements, she manages to slip the sword off, dropping it at the floor.

With the sword gone, she tightens her grip on the goblin's neck, her arms closing around its throat as she squeeze and squeeze, determined to end this battle. The goblin continues to struggle and resist, but its movements are slow and weak now, its breath growing more labored as its life force spills out of the wound.

Valaine continues to squeeze the goblin's neck with all her might, as she attempts to cut off the creature's airflow. Valaine can hear his breathing becoming more faint and shallow as the creature teeters on the verge of death.

She continues to choke the goblin with all her might, her grip tightening with every passing second. The creature continues to struggle, trying to break free from her grasp, but its movements grow more and more feeble as its life force is depleted.

With a final gasping breath, the goblin's struggles cease, as the creature falls to the ground.

Valaine have successfully defeated her foe.


[Data Crystal: ???]

[Summoning scroll: Imp]

[Gold x50]

[XP gained!] [Level up! 8 -> 12]

Racial Skill unlocked: [Lesser Telekinesis], [Swift]

[Lesser Telekinesis]. Grants you the innate ability to non-physically move and interact with an object to a lesser degree. This does not consume mana.

[Swift]. Temporarily boost your speed by 25% for 5 seconds.

Job Class unlocked: [Dual Wielder]

[Dual Wielder]. A job class that offers versatility in combat. You can perform specific dual-wielding techniques and special moves.


Her first job class? Valaine will take it, as it's better than nothing. Spending a single leveling point on it, it gave her a permanent 2% bonus on damage whenever she's holding using two weapons at the same time.

[Requirements have been met. Multi-classing is now available for Racial Class]

Multi-classing. A mechanic in the game that allows the player to diversify it's character. Allowing them to specialize in different classes, creating different ways to build the player's arsenal. It's about time it shows up for Valaine.

She has different ways to approach this. In front of her is a translucent screen that gives her two different options branching from her base race as Wamphyri. [Nightfiend] and [Vampire]. The two options reveals it is a basic race. The first option describes Nightfiend as a flying undead type race that embodies shadows and darkness and uses summons to do its bidding. And the second, well, a Vampire.

While the option of summoning minions to attack for her seems interesting. Vampires can blend into human crowds. Nightfiends, on the other hand, looks more monstrous than her base race and would be a problem because Valaine would like to explore other realms while not being targeted.

She could also argue that she would've chose a humanoid race, but Valaine also wanted the advantages of more stat points when leveling up. But its too late for her to change her character now because Yggdrasil prohibits player from creating alternate accounts.

However, even if tries to unlock it, the option for [Vampire] has a "locked" icon hovering in the corner. Hovering her hand on the icon, it shows that she has to invest 2 more levels in her base race to unlock it, seeing she only has 8 levels.

"I won't regret this"

Taking a deep breath she invested the points and unlocked a new race, Vampire. It used up a single leveling point.


Racial Class unlocked: [Vampire]

Racial Skill unlocked: [Bloodsucking], [Dominate]

[Bloodsucking]. A passive action that drains the blood of a target once you sink your fangs to them and also heals your HP.

[Dominate]. Control the actions of a sentient creature lower than your current level.


Along the way she was brought into a character creation scene. This was a new development. Disappointing enough, it gave her limited options. Her character was less monstrous, shaping into less threatening form. Eyes looking a bit more smaller and oval, fur disappearing in her head showing a ghostly pale skin, and elongated canines protruding from the mouth. However, the body remained the same. Satisfied, she exited the scene.

"So this is the new me" jokingly.

Among the loot she was rewarded with. Valaine found a basic summoning scroll. It is inscribed with incantations and allows you to call forth an imp at any given moment. Not that she needed to speak it's incantation, all she needed is to throw it in the air. With this scroll, she now have a disposable minion at her disposal.

Next a data crystal. It's a hexagonal object that can be held in her hand. Valaine tried to examine the dark crystal, but she was not entirely sure of its purpose, due to the description being blocked, notifying her that she doesn't have the appropriate job class to inspect it. It will be a good idea to show it to player with an artificer-type job class and take a look at the data crystal to determine it's properties.

"Disappointing, why do I need an artificer for this?"

There is no longer anything standing in her journey to the crypt. She is aware that the timer is ticking close.

Leaving the colosseum, A meadow stretched out before her, a haunting tableau of decay. Fungus and mold clung to decaying leaves and stems, spreading their sickly, otherworldly hues across the landscape. Trees that bordered the meadow stood as skeletal remains, their branches stripped of leaves and life. They cast eerie, elongated shadows that seemed to stretch out like skeletal fingers.

"Well, the ancient crypt won't explore itself"


Name: Valaine

| Level 12 |

Race: Undead

Racial level:

Wamphyri (10)

Vampire (1)

Job level:

Dual Wielder (1)

HP: 20

MP: 0





AGT: 31

RES: 0

SPC: 0



DYK: In some myths, goblins are akin to fairies and some relate them to demons.

Zerviilcreators' thoughts