
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

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58 Chs


Joe knew Elon was right; ordinary people truly stood no chance against metahumans. "Can you really take on Mardon? I don't want to see Barry's new otherworldly friend die in front of me," he asked.

Elon replied with a smile, "Maybe you should ask Cisco how I rescued Barry from Mardon's clutches and turned Mardon into a one-armed man."

Joe was taken aback. "You were the one who severed Mardon's arm?"

"Yes, it was me. It's just unfortunate that Barry's life was in danger at the time. I had to maintain his vital functions, which allowed Mardon to escape," Elon revealed the truth.

"I'll look into it, and if it's true, I'll let you know when we find Mardon. Be ready," Joe said, still slightly skeptical but realizing the gravity of Elon's capabilities. A quick investigation would confirm whether Elon's account was factual, and if so, Elon would become a key asset in their fight.

Elon's urgency in convincing Joe stemmed from the TV series where Joe was the first to find Mardon. He needed Joe's police experience to locate Mardon's hideout. "Check Mardon's previous hideouts, and if you find something, don't act rashly. Call me, and I'll come with you," Elon suggested.

"OK, wait for my call," Joe said before departing.

Elon also knew that they couldn't overlook the technological prowess of S.T.A.R. Labs. By reconfiguring the lab's satellites to track weather anomalies, they could pinpoint Mardon's location whenever he used his abilities.

Upon returning to the control room, Cisco and Caitlin looked at Elon with intense curiosity. "What's up?" Elon asked, furrowing his brow.

Dr. Wells wheeled himself over and said, "Mr. Elon, we need you to become a hero, like Barry."

Elon was unsure of Wells' motives but had a clear goal and had no intention of becoming a superhero in Central City. He refused without hesitation. "I decline."

"Why?" Cisco asked, surprised. To him, Elon had all the makings of a hero—crafting the Flash's suit, directing Barry from the shadows, and today, confronting the Weather Wizard and saving lives. Cisco couldn't understand why Elon would refuse.

Elon explained, "I came to this world by accident, not to be a superhero. My goal is to return to where I belong, not to maintain justice and save civilians in a world that's foreign to me."

Dr. Wells pondered Elon's resistance. As long as they didn't get in each other's way, there was no enmity between them.

Caitlin interjected, "But you stepped up today. We really need someone like you to help us manage metahumans and prevent worse outcomes."

Elon was noncommittal. "I'll assist Barry with troublesome metahumans when needed, like today, but I won't do it full-time."

Wells had hoped to thrust Elon into the role of a hero, constantly busy saving others. But Elon's firm resolve forced Wells to reconsider. "How about this, Elon? S.T.A.R. Labs could hire you as a consultant. You'd help control metahumans when they appear, and you'd have free access to our equipment when they don't. We'd also help you find a way home. What do you think?"

The offer was tempting. Elon's access within S.T.A.R. Labs had been limited, but with full access to the lab's equipment, he could delve deeper into research on particles, quarks, atoms, protons, energy, wormholes, and other physics phenomena that might help him find his way home.

After some thought, Elon accepted. "I could really use your help."

"Welcome to S.T.A.R. Labs, Consultant Elon," Wells greeted with a smile.

"An honor, Dr. Wells," Elon replied, both men understanding their mutual needs.

If Wells hadn't been so unpredictable, Elon thought they might have worked well together. But like polarized magnets, two similar characters repel each other, trust being their casualty.

Cisco and Caitlin welcomed Elon to S.T.A.R. Labs, their respect for him rising a notch.

Elon joked, "OK, now that I'm part of S.T.A.R. Labs and finally have a salary, I can repay Cisco's seven dollars and Barry's hundred. And I can finally buy something other than those disgusting energy bars Cisco makes."

"Hey... I worked hard on those," Cisco protested with a mock pout.

"Of course," Dr. Wells laughed. "The salary will certainly feed your appetite. But first, let's tackle your initial objective."