
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

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58 Chs


Elon chuckled, "Well, you'll have to keep me well-fed."

The others shared a knowing laugh.

Cisco quipped, "Your turn, Rocket Man."

Both Wells and Elon inwardly cringed at the moniker.

"Cisco, that name is just... lame," Elon protested with a face that couldn't hide his disagreement.

Cisco looked displeased, his naming skills had been rejected by Elon once again. He opened his mouth to object but was cut off by Elon's waving hand.

Elon, with a hint of longing in his voice, said, "I've experienced Barry's speed. The way things turn into mere points and lines, zipping by in a blur, the world coming to a standstill... It's indescribably beautiful. That kind of shock is beyond your wildest dreams. It's... it's like lightning. My speed is nothing compared to Barry's."

Cisco and Caitlin, who had only seen Barry dash through the lab, didn't quite comprehend the extent of his speed. To them, it seemed akin to Elon's peak velocity since they could only see afterimages that were impossible to catch up with. Elon's speed had already surpassed human limits, and without the visual cue of his lightning aura, the naked eye couldn't keep up with him.

"You sure about that? I still reserve my right to the name Rocket Man," Cisco said skeptically.

"Just wait until you see Barry's speed. You'll change your mind," Elon insisted with fervor, raising his fist. "Barry, show them what you've got!"

Barry, full of fighting spirit, flashed a grin, revealing his pearly white teeth, and shouted, "Alright!"

Caitlin's face remained skeptical as she murmured to Dr. Wells, "Elon says he's nowhere near as fast as Barry, but is that possible? In terms of physical strength, recovery, metabolism – Barry can't compare to Elon. How could he possibly surpass him?"

From a biological standpoint, Caitlin couldn't fathom Barry outpacing Elon. She couldn't believe Barry's speed would be faster.

Dr. Wells replied, his voice laden with significance, "Let's just wait and see..."

Cisco adjusted the helmet on Barry and gave the final go-ahead.

"OK, Rocket Man, get ready... 1... 2... 3... GO!"

With a "boom," Cisco was bowled over by the sudden gust of wind, staring wide-eyed in shock.

The rush of air sent papers flying, nearly upended the blue sunshade, and shattered a pane of glass at the moment Barry took off.

A red streak blazed across the road, swift as an arrow, bullet, rocket, lightning, vanishing from sight.

Despite having witnessed it before, Elon, like Cisco and the others, was utterly astounded by this divine speed that transcended physical limits.

"Oh my god, he's going over 320 kilometers per hour, his average speed is almost surpassing Elon's peak velocity," Cisco exclaimed in disbelief.

Caitlin struggled to contain her shock, her eyes wide as she stared at the monitor.

"Barry's cells are producing an unknown energy, much like Elon's cells generate electricity. This energy propels him to run even faster, like... like lightning."

As Caitlin finished, she looked back to the road where the red figure had vanished from their field of vision.

"This divine-like energy, so swift, passing by like a flash of lightning... Elon, you were right, Rocket Man doesn't suit Barry. He should be called Flash, for his lightning-fast speed."

Cisco agreed.

Elon nodded, "Indeed, the name Flash seems more fitting for Barry now. He deserves it."

Dr. Wells raised an eyebrow in surprise, giving Elon a sidelong glance without making it obvious.

Cisco laughed, "No problem, the clever Cisco will come up with another name for you."

Elon watched the distant road where the sky met the asphalt, the red silhouette flickering in and out of sight, and mused, "The Flash, such enviable speed."

"The Flash, with a heart of justice and kindness."

"On the van, Barry told me he'd use his powers to fight crime and protect Central City. I could see his genuine joy and excitement, his pride in protecting the innocent and combating evil with his abilities."

"The Flash, with the speed of lightning, striking against crime."

Elon knew Barry wasn't just talk; he would indeed become a hero of justice and kindness.

Next to Barry, Elon's powers seemed less luminous, less glorious, whether in reality or in the world of The Flash. Despite his abilities, Elon would not actively take on the role of protecting the city and fighting crime.

However, it didn't prevent him from assisting Barry. He was willing to help, or rather, support such radiant qualities of justice and kindness.

Cisco, clearly intrigued, remarked, "The Flash, fighting crime, it's going to make him even cooler. I like the name."

"But next time, the right to name is mine, Elon. Don't you dare steal it."

Elon shrugged, showing he was indifferent.

Caitlin, however, strongly objected to Barry's crime-fighting plans, insisting, "What? The Flash fighting crime? That can't happen."

Just then, Barry returned to the starting point, his breath slightly quickened, a red streak trailing behind him.

"How was that, everyone? Wasn't I cool?"

Barry was all smiles, having thoroughly enjoyed his run, feeling better than ever, almost elated.

Cisco gave him two thumbs up, "Too cool, Flash."

Before Elon and Dr. Wells could respond, Caitlin cut in sternly, "Barry, you cannot go fighting crime. You can't afford any injuries."

Barry looked at Caitlin, puzzled, then turned to Elon.

Elon gestured for Barry to speak up.

Feeling Elon's support, Barry gathered his courage and addressed the group, "I think with these abilities, it'd be a waste not to use them. I can save citizens from harm, stop crimes. I should be doing more."

Caitlin countered firmly, "That's the job of the police. You're not an officer; you're a forensic scientist."

"So what? I have the power, I should do more, not hide it away and do nothing. Why else would I have these abilities?"

"Just staying safe and alive is doing a lot," Caitlin declared sternly.