
[BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Jia Hyson finds he has hit the jackpot after he dies. He's got a system! He's a transmigrator! So cool! System: "Please help us fix the plot." Jia Hyson: "Of course!" System: "Firstly there are too many love interests." Jia Hyson: "Okay." System: "The main character is too annoying." Jia Hyson: "Um." System: "Needs more world building." Jia Hyson: "..." Oi, is he fixing the plot or is he rewriting the whole damn thing?! (This is not omegaverse, beta stands for beta reader) (This is bl/yaoi/danmei btw. 1v1, 2v1, 3+v1) Lovely Cover by my fanart empress @noc

LittleBlueLake · LGBT+
206 Chs



Jia Hyson threw down his arm, the whip in his hand follows through the actions, striking the ground with a fierceness that could rival any long sword. The boulder in front of him broke apart, leaving only a rough stump of rock half the height it was before. Wiping off his sweat with his free arm, Jia Hyson grins at the sight.

[Ding, ding! Whipper Snapper has increased to Level 4!]

This body was.. really too cool!

With a powerful sweep of his body, using the muscles from his legs up to his wrist he flicks the giant whip upwards before slamming swiveling his torso and slamming the weight of the whip down once more onto the rock, hitting it on it's side this time. The rock cracks under the attack but since the base was wide, it did not break as easily as before making Jia Hyson pout a little bit. However he shrugged it off, he's still young, he'll get there eventually.

It's been almost seven years and Jia Hyson will be reaching sixteen soon.

Even though he was no match to many other Samotrelians, his height has shot up, his muscles have become more defined and most of his soft cute features had matured into a more heroic, sexy and lively young man with a hint of soft youthfulness in his appearance he still couldn't yet shake off.

After years of training in the art of fighting and weaponry, Jia Hyson has chosen his preferred weapon of the uncommonly used whip. Unlike the usual whips nowadays, the Samotrelian version like so many other things was thick, heavy and full of destructive power. Generally the most powerful and painful part of the whip is the very tip known as the thong, which is able to break the sound barrier when one cracks a whip, hence the sound it makes.

However if one moves forward and gets hit by the middle part of the whip, the damage is lowered several times in comparison which makes it an unpopular weapon, especially for close combat. At least with the Samotrelian whip design it's heavy enough that, when executed well, getting hit by the rope can knock the air out of someone, or maybe even shatter their ribs if they were a normal person. Not to mention one could custom make the whip to add thorns or poisons. Still, many people had advised against such a weapon for Jia Hyson, recommending the lighter swords and spears and the more lethal hidden weapons and such that the original Farrell had ended up going for. But Jia Hyson refuses because:

Jia Hyson: 'Hehe, because whips are the sexiest weapons ah~ (≧◡≦) ♡'

Bebe: 눈_눈

Of course just because Jia Hyson had picked his preferred weapon didn't mean he could slack off learning how to wield others, he also was encouraged to learn the traditional and royal sword and spear techniques as well as some proficiency with the bow and arrow. That last one was supposed to be 'mastery with the bow and arrow' however Jia Hyson was bad with accuracy and remembering to consider the wind and so his teachers sort of gave up on him on that one.

Over the years he had gained the most basic whip mastery special skill [Whipper Snapper, young man you are still too simple! You are ten years to early to understand the greatness of the whip!] which gives him a small boost in both accuracy and power when using the whip and a general weapon mastery special skill [Future Weapons Master, one blade at a time you will walk the path to glory].

That last special skill was currently only at level 2 since he had only grasped some basic skills of various weapons and was only somewhat specialized in one. However this skill will help increase Jia Hyson's understanding and insight of wielding similar weapons of those he is already proficient in plus their related fighting styles with an extra effectiveness boost. It's a pretty good support skill. Better than that bullshit [Corruptor of Children] one at least.

With Prince Farrell's still decent physical stats (in Samotrelis terms) and Jia Hyson's bloodlust and intimate knowledge with human anatomy, he had shaped up to be quite a powerful opponent to fight. Even if he wasn't the strongest, he has a swift and flexible body and his whip which is just as swift and flexible, multiplied his damage output greatly.


Jia Hyson turns to the source of the familiar voice with a slight frown. "Symon, what are you doing here in the royal training grounds?"

Symon had grown up just as Jia Hyson expected, very handsome and masculine, looking roguish almost bordering on brutish with his large figure. Very pleasing to the eye. However after a quick admiring once over Jia Hyson's expression cools once more. "Well?" He stresses faintly annoyed.

The larger man lowers his head subserviently, a very different state compared to when they were children where the brat liked to bully so arrogantly.

Back then, the news that the youngest prince had been bullied by the big tribes' sons had spread quickly through the palace and the rest of the lands. King Kro had been furious, not to mention the rest of the royal family and the guilty parties and their families had to kneel outside the palace for five nights and six days before they could enter and once again beg for forgiveness for the children.

Even though most had more than one son, the ones sent to play with the little prince were of course their most favoured male children in hopes that they will one day become close friends with a member of the royal family. Who would have thought that these children were not only ungrateful and stupid, but so arrogant to not only bully but also strip the prince!

Of course as a consequence of such a humiliating affair, the King and Prince Farrell were kind enough not to consider this an act of rebellion and kill their whole family. However these big tribes had no choice but to suffer a few years afterwards as the royal family looked for other second-tier tribes for their various needs and trading, more or less ignoring the services of the five tribes or shortchanging them. And when the royal family does such a thing, of course the other tribes will follow in order not to offend them, causing the tribes of those bullies to fall further. Not enough to destroy the tribe but definitely enough to choke on their regrets. Even after so many years the heads of the Rhino, Bear, Elephant, Tiger and Boar tribes will think about it and want to beat those unruly bear children half to death!

In a way this incident also solved a few problems in Samotrelis. After all having only a select few tribes have a monopoly over certain essential goods was not great, and by investing more in the second tier tribes for a few years can inject more growth and stability to the prices of goods in the country among other things. By the time King Kro lifted his unofficial ban toward the Rhino, Bear, Elephant, Tiger and Boar tribes there were now multiple other tribes that could more or less compete with them for resources, goods and services, making it so there was no longer any more tribes that could dominate over others so greatly for the time being.

Except for the Whale tribe who was by the beach area and was too far away from all the chaos to be effected. But the Whale tribe was fairly chill and benevolent to the other oceanic tribes so it was okay.

Symon was still better off than his fellow bullies, since his father, while held in some contempt, managed to retain his position as the Head of the Royal Guard. After all, it's not like you can find men who can block bullets with their muscles anywhere. Even in Samotrelis where it seems everyone has eaten some sort of devil fruit that boosts their physical body in some manner. However, obviously after this, he was no longer the favoured son in the family. Due to him being the leader of the bullies, people in his tribe, including his parents, questioned both his character and ability to make decisions as a potential head of the tribe. Which. Fair enough.

Prince Farrell during that incident in contrast had completely whitewashed himself. Not only did he lower the punishments for the tribes, he was also willing to accept the bullies apologies and was willing to play with them afterwards as well, even becoming surprisingly close with the disgraced Symon. The people of Samotrelis felt that Prince Farrell had been deeply wronged before so all the selfish and tyrannical acts he had made beforehand were attributed to stress and such and was forgiven.

Little did they know…

"Farrell, you," Symon twisted the hem of his robe nervously, "you want to come over to our secret cave after training?" Symon flushes as he glances at Jia Hyson's chest, the pale brown skin glistening sweat like bronze, "I, I want to tell you something."

Jia Hyson raises his eyebrow and smirks, making his handsome face look mischievous and a touch cruel, "What's so important that you have to tell me there? You already barged into palace grounds. Uninvited I may add." His voice goes a touch colder, "You know how I don't like getting unexpected visits."

Symon swallows nervously and Jia Hyson could see Symon's eyes were dilated with lust and his breathing was heavy. His own smirk deepens.

Carelessly throwing away his training whip to the ground, he struts toward the towering hunk and smoothly wraps his arms around Symon's neck, giving him a flirtatious smile. "Don't tell me.. did you do this on purpose? Do you want me to be unhappy with you?"

On tip toes he leans in and whispers in Symon's ear, full of sinful intent, "Do you want to be… punished?"

Symon's breath, already heavy with anticipation turns ragged, revealing his excitement. Jia Hyson chuckles softly. For some people they can be a hard M or a hard S, but generally the line between S and M was actually thinner than people like to admit, especially for those self-proclaimed sadists. Jia Hyson loved to break them down into the Ms they secretly are.

Bebe: 'Bebe is confused about your preferences.'

Jia Hyson: 'That's easy. Depending on the person, I either like to bully or be bullied. I take in account appearance, personality, appearance and how much I like them.'

Bebe: 'You said appearance twice.'

Jia Hyson: 'I don't want to sound superficial but appearance is very important to me.'

Bebe: '…' How would you not sound anything but superficial?

Jia Hyson gently touches Symon's cheek before lightly, teasingly moving downwards, grazing the man's amazing abs, past his stomach, his fingers idly tracing the older man's mermaid lines before unabashedly gripping Symon's groin. Specifically, the thick heavy organ stiffening between his legs. "Mm.. we haven't even started anything and you're already half hard? How naughty," Jia Hyson teases.

Symon flushes but doesn't deny it.

After Symon was found out about the bullying back then, he was at his lowest. Yet after a few weeks Farrell came back to him and offered him friendship for a second time. Symon who had tasted his own bitter medicine by the other Rhino tribe's children that he had previously oppressed felt moved. Farrell, who he had bullied, had become one of the few friends he had, and even though Farrell had other friends, Symon secretly thought that Farrell must like him the most.

Over time Symon had also begun to develop feelings for Farrell. No, maybe it was more correct to say he had always had feelings for Farrell, who looked so slender and was paler and prettier than all the women on the island, but had never noticed due to childish immaturity. At first he was sure it was the youngest prince's unique looks that fascinated him in the beginning but after getting along with him for so long Symon felt that Farrell was really great.

Farrell was funny and interesting, even if he was a little lazy and spoilt it merely looked cute on him then annoying. Even though he was a little weaker than most people Symon thought, isn't it better? That way he can be the one to always protect and hold him in his arms.

However, these sort of thoughts he had kept deeply buried inside of his heart. Symon knew he didn't deserve to hold such amorous feelings toward Farrell, much less have the depraved fantasies he constantly indulged in during the night, of that time when he was about to strip and spank Farrell. Except in his fantasy Farrell was his current age, and Farrell was begging him with tears in his eyes, and this time he managed to go through the whole act without being interrupted, finally ending with Farrell lewdly getting fucked hard in his spanked ass by him.

But then half a year ago on Prince Farrell's fifteenth, the prince had drunk too much and kissed him, soft and filled with the intoxicatingly bittersweet taste of liquor and Symon was helpless to resist.

Prince Farrell had acted shy at first, however Symon did not want to give up now that he knew he might have a chance and wasted no time in confessing which was quickly accepted by a delighted Farrell. The next few weeks were full of sweetness that filled his heart and it didn't help that Farrell treated him especially well, pampering him, sending him gifts and being more attentive to him than even his parents. This sort of cute doting attitude, how can he not be satisfied?

Symon fell even deeper each and every day, and one night, he couldn't help himself. One night they were alone in the prince's room and Symon began to tentatively kiss Farrell, his larger hands roaming the soft coffee skin he had constantly dreamt off, moving faster and faster in his anticipation until-

Symon: '???'

Jia Hyson: 'Hehe.'

Symon: '!!!'

It turned out he ended up being eaten instead of eating.

At first, Symon couldn't accept this, but the body is more honest than the mouth and after getting eaten again and again by the surprisingly crafty prince, and enjoying it each time, he had to admit defeat. Nowadays he couldn't even get off without shoving something into his ass and tugging at his nipples, groaning loudly as he imagines Prince Farrell bullying him. His favourite fantasy has changed, with Farrell just about to be spanked before somehow reversing the situation and pinning Symon down in front of everyone, spanking and completely humiliating him in retaliation. It was fair to say Prince Farrell had trained his body well in the past few months.

"My prince…" Symon pants, "Please.. it's been so long."

Jia Hyson smiles but internally he was sighing, a little irritated. He's already played to his heart's content with Symon and now he was starting to feel a little… bored. To play with someone for over half a year was already very good ah. "It's only been a few days," his voice is light but if one heard closely they would notice how bland and emotionless it is. Fortunately Symon was too busy lightly thrusting his hips into Jia Hyson's hand like he was in heat. "Who knew the great Head of the Royal Guard's son was so eager for dick?"

Symon groans, embarrassed and excited by the words, "You're dick, only yours…"

Jia Hyson could feel his own lower regions heating up at the sultry moans of his former bully. Feeling a little eager himself, he lets go of Symon's now fully hard cock much to Symon's disappointment, and grabs his hand instead. "To my room," Jia Hyson domineering says and Symon could only enthusiastically nod as he uses his free hand to try cover his excitement from the onlookers that would be in the palace.

Walking briskly to his room, just a few meters away they bump into Sefu. Sefu's heterochromatic eyes stare at the entwined hands of Prince Farrell and his… Symon, and his expression darkens. "What is the meaning of this my prince? Weren't you meant to be practicing your whip arts for the whole afternoon?"

Jia Hyson glances to the door that leads to his room forlornly before turning his attention to his personal attendant slash bodyguard. "I did but then I realised me and Symon had some pressing matters to discuss."

Sefu sneers, as the person closest to the prince how could he not be aware of the nature of their relationship. "Oh? Pressing matters you say? Pray tell, what sort of matters are they?"

Jia Hyson grins, his smile cheeky and sly, "Personal ones, now please move aside Sefu."

"…Very well." Sefu says through gritted teeth. Even if he was in the position to advise and care for this no longer so little prince, he could not go against his words. Like it physically pained him to do so, he stiffly takes a step to the side. "Have fun talking about your… pressing matters your highness."

Jia Hyson laughs and pats Sefu's shoulders casual and dismissively with a smile before rushing toward his room, dragging Symon along with him. Symon shudders under the bodyguard's icy glare, quickening his pace to escape into Farrell's room.

"Don't you think your bodyguard dislikes me?" Symon tentatively asks.

Jia Hyson's smile turns flirtatious once more as he steps into Symon's personal space, "Does it matter what he thinks?" He questions back amusedly.

Symon shakes his head, "No, only you do my prince." He intelligently answers before raising his head up in a silent demand for a kiss which Jia Hyson generously complies to.

Sefu, who was standing in a dark corner away clenches his fists. A small wireless headphone in one ear producing the ambiguous sounds of moaning and flesh hitting flesh for him to listen to. His eyes flash darkly as the previous conversation echoed in his head.

Does it matter what he thinks?

Oh it'll matter.

It will.

One day.


"Symon, it's been fun but I think it will be better to stay friends instead."

Symon stiffens, his green eyes stare at the now indifferent but still beautiful appearance of the prince who had captured his heart and body, uncomprehending. "What?"

Jia Hyson smiles gently at the shocked older man. However even though the face was attractive, the words were quite repulsive to Symon's ears, "Your body is not bad to be able to keep me satisfied for over half a year, but I'm tired of this relationship. Let's break it off. Okay?"

Bebe: 'Wow. This is the first time I've seen Scum Hyson in action.'

Jia Hyson: 'Hey, unless you want to cultivate stalkers you have to cut off any misunderstandings ah.'

Bebe: '..How did you not get stabbed more?'

Jia Hyson: 'Hey, rude. I'll have you know I've gotten stabbed, punched and even once, poisoned. Once this girl hired an assassin to kill me but at that time I was dating this super hot guy from the Ministry of State Security so.' (Chinese version of CIA)

Bebe: '…'

Jia Hyson: 'But it turns out that dude was a real piece of work, when I broke it off because I found out he was married, he tried to frame me for the murder of his mistress… Actually in retrospect he may have already been planning to frame me before I broke it off but whatever.'

Bebe: 'New question. How did you not die sooner?'

Jia Hyson: 'I have a magical penis.'(∩❛ڡ❛∩)

Bebe: '…' (╬ಠ益ಠ) New question. Can Bebe castrate you?

"But... but..." Symon stutters, still half in denial. His eyes begin to redden and tears started to overflow. There was no trace of his usual arrogant demeanour that he had in front of other people. This sort of pathetic appearance was quite…

Jia Hyson resists the urge to lick his lips, eyes lowering to take in Symon's debauched appearance for the last time. Mn, he is going to miss him. It had been a long time since he trained someone so well after all. Drake Lanzoni had been willing to try for him but it turned out that the man genuinely wasn't interested in being bullied in such a manner, his character profile in the original story at that time was a true domineering stallion so there wasn't much they could do in that aspect.

"My prince, don't, don't do this, I-I love you," Symon pleads, grasping desperately at Jia Hyson's hand.

Jia Hyson holds back from rolling his eyes, and gives Symon a somewhat fond look. Like an owner looking at an idiotic pet. "Symon, please don't make this difficult. You know I hate that."

Symon's tears start to flow down. This big man, crying so woefully was a little uncomfortable to see but Jia Hyson just sighs and hugs Symon to his chest in his last act of comfort. He was Symon's first man after all, he can't be too callous ah.

Bebe: '…If Bebe could rate you, Bebe would say you are higher than pond scum but only slightly below sewage scum.'

Jia Hyson: '…'

"C-can I ask why?" Symon asks quietly after calming down a bit. Then in a darker voice he questions, "Is it Altan? That slutty bitch? Is he the reason why you no longer want me?"

Jia Hyson: '…' Well, he's not going to fuck Altan anytime soon now.

"No, it's not Altan," To be fair, Altan from the Tiger tribe had been the type to swoop when he was a kid and he was the type to swoop now. Recently Altan had been circling Jia Hyson, flattering him and utilising subtle seduction techniques as his eyes burn with want. Honestly, if there was a Vulture tribe, Altan could have been the leader.

Jia Hyson personally disliked Altan more than he did Symon when it came to that group of bullies so he was quite interested in fucking the man to incoherent tears. Unfortunately for the sake of Symon's mental state and Altan's health, he will have to push that endeavour to a later date.

"I've merely gotten bored of our relationship," Jia Hyson assures with words that really weren't assuring at all.

"Is, is it me? I can change!" Symon insists. Jia Hyson massages his forehead with growing irritation. He had forgotten how hard it was to break up with people.

"Symon, I'm just not interested in you anymore. It's that simple." Jia Hyson sighs again, "We can still remain friends and if you want we can even be casual sex friends but I no longer want to pursue a romantic relationship with you."

"…Give me some time to think about it." Symon finally relents gloomily. Putting on his robes, he leans toward Jia Hyson as if expecting a kiss before stopping and catching himself halfway. A flash of sadness passes through his eyes before wordlessly he leaves.

Jia Hyson groans and lays back on his bed, tired from the conversation and exhausted from the previous physical activity. Being on top was fun but too much work in his opinion, in the end he does have a preference for bottoming ah. Still, it's hard to be able to get such high quality dark-skinned muscular warrior shous ah. He might as well have his fill while it lasts (人´∀`)♡ .

Bebe: 'Host.'

Jia Hyson: 'Hm?'

Bebe: 'Go die.'

Jia Hyson: '...'

Jia Hyson: ‘Ah, the time to run free and wild has finally come!’(ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

Sefu, in a corner building a black box for JH: ‘One day... one day...’

Bebe, waiting for Sefu to finish his black box for JH: ‘One day... one day...’

So? How was it? It was a little smutty but don’t worry we will get smuttier!! I put the R-18 tag for a reason after all hehe

Also, check out my arc list that I posted! Oh and donate to my ko-fi!

LittleBlueLakecreators' thoughts