
[Ben 10] Omnivers:Reborn Branch

Max Turner wakes up in the body of Ben Tennyson, As he grapples with newfound realities and faces immediate threats, Professor Paradox appears, revealing that Max has crossed into a parallel branch of the main Primus world. Max, now in Ben's shoes, must navigate the complexities of being a hero while unraveling the mysteries of this alternate reality.

The_Segnis · テレビ
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Explaining

The morning sun filtered through Ben's window as he lay on his bed, his mind still swirling with the events of the previous night.

Staring at the ceiling, he replayed the moment of him saving the lives of people, realizing the weight of responsibility that comes with the Omnitrix on his wrist. His thoughts were interrupted by the familiar sound of his mom's voice, calling out that he'd be late for school if he didn't get moving.

Shaking off the remnants of his contemplation, Ben sighed and pushed himself up. "Another day of school," he muttered to himself, glancing at the clock. With a hurried pace, he prepared his bag, rushed downstairs, and wolfed down his breakfast, all while his mom reminded him of the ticking clock.

On the way to school, the weight of the Omnitrix on his wrist felt both comforting and burdensome. Thoughts raced through his mind about the challenges that lay ahead—juggling the responsibilities of being a high school student with the newfound duties of a hero. The spectre of old enemies and the ominous threat mentioned by Paradox loomed over him. reflective dialogue echoed in his thoughts.

The school day unfolded with the monotony of classes, and as it ended, Ben returned home. To his surprise, the Rust Bucket, his grandpa Max's iconic vehicle, was parked in front of the house. A feeling of unease settled in as he entered, finding his mom engaged in conversation with Grandpa Max and Gwen in the living room.

They all turned to look at him when he entered, their eyes holding a mix of concern and curiosity. Ben waved awkwardly, saying a hesitant "hi." His mom welcomed him home and instructed him to drop his things and freshen up. She casually mentioned that Grandpa Max and Gwen had dropped by to return some items he left in the Rust Bucket.

Confusion etched Ben's face. He was certain he had taken all his belongings with him, especially after the events with the Omnitrix.

The realization dawned on him – they must have known about what happened last night.

In the confined space of the Rust Bucket, Gwen and Grandpa Max confronted him with a barrage of questions.

They wanted to know how the Omnitrix, which they believed he had removed, was back on his wrist. Why hadn't he told them about what was going on? The air hung heavy with tension as Ben grappled with how to explain the unexplainable.

Gwen crossed her arms, her gaze sharp. "Ben, we thought you took that thing off. What happened last night? Why do you still have the Omnitrix on?"

Grandpa Max's eyes bore into Ben, a mixture of concern and sternness. "You know the potential dangers of keeping that device. So that you can live an ordinary life when you are coming back to school. We agreed it was for the best to remove it.

"Then last night's event." Max continued. Ben tried to play it off and denied it was him. "And don't try to deny it, because we saw the Omnitrix symbols on that Kineceleran," Max cut him off. "You should tell me, even Gwen too, about your decision to put that watch back on."

Max then turned the TV on. Show the reporter facing the camera with a sense of urgency.

The headline flashed on the screen, "Alien Hero Emerges to Save Lives in Fiery Night," accompanied by a captivating image of Ben's transformed Kineceleran form.

"Good evening, Bellwood. We bring you a truly extraordinary event that unfolded last night," the reporter began, a tone of excitement in their voice. "A mysterious alien, resembling a swift and agile creature, intervened in a blazing fire, demonstrating incredible speed and heroism."

On the screen, the image of Kineceleran Ben was displayed, capturing mid-transformation, a streak of green and black blending with the chaos of the fiery backdrop.

"The creature, which witnesses describe as a humanoid speedster, managed to save numerous lives by swiftly evacuating people from the danger zone. Eyewitness accounts attest to the alien's unparalleled speed and grace," the reporter continued.

The image of Kineceleran Ben morphing into action footage of the rescue.

"As we can see in this exclusive image, the heroic figure exhibits traits reminiscent of the legendary hero in an astonishing alien form, saving the day."

Cutting to an interview with a grateful local resident, the reporter sought first-hand accounts of the rescue. "He was like a blur! One moment, I'm trapped, and the next, I'm out of harm's way. Whoever that hero is, they saved us all."

The broadcast seamlessly transitioned to an expert discussing the possible origins of the heroic alien. "While the identity of this alien remains unknown, we, the citizens, thank you for the lives of people who were saved last night. Thank you."

The reporter concluded with an air of intrigue. As the news segment ended, the image of Kineceleran Ben lingered on the screen, leaving the viewers in Bellwood captivated and eager for answers.

"Last night you transformed into XLR8 and went to save people. We are proud that you saved those people; we just wanted to know why you did not tell us your decision, Gwen said, staring at Ben and waiting for his answers.

"Gwen, right, Ben, You could have at least told us. I'm curious how you got it. You gave it to me for safekeeping, and I kept it in a safe box," Max on the side said.

Ben shifted uncomfortably under their scrutiny. "Look, I know you guys want answers. Paradox only told me that there was a threat coming and that I had to be prepared to face it. That's all I know."

Gwen's eyebrows shot up in confusion as she asked, "Paradox? What are you talking about? Paradox is just words."

Max also looked puzzled, echoing Gwen's confusion.

Ben ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his expression. He muttered to himself, "Right, you haven't met him yet. It's still another 5 years for you to meet him," he said, addressing his future timeline.

"Well, Paradox is..." Ben began explaining; a portal opened before he could continue, and Professor Paradox emerged, standing in front of the three Tennysons. "I'll take it from here, young Tennyson."

Ben, sitting on the couch, looked at Paradox with appreciation, recognizing his timely arrival.

On the other hand, Gwen had her hand up, blue mana appearing on her hand, and Max looked prepared to tackle Paradox.

Paradox, observing their defensive stances, chuckled to himself. "Now, now, no need for such hostility. Your attacks won't work on me, I assure you."

Gwen lowered her hand, still sceptical. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Paradox, with a smile, responded, "I am Professor Paradox, a humble traveller navigating the vast tapestry of time. Time is like a river, and I am but a humble fisherman, casting my line across its currents. and dealing with temporal and multiversal threats, As for the Ben threat, it's a complex matter, my dear Tennysons. Sit down, and I shall elucidate the cosmic conundrum that has brought young Ben to this moment."

As Grandpa Max and Gwen cautiously lowered their guard but maintained a watchful eye on Paradox, the tension in the air thickened.

Ben, sensing the scepticism in their expressions, stood up to vouch for the enigmatic time traveller.

"Guys, I know this sounds crazy, but paradox is legit. He showed up last night, told me about some big threat coming our way, and that I needed to be ready for it. I didn't tell you because, well, I was still processing it myself."

Grandpa Max, his arms crossed, looked at Ben with a mix of concern and curiosity. "What kind of threat are we talking about here, Ben?"

Paradox, wearing his usual calm demeanour, stepped forward. Before Ben could respond, "Allow me to shed some light on the situation, Maxwell. You see, Ben here has found himself entangled in a complex web of alternate realities. The balance of these realities is in jeopardy, and his role in all this is pivotal."

Gwen, still sceptical, raised an eyebrow. "Entangled in alternate realities? Seriously?"

Ben nodded, trying to find the right words.

"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe, but Paradox here has a way of dealing with time stuff. He said we need to work together to face whatever's coming."

Grandpa Max sighed, exchanging glances with Gwen. "Alright, let's say we buy into this. What's the plan, Paradox?"

Paradox explained the intricacies of the situation, detailing the potential consequences if they failed to restore balance.

The Rust Bucket became a makeshift war room, with the trio listening intently to what unfolded before them.

"There's a new adversary on the horizon, a force that goes by the name of Aeonexus. This entity possesses the ability to manipulate the very fabric of time, causing disruptions across multiple realities. It's a threat unlike anything we've encountered before."

Gwen arched an eyebrow, her scepticism returning. "Aeonexus? It sounds ominous, but why would someone mess with time?"

Paradox nodded, acknowledging her doubt. "Aeonexus is not just someone, my dear. They are beings with a tragic past, driven to reshape time to undo personal losses. However, their actions threaten not only their reality but the entire Omniverse."

Grandpa Max sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "Alternate realities? This is getting more complicated. Ben, you should have told us about all of this before."

Gwen's expression tries to calm the tension, realizing the predicament Ben is in. "Okay, maybe it's a lot to take in, but we're a team. We've faced crazy things before. We can figure this out together."

Grandpa Max placed a hand on Ben's shoulder. "We'll help you, Ben. Whatever it takes. But we need to understand what we're dealing with."

As the Rust Bucket rumbled on, the trio and one eccentric time-traveller delved into a discussion, attempting to unravel the mysteries of Ben's predicament and the implications of his new enemy's presence in this alternate reality.

I think this style is a bit more toned down than the othe chapters. what you do think?

The_Segniscreators' thoughts