
[Ben 10] Omnivers:Reborn Branch

Max Turner wakes up in the body of Ben Tennyson, As he grapples with newfound realities and faces immediate threats, Professor Paradox appears, revealing that Max has crossed into a parallel branch of the main Primus world. Max, now in Ben's shoes, must navigate the complexities of being a hero while unraveling the mysteries of this alternate reality.

The_Segnis · TV
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Planning

Professor Paradox stood before the Tennysons, his expression grave. "Aeonexus poses an imminent threat to our dimension," he declared, his tone demanding attention. "I will protect it, but you must stay vigilant."

He elucidated the danger of Aeonexus, stressing the need for secrecy to safeguard their dimension. "Caution is paramount," he advised, fixing his gaze on Ben. "Your training begins now." The weight of responsibility settled on Ben's shoulders as he nodded in acknowledgement.

"Aeonexus is a cosmic anomaly," Prof. Paradox began, his voice measured and filled with the weight of eons. "It exists beyond time, a force that can unravel the very fabric of reality. Its hunger for timelines knows no bounds."

Ben, who is still grappling with the idea of being a superhero, furrowed his brow. "So, it's like a time-eating monster? How should we be defeating it, a monster or maybe an alien, and it can even eat time?"

"Maybe if we can find an alien that has time power we can feed it, be full stomach" hinting at the idea of a chrono sapiens alien.

Gwen who still doesn't know of alien species that well, shot him at a skeptical glance. "Ben, this isn't a Saturday morning cartoon. Aeo Something exus is a threat to the entire space-time continuum. What is the part of the eating time monster you can't get"

"and I don't think there is an alien that can manipulate time, have control of it. Is there?" Gwen not sounding so sure at all.

"Ae-on-nexus" Prof. Paradox corrected her, nodded in agreement. "Gwen is correct. Aeonexus is not a foe you can defeat with sheer strength alone."

"Even if you can find one, it will never be satisfied, it will get greedy and want more. It manipulates time, distorting events to suit its insidious agenda. It gets noticed by our dimension when there is a distortion in the timeline nexus, we must act strategically to thwart its plans."

Grandpa Max interjected, his eyes narrowing in thought. "Why now? Why is it targeting us?"

Prof. Paradox's looking up as if there is a line invisible to the naked eye, "A convergence of events, a distortion alignment in the nexus of time that has exposed our dimension to Aeonexus. That distortion weakens our defence, It senses vulnerability, and sets its target here."

As the revelation sank in, Ben clenched his fists. "Alright, so what's the plan? How do we stop this thing?"

"First, we must conceal our dimension from its prying tendrils," Prof. Paradox explained. "I will hide and distract it from this dimension, but know that I don't know how much time it can buy you, you must remain vigilant. Aeonexus is cunning, and it will test the barriers."

Prof. Paradox nodded. "Meanwhile. I will depart to gather reinforcements from across the multiverse. But in the meantime, Ben, your training begins. Aeonexus will not wait, and you must be prepared."

The weight of responsibility settled on Ben's shoulders as Prof. Paradox handed him a device – a small, silver metallic disc, like a badge, with intricate circuit patterns etched on its surface. It features a translucent, holographic centrepiece that lights up when activated.

The holographic display showcases a dynamic interface, indicating the quantum connection's status. The edges of the badge are smoothly contoured, and it attaches securely to Ben's clothing, resembling a futuristic, stylish accessory. that could recreate scenarios involving Aeonexus.

"Learn to anticipate its moves, understand its patterns. Time is of the essence. If you need help you can do that, it is a communication device linked to mine. You'll know what to do."

With a determined nod, Ben accepted the device. The room buzzed with a newfound sense of purpose as Prof. Paradox concluded, "Stay focused, Tennysons. Our dimension's fate rests on your shoulders."With those words, he vanished into the time stream, leaving the family with a heightened sense of urgency.

As Prof. Paradox exited, leaving the Tennysons in a charged silence, Ben couldn't shake the gravity of the situation. The reality of being Earth's defender had never been more apparent. The Device blinked symbolizing the arduous journey that lay ahead for the Tennysons.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Ben replied, trying to inject some levity into the serious situation. His attempt at humour, however, couldn't dispel the tension in the room.

Gwen sighed, breaking the silence. "So, training, huh?" She eyed Ben, who was fidgeting with the Omnitrix.

"Yeah, no pressure, right?" Ben grinned, attempting to downplay the gravity of the situation.

Grandpa Max, however, maintained a stern expression. "This is serious, Ben. Aeonexus won't wait for you to be ready." His words carried the weight of experience, a reminder of battles fought and enemies faced.

The room was filled with an air of anticipation as Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max gathered to discuss their strategy. Grandpa Max, ever observant, couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in the Omnitrix.

Grandpa Max: "Ben, something seems different about the Omnitrix. What's going on?"

Ben, lounging on the couch, looked nonchalant but ready to explain. "Oh, just a recalibration. The Omnitrix is adapting to my style, making it even more versatile.


Gwen, intrigued, chimed in. "Recalibration? Tell me more, Ben."

Ben, enjoying the attention, leaned forward and began elaborating on the technicalities, emphasizing the thrill of discovering new aliens and abilities.

Ben, grinned and sat up, ready to share. "It's like the Omnitrix is levelling up with me. The more I use it, the better it gets at understanding my style. I think it's updating like software And trust me, it's unlocking some seriously cool aliens and powers. Look at it, it is now less chunky and more sleek-thin so I can hide it and won't be exposed."

Grandpa Max, with a mix of curiosity and caution, probed further. Grandpa Max: "That sounds promising, Ben, but we can't afford any surprises in the heat of battle. How reliable is this recalibration?"

Ben, with a confident nod, assured his grandfather. "Don't worry Grandpa, Updating it gets more features, it is working well. I think?" Not sounding so sure, "I don't think it is giving a random alien this time."

"Don't worry, I got this, putting together a solid training plan to make sure we're ready for anything."

"Training plan? You have a plan, tell me more. What's the strategy?" Gwen Mocked.

Ben, leaning forward, began out."I'm going to master these new transformations and make them second nature. And with you guys helping me, Grandpa's helping with combat strategies, and we'll work on synchronizing our moves. This recalibration is a game-changer, but we're not leaving anything to chance."

"that sound... Like a good plan"Gwen, with a confused, shocked face, Ben this time can formulate a plan that sounds reasonable.

"Yeah, you do that and we'll be helping. Now in the meantime, I will try to contact the plumbers and get it to restart again, more helping hand" Max said.

"You... different, Ben, "Gwen stares straight at Ben's face

"what do you mean, I'm different "Ben, a little panicked, he is doing things a little differently but not a lot.

"I don't know, you...seem different that all" Gwen replied

"Well maybe, there is a huge threat that is a monster that is eating time, that is going to come here and eat our dimensions. So I thought, maybe I should be more serious and responsible" Ben still panicked, hoping that she buy it.

"It's good that you are taking things seriously Ben, I'm proud that you matured"Saved again, this too by Max."Now, you still have school so go home and get some rest, we'll talk about it tomorrow. We still have time, but be cautious Ben."

"right, goodnight Grandpa, goodnight Gwen" Rushing outside, Ben said, "I got homework to do, so I gotta go first.


"Good night Ben, and worry too much we'll be by your side, right Gwen?"Max.

"Yeah, we'll be right by you," Gwen said, still looking suspiciously at Ben going through the door.

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