
"Football manager" system

In the vibrant world of football, In year 2027 a young prodigy named Kay dreams of becoming a famous soccer player. However, destiny takes a dramatic turn when a tragic accident costs Kay his dreams. Despite this devastating loss, Kay refuses to give up on his dreams, and he chose another road. ----------- Chapters will be shared every day, so stay tuned for regular updates. For more chapters or if you want to support my work, please visit my Patreon page. I share chapters on Patreon daily; my link below: patreon.com/BestCoach85

Best_Coach_9192 · セレブリティ
55 Chs

Tactics for next match

If the story receives 30 power stones in the next 24 hours, I will share one additional chapter tomorrow.

Kay has started his first match with his new team. You can check out the action in the advanced chapters.

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Kay spent a lot of time looking up information about the Tigers' academy. He found out that they had won their last two matches. 

They had one really good star player, but the rest of the team was just average. 

Their strategy was balanced, meaning they could play both defense and offense well depending on the situation. 

On Tuesday morning, Kay gathered his players to share what he had learned about the Tigers. He stood before them, ready to explain. 

"Listen up, team, I've spent a lot of time studying the Tigers' academy. They've won their last two matches, so they're on a winning streak and full of confidence. But here's what's interesting: they have a one-star player who stands out, but the rest of their team is average. This means their tactics might revolve around this key player." 

The kids listened intently, absorbing every word. 

Kay continued, "Their tactic is balanced. They aren't strictly defensive or offensive; they adapt based on the situation. This makes them unpredictable, so we need to be ready for anything. We'll need to stay focused and flexible, just like we've practiced. If we can neutralize their star player and force the rest of the team to step up, we'll have a significant advantage." 

He looked at his team and continued. "Stay focused, keep your heads up, and trust in each other." 

The session continued, and Kay led the kids through drills specifically designed to counteract the strategies he anticipated from the Tigers. 


The next day, Kay gathered his team and made an important announcement. 

"For our next match, we're going to use a 2-2-2 formation," he began. "We'll have two defenders, two midfielders, and two wingers." 

The kids listened intently as Kay announced the starting lineup. "In goal, we have Ethan," he said, and Ethan smiled confidently. "Our defenders will be Aiden and James." 

Mark felt disappointed. He was used to playing as a principal defender and had been working hard on his positioning, but he will not play in this crucial match. Then Kay continued, "Our midfielders will be Michael and Mark." 

Mark was taken aback. He had never played as a midfielder before and was unsure how to react. He looked at Kay with a confused expression. 

Kay noticed Mark's reaction and addressed it immediately. "I know this is a new position for you, Mark, but there's a good reason for this change," Kay explained. 

"You're not being moved permanently; it's just for this match. Your job will be to watch Aaron, the star player of the Tigers' academy. As a midfielder, you'll have more freedom to move around the field and follow Aaron wherever he goes." 

Mark's confusion turned to curiosity as Kay continued. "This way, your positioning issues won't be as much of a problem. You'll be able to focus on marking Aaron and disrupting his play. Trust me, you're the best person for this job." 

Mark nodded, feeling apprehensive. He realized that Kay had a lot of faith in him and was giving him a crucial role in the game. 

This was an opportunity to prove himself and help his team in a significant way. 

Kay then finished the lineup announcement. "Our wingers will be Taylor and Liam," he said, and the two boys exchanged excited looks. 

Kay could see the mix of emotions on his players' faces and decided to give them some more reassurance. 

"I believe in each and every one of you. This formation and lineup are designed to give us the best chance against the Tigers. We'll train hard, and I know you'll be ready. Mark, I know this is a big change, but I believe you can handle it. You've got the skills and the determination to make a real impact." 

The team nodded, their confidence boosted by Kay's words. They knew they had a tough match ahead, but with Kay's guidance and the new strategy in place, they felt ready to take on the challenge. 

Kay stood in front of his team, the sun casting long shadows across the training field. The players formed a semi-circle around him, eyes focused and attentive. 

With a tactical board beside him, Kay began outlining their strategy for the upcoming match against the Tigers. 

"Alright team, listen up. We'll be using a defensive and counter-attacking approach," Kay started, using a marker to draw their formation on the board.

"We'll stick to our 2-2-2 formation. Our main objective is to stay solid at the back and exploit the spaces on the counter." 

He pointed to the midfield area. "Mark, you have a special role. You'll be our shadow for Aaron, the Tigers' star player. Stick to him like glue. Don't give him any space to breathe. And also, Michael will assist you. Michael, support Mark when needed, but don't get too drawn in and leave a gap behind you. We need to stay compact." 

The team nodded, understanding the importance of maintaining their shape. Kay continued, "Now, we have two scenarios to prepare for. If the Tigers come out attacking, we'll focus on quick counter-attacks. Our speed on the wings with Taylor and Liam will be crucial here." 

He pointed to the wingers on the board. "Taylor, Liam, your synchronization is key. When one of you drops back to help in defense, the other should be ready to exploit the space left by the Tigers' defense. We need to be quick and decisive." 

The players absorbed the information, nodding as they visualized their movements on the field. Kay then outlined the second scenario. 

"If the Tigers decide to play defensively, we'll match their patience. We'll defend solidly and wait for the right moment. In the last period of the match, when Aaron and their players are exhausted, we'll switch to a more aggressive approach and push for the winning goal." 

Kay looked around at his team, making eye contact with each player. "This tactic relies on discipline and teamwork. Stay focused, and remember your roles. We can win this if we play smart and stick to our plan." 

The team responded with a unified, determined nod.

"Yes, coach" 

Kay gathered Taylor, Mark, Michael, and Aiden aside from the rest of the team, who were engaged in a simulation match under Ramirez's supervision. 

The selected players formed a tight circle around Kay. 

"Alright, guys," Kay began, setting down a small whiteboard with the field layout.

"We need to focus on how to handle Aaron, their star striker. Mark, you'll be shadowing him, but we need to be smart about our positioning to avoid trouble; I don't talk about yours but, the positioning of all the team." 

He pointed to the midfield and defensive zones on the board. "When Aaron is further up the field, Michael, you'll assist Mark. Stay close, but don't get sucked in too deep and leave a gap behind. Your job is to support and make it difficult for Aaron to get the ball cleanly." 

Kay then moved his marker closer to the defense line. "Now, when Aaron and Mark approach our defensive line, Aiden, that's where you come in. Only intercept if they're very close. We can't afford for you to leave your position too early and create gaps. Timing is everything. Remember, Aiden, you're our last line of defense." 

Turning to Mark, Kay emphasized the importance of his role. "Mark, there will be times when you'll be on your own against Aaron. Don't try to anticipate the ball too much. Aaron is tricky and can easily feint past you. Stay in front of him, make him uncomfortable, and limit his options. Your goal is to guide him toward Michael or Aiden whenever possible."

He used the whiteboard to illustrate specific scenarios, showing how Aaron might move and how they should respond. 

"Think of yourselves as a unit. Michael and Aiden, keep talking to Mark and let him know if you're stepping in. Mark, stay calm and composed. The more frustrated Aaron gets, the better it is for us." 

Kay looked at each player, ensuring they understood their roles. "Let's practice these situations until they become easy. We have some days left, and we can turn this knowledge to our advantage." 

Kay continued, adding more detail about Aaron to help Mark and Michael understand their opponent better. "From what I've read about Aaron, he's not just any striker. He's exceptionally fast, and his dribbling skills are top-notch. He's got a Talent for weaving through defenses with ease. On top of that, his shooting accuracy is impressive for someone his age. He's a complete package, so we need to be at our best." 

Then Kay added."I think that the best strategy to reduce his danger is to ..." 

See you in the next chapter ... 

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